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All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |
Doctor of Philosophy: Geographical Information Science |
63709 | Doctor of Philosophy: Geographical Information Science | |||
SGB Geographical Information Sciences | ||||
- | HEQSF - Higher Education Qualifications Sub-framework | |||
Doctoral Degree | Field 12 - Physical Planning and Construction | Physical Planning, Design and Management | ||
Undefined | 360 | Level 8 and above | NQF Level 10 | Regular-ELOAC |
Passed the End Date - Status was "Reregistered" |
SAQA 10105/14 | 2015-07-01 | 2018-06-30 | |
2019-06-30 | 2022-06-30 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. |
This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. |
The principal purposes of the qualification are to: > Who are capable of undertaking GISc related research at an advanced level. > Whose work will be to the advantage of the national economy. > With the capacity to work independently on advanced research projects. > Who are competent to work as educators and researchers in institutions of higher learning. > With the capacity to work in teams appointed to conduct advanced research. > For employment in fields of economic activity related to the built environment. The following illustrates how the qualification addresses the objectives of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF): NQF Objectives: Recognition of Prior learning: Articulation/Progression: Category; Qualification; Current NQF Level; Envisaged NQF Level: Life-Long learning: Produces qualifying learners who are prepared for and understand the principles of: Rationale: The Doctor of Philosophy in Geographical Information Science (PhD GISc) is awarded on successful completion of research which makes a substantial and original contribution to the international body of knowledge related to the built environment, encourages and supports pursuance of related research-based enquiry and promotes the dissemination of previously-unpublished information in GISc. It is important to note that a learner having gained this qualification and the required experience, should be able to register with the South African Council for Professional and Technical Surveyors (PLATO) in terms of Act 40 of 1984 and through this body's reciprocal agreements with other similar bodies gain international recognition. The research, and other advanced study which may be required, is undertaken under the guidance of a supervisor or supervisors appointed for that purpose. The qualification is for persons who: Intended to assist all relevant stakeholders and role-players, such as potential employers operating in the built environment or other fields related to physical planning and construction, curriculum developers and providers of learning programmes, all education and training bodies, moderators, learners and their parents, to understand the criteria which determine the level and the outcomes associated with this postgraduate programme. |
It is assumed that learners are already competent in:
Recognition of Prior Learning: This qualification can be obtained wholly or in part through the recognition of prior learning. Learners desiring entrance to the programme leading to this Qualification are: Access to the Qualification: OR |
Y |
A minimum of 360 credits is assigned to the qualification, which is awarded for the successful completion of a research thesis. |
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the construction of knowledge within a relevant field of study and apply that understanding to knowledge creation and application.
2. Demonstrate a thorough familiarity with the relevant literature. 3. Demonstrate the knowledge to independently plan, implement and execute a research activity. 4. Demonstrate the ability to do and publish quality original research. Critical Cross-Field Outcomes: This qualification promotes, in particular, the following cross-field outcomes: Ability to solve problems: Work effectively with others as a member of a team/group/organisation or community: Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively: Collect, organise and critically evaluate information: Communicate effectively using visual, Mathematics and language skills in the modes of oral and written presentations: Use science and technology effectively and critically (showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others): Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems: |
Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: Associated assessment criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: Integrated Assessment: Formative assessment practices that will be implemented: Summative assessment practises that will be implemented: The learner must demonstrate: |
An accepted Doctoral study, whether solely research-based or based on a programme of specified study combined with the production of a dissertation, is required to be of a standard and rigour comparable with international benchmarks. Required quality is assured by the design and implementation of external examination systems associated with doctoral degree programmes. Extensive International comparability was conducted with various countries and the following countries were chosen because of their best practice.
