SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Identify community issues in relation to conservation 
12649  Identify community issues in relation to conservation 
SGB Nature Conservation 
Field 01 - Agriculture and Nature Conservation Nature Conservation 
Undefined  Regular  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
2005-09-13  2008-09-13  SAQA 0160/05 
2009-09-13   2012-09-13  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This unit standard does not replace any other unit standard and is not replaced by any other unit standard. 

A person assessed as competent against this unit standard will be able to recognise that conservation and communities impact on each other in both positive and negative ways.
The qualifying learner will understand the dynamics involved in conservation undertakings, and be able to recognise that negotiation and trade-offs need to be made.

This competence will equip the qualifying learner with the skills required to undertake an important role in nature conservation and will enhance the employability of the qualifying learner in both nature conservation and other related jobs.

In addition the qualifying learner will be well positioned to extend their learning and practice into other areas of conservation, or to strive towards conservation standards and practices at higher levels. 

A person taking this unit standard is assumed to have some basic literacy. It is suggested that qualifying learners should be familiar with the unit standards `Understand the Nature and Importance of Conservation` and `Develop Personal Conservation Ethics` at NQF Level 1. 

Guides to the scope and complexity of the specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge are provided in bullet points beneath each. These are prefaced by "e.g." since they are neither comprehensive nor necessarily appropriate to all contexts. Alternatives must however be comparable in scope and complexity. 

Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: 

Show an understanding of what makes up different types of communities. 
For example:
  • Community structures, role players and stakeholders at a local level
  • Protocols such as the role of Amakhosi, municipality, local government, civic structures and informal social structures 


    When conducting assessments, assessors must ensure that they are familiar with the full text of the Unit standards being assessed.

    They must ensure that the assessment covers the specific outcomes, critical cross-field outcomes and essential embedded knowledge.

    As each situation is different, it will be necessary to develop assessment activities and tools, which are appropriate to the contexts in which learners are working. These activities and tools may include self-assessment, peer assessment, formative and summative assessment.
    Please note: learners for this standard may be unemployed, self-employed or in full employment. Assessors must ensure that assessment methods are appropriate for the learner's context.

    The specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in relation to each other. If a learner is able to explain the essential embedded knowledge but is unable to perform the specific outcomes, they should not be assessed as competent.
    Similarly, if a learner is able to perform the specific outcomes but is unable to explain or justify their performance in terms of the essential embedded knowledge, they should not be assessed as competent.


    Assessment should include practical demonstration of competence, either in the workplace or through work-related, out-of-classroom simulation.

    A range of assessment methods should be used, including:
    Direct observation - watch the learner carry out the task or produce a desired outcome during the course of his or her normal work under normal workplace conditions.
    Product sample - examine the outcomes previously produced by the learner.
    Simulation of a specific task - set a specific task for the learner to demonstrate in a simulated environment.
    Questioning (verbal or written) - ask relevant questions linked to the unit standard.
    Testimony - collect a portfolio of evidence from suitable people (e.g. reports from a third party).

    Integrated assessment:
    It may be more effective and efficient to assess a number of unit standards together thus reducing the overall number of assessment 'events'.
  • Consider a complete activity in the workplace (the 'whole of work' approach) and see which unit standards relate to this activity. Please note if a learner has no formal workplace, simulations or projects can be used to reflect a complete activity.
  • Work out how learners could collect evidence on a number of unit standards at the same time covering all the critical aspects of the standards.
  • Ensure that commonalities that exist between a number of unit standards are captured in a way that makes sense for assessment.

    Contextualising the outcomes, embedded knowledge and CCOs:
    Assessing the following will ensure the specific outcomes, essential embedded knowledge and critical-cross-field outcomes are assessed.
    NB: at NQF Level 1 the learner's ability to make decisions and act may be restricted by the workplace or learning environment. The aim of many of the standards at this level is to provide a foundation of learning to enable application at higher levels.

    Demonstrated ability to make DECISIONS about practice and to ACT accordingly:
    Assessors should consider:
    1. Consequences of interventions by communities or conservation on each other.
    2. Steps taken to reach agreement.
    3. The notion of a community as a group of people with shared interests.
    4. Legal definitions of communities.
    5. A specific community context is identified in relation to a conservation intervention.
    6. Characteristics of the affected community.
    7. Community issues.
    8. The concepts of long term and short-term effects on the community and conservation issues.
    9. One of the issues in context.
    10. The notion of a trade-off or agreement.
    11. Examples of potential trade-offs in a conservation context.
    12. Examples of potential agreements in a conservation context.

    Demonstrated ability to learn from our actions and to ADAPT PERFORMANCE:
    Assessors should consider:
    13. Learners' reflection on their own performance in order to enhance future practice and learning. 

    Describe ways in which communities may be affected by conservation interventions, in a local context 
    For example:
  • Loss of harvesting and access rights
  • Creation of craft markets 


    When conducting assessments, assessors must ensure that they are familiar with the full text of the Unit standards being assessed.

    They must ensure that the assessment covers the specific outcomes, critical cross-field outcomes and essential embedded knowledge.

    As each situation is different, it will be necessary to develop assessment activities and tools, which are appropriate to the contexts in which learners are working. These activities and tools may include self-assessment, peer assessment, formative and summative assessment.
    Please note: learners for this standard may be unemployed, self-employed or in full employment. Assessors must ensure that assessment methods are appropriate for the learner's context.

    The specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in relation to each other. If a learner is able to explain the essential embedded knowledge but is unable to perform the specific outcomes, they should not be assessed as competent.
    Similarly, if a learner is able to perform the specific outcomes but is unable to explain or justify their performance in terms of the essential embedded knowledge, they should not be assessed as competent.


    Assessment should include practical demonstration of competence, either in the workplace or through work-related, out-of-classroom simulation.

    A range of assessment methods should be used, including:
    Direct observation - watch the learner carry out the task or produce a desired outcome during the course of his or her normal work under normal workplace conditions.
    Product sample - examine the outcomes previously produced by the learner.
    Simulation of a specific task - set a specific task for the learner to demonstrate in a simulated environment.
    Questioning (verbal or written) - ask relevant questions linked to the unit standard.
    Testimony - collect a portfolio of evidence from suitable people (e.g. reports from a third party).

    Integrated assessment:
    It may be more effective and efficient to assess a number of unit standards together thus reducing the overall number of assessment 'events'.
  • Consider a complete activity in the workplace (the 'whole of work' approach) and see which unit standards relate to this activity. Please note if a learner has no formal workplace, simulations or projects can be used to reflect a complete activity.
  • Work out how learners could