Australia: Queensland University of Technology: Graduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems: Potential Careers: Topics in Spatial Information Science: Remote Sensing: This unit includes the following: history and principals of remote sensing; types of imagery, image interpretation, satellite systems; supervised and unsupervised image classification; interpretation, analysis and presentation of data; applications in the earth sciences. Specialisation: This unit ensures personalised study that supports the student's elected specialisation and contributes directly to the better understanding of the research project topic. Students undertake study to develop specialised knowledge and skills related to the specific specialisation and to support the direction of the proposed research project topic. Study is taken from specific programs offered by the School, or from advanced units within the University or, where appropriate, through another university or through specialist studies offered by staff in their areas of expertise and approved by the Head of School on the recommendation of the student's supervisor. Geographic Information Systems: This unit investigates the basic concepts of geographic information systems. Topics to be covered include components of GIS, spatial databases, data acquisition, reference frameworks, use of photographs and images, spatial analysis and graphic output design issues. The unit will highlight the importance of geographic information systems the unit will highlight the importance of geospatial positioning applications in society. USA: Northwest Missouri State University offers a Master of Science degree in Geographic Information Science. The program includes courses on modelling with GIS, Geostatics, Cartographic design, GIS database design and project management. University at Buffalo: The University at Buffalo offers a doctoral degree concentration in Geographic Information Science - an emerging interdisciplinary field that incorporates innovative research in environmental science, social science, information science, and engineering. The goal of the program is to prepare Ph.D. students with the interdisciplinary background and the technical, professional and personal skills needed for careers in Geographic Information Science. Students in the GI Science concentration at the University at Buffalo take a core of courses in GI Science, while also completing requirements for doctorates in any of the seven discipline-based departments: GI Science students obtain research training through individualized faculty mentoring, and participate in active research programs under three broad themes: Geographic Information Science, Geographic Environmental Science, and Geographic Social Science. Students also gain a wealth of practical experience through internships, international opportunities, and participation in workshops, conferences, and fieldwork. By awarding degrees in traditional disciplines, while having an inherently interdisciplinary curriculum, the GI Science Concentration allows students to combine an innovative program of study suited to our rapidly changing world with the solid credentials of an established doctoral degree. Curtin University of Technology: Curtin offers a wide range of master and doctoral degrees by research. To qualify as a research degree, at least two-thirds of the required work for the award must be research. The award of a Master's (by Research) or a PhD indicates that a student has contributed substantially to the knowledge or understanding in a field, and is capable of carrying out independent research. University of Dallas: To receive the PhD in Geospatial Information Sciences, students must complete the Geospatial Science Core (15 SCH) to achieve a mastery of GI Science technologies and theory, have a Geospatial Specialization Area (15 SCH), have a Specific Application area or Technical field (12 SCH), evidence research skills through successful completion and defense of a PhD dissertation, and take related electives as necessary for a total of 90 semester credit hours. In addition, students must satisfy a set of exams and qualifiers. Other courses may be substituted for those listed below with the written permission in advance of the Director of the GIS Doctoral program. Geospatial Science Core (15 credit hours): Geospatial Specialization Area (select from one, with a minimum of 15 credit hours): Identified by the student with approval in advance by the Director of the GIS Doctoral Program. Application Area or Technical Field (12 SCH): Twelve semester-credit hours of specialized course work in an application area or technical field relevant to GIScience. Normally, these will derive from the student's masters degree. These hours may be transferred from another institution, or taken at UTD in an existing master's program area and may be applied toward a master's in that area. Research and Dissertation (24-48 credit hours which could include): Other Related Electives (0-24 credit hours): Ph.D. Research Project Qualifier: All doctoral students must register for and complete GISciences PhD Research Project Qualifier. This requires completion, according to uniform guidelines established by the GIS program, of a GIS Research draft proposal and its evaluation by a committee of at least three GIS faculty, two of whom are chosen by the student with approval of the Director of the GIS Doctoral Program, and the third is appointed by the Director of the GIS Program and represents the program. The committee will judge the quality of the project as it exemplifies the student's potential to conduct original research (including their ability to define their research objective, survey literature, develop an appropriate design, etc.) and the strength of the student's course record to date, and make a determination of the student's suitability to continue toward the PhD degree. The student must receive a PASS. If a FAIL is recorded, the course may be repeated one time only in the immediate following semester, including Summer. This course will normally be taken after the student has completed between 15 and 30 hours. A student must register for GISC 7389 in the semester immediately following the one in which he/she first accumulates 42 or more hours. GISC 7389 GIScience Research Project Qualifier can substitute for GISC 6389 GIScience Master's Project, but not the reverse unless a special petition is presented and granted. United Kindom: University of Edinburg: (Honours) > Plane Surveying. > Information Technology. > Quantitative Methods. > Mapping (including field scheme). > Introduction to GIS. > Applications in GIS. > Applied Information Technology. > Data Acquisition and 3D Modelling. > Legal Framework for Geomatics. > Handling Spatial Data. > Analysing Spatial Data. > Digital Cartography. > Dissertation. > Management Studies in Geomatics. > Professional Studies in Geomatics. > Options - choice of two (there may be timetable implications). > Geographical Information Management. > Spatial Data Analysis. > Integrated Water Management. > Information Technology Applications. > Cadastre and Land Administration. You will have a mixture of timetabled classes and dedicated. Kingston University London: BSC. Honours: > Introduction to GIS 1. > GIS Techniques 2. > Applications of Geo-Analysis 3. > Mathematics and Statistics. > Sustainable Development: Issues and Concepts. > Investigating the Earth and Environment I. > Investigating the Earth and Environment II. > Understanding the Environment. > Geographical Analysis and Modelling 4. > GIS Enterprise and Research 5. > Spatial Databases 6. > GIS Software Development 7. > Remote Sensing and Image Processing 8. > Digital Mapping 9. > Geodemographic Analysis 10. > Mobile GIS (overseas fieldwork) 11. > Contemporary Issues in GIS 12. > Geo-visualisation 13. > Crime Patterns and the Environment 14. > Systems Analysis and Design > Applications of Remote Sensing 15. > Land Information Systems 16. > Geodemographic Analysis 10. > GIS and hazards 17. > GIS Dissertation (double) 18. > GIS Dissertation (single). > Water Resources Management. > Ecology and Conservation in Temperate Ecosystems. > Geography of Recreation and Tourism. > Global Environments: Strategic Assessment (overseas fieldwork). Geographical Information Systems (GIS) MSc programmes Postgraduate GIS courses at Kingston: There are two MSc programmes in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) at Kingston: The two MSc programmes in GIS both operate within Kingston University's modular course system, each comprising eight taught modules and a research project. The courses have been designed to provide a flexible learning environment to suit all needs, whether you prefer face-to-face contact or are currently in employment and wish to take a non-contact course to study in your own time. What does one study? The MSc GIS programmes at Kingston University provide the high quality education needed to meet the needs of users of geotechnology or those seeking to enter a career in GIS. Students will gain a high level of competency in the principles of GI Science and the use of geotechnology; they will be able to routinely use professional software for data acquisition, handling, exploration and mapping. Knowledge and skills in spatial analysis and spatial databases will provide students with the skills to develop GIS in addition to working with GIS in a range of environments for crime mapping, health analysis, hurricane prediction, 3d modelling and animation and many more. The MSc GIS programmes have a number of key overarching features. You will: Core modules: Applied GIS option modules (choose three): GIS and Science option modules (choose two): Sweden: University of Gävle: Bachelor's degree: The bachelor's degree is attained after the student has completed the course requirements of 180 credits with particular focus decided by the individual college, of which at least 90 credits will be for gradual specialisation within the main area of study. To gain the Bachelor's degree the student shall, within the framework of the: As a result of the course the student shall have developed the skill and ability to: On completion of the course the student shall: Programme description: > Main area Geomatics: The programme consists of the main area Geomatics which is an internationally accepted co mprehensive term for individual academic disciplines concerning geographical information. These comprise: photogrammetry, geodesy, surveying, cartography, GIT and remote sensing. In GIT, GIS (geographical information systems) plays a central role as an effective tool. Courses in these disciplines are sometimes identical with courses in geography and spatial planning. > Thesis: The programme concludes with a bachelor's thesis. In the thesis the student shall show that they can independently carry out a bigger project where they both show proof of the ability to integrate knowledge from the areas studied and to choose relevant methods for solving complex problems. Generally it is important that in the thesis knowledge from earlier studies is applied, broadened and deepened. Students shall show through their thesis that those goals for a basic university education as given in the Higher Education Act and the Bachelor's degree education as given in the Higher Education Ordinance and the special goals stated in this course of teaching have been achieved. Upon completion of the course the student should be able to take into account the human scientific and environmental demands when solving problems and developing programmes, and has the prerequisites to work for an environmentally adapted technology. The working methods that practice these abilities are therefore central to the programme. Year 1: Credits Level Main area: Year 2: Credits Level Main area: Year 3: Credits Level Main area: Those who qualify to be admitted to the Bachelor of Science programme in Geomatics are those who fulfil the conditions for basic qualification as given in the Higher Education Ordinance as well as the following particular qualifications (or equivalent) Degree of Bachelor of Science in Geomatics, 180 credits. India: Centre for Continuing Education, Cept University, Ahmedabad: Diploma in Geomatics: The Diploma in Geomatics Programme is of one year duration. It is divided into two semesters.The classes are conducted for six days a week, except Sunday from 6.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. This course covers Geospatial Science, Cartography, Physics of Remote Sensing, Principles of Aerial Photography, Fundamentals of GIS, Global Positioning System, Spatial Data Base Management, Programming Language, Research Methodology and Statistics. The hands-on practical knowledge is given equal emphasis to learn Digital Image Interpretation, GIS and GPS applied to real time problem solving through case studies and assignments. Advance Diploma in Geomatics: The duration of Advance Diploma is of two years, comprising of four semesters. The curriculum of first two semesters remains similar to that of the course on 'Diploma in Geomatics'. This course covers Advance Remote Sensing, Digital Photogrammetry, Advance GIS, Applications of GPS, Relational Data Base Management System, Advance Programming Language, Web GIS and Internet Mapping, Location Based System and Navigation. The hands-on practical knowledge is given equal emphasis to give applied knowledge of real time problem solving through case studies, assignments and a project. Masters in Geomatics: The three year Degree course of Masters in Geomatics primarily aims at creating expertise in the field of Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing. The six semester course provides a complete technological knowledge of the subject leading to design and execution of projects based on Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS. Keeping pace with the advancement in the technology the candidates are prepared to face challenges and adopt futuristic approach to cope up with the requirement and arrive at complete solutions for effective planning and management. This course covers High Level of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS, Modeling, Software Development and Technical Applications and Dissertation. Periodical group discussions, presentations, preparation of project proposals, their execution, report writing is compulsory. China: University of Hong Kong: Master of Geographic Information Systems (MGIS) degree programme on a two-year part-time and a 16-month full-time basis. Alternatively, a Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems (PDipGIS) is available for one-year part-time study. Programme Requirements: Applicants will normally be required to hold a good honours degree or a relevant professional qualification of equivalent standard with appropriate experience. Three programme options are available to suit individual needs - (1) MGIS two-year part-time, (2) MGIS 16-month full-time and, (3) PDipGIS one-year part-time. Pending satisfactory academic performance, PDipGIS candidates may declare their intention to transfer to the second year of the two-year part-time: At the end of completing the PDipGIS programme, students should be able to: In addition to the above skills, students of the MGIS programme should have acquired the knowledge to: Additional Pedagogic Requirements for MGIS Programme: In addition to the courses, students will be required to attend a series of seminars to be offered by scholars and practitioners in the field. Field trips are designed to provide opportunities for students to examine first hand geographic information systems applications in Hong Kong. Candidates of the MGIS programme must also complete a dissertation (see below): GEOG 7230 MGIS Dissertation: The course includes two parts: (i) a topic study or research project, and (ii) oral presentation. A topical study or research project must be completed in the form of a dissertation of 10,000 - 20, 000 words, with a focus on GIS in an applied setting (such as planning, environmental protection and management, transport, housing, civil engineering, or architecture). The choice of topics may vary from year to year in response to demand and student composition. Each candidate is also required to present their research project proposal in the "Dissertation Seminars". Coursework: Candidates must satisfy the examiners in coursework assessment for each of the courses (excluding the dissertation). The assessment of coursework will include oral presentation, written assignments, tests, laboratory and practical work. Examinations: Examinations will be held at the end of each semester. Some courses are assessed by 100% coursework. Comparisons with similar programs that is available has shown that the South African range of qualifications is much more comprehensive. It is concluded from the above that South Africa compares favourably with countries such as Australia, Canada, India, USA, UK and the Sweden, which are considered to have best practice in GIS Science and Technology research. |
This qualification allows for both horizontal and vertical articulation:
Examiners/assessors are appointed in a manner which is consistent with the quality assurance system of an institution offering the programme.
However the following criteria should be considered: |
As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. |
Learning Pathway:
The learning pathway for Geographical Information Science is as follows: Other relevant specifications of the HEQF policy will be included in the qualification. |
This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. |
All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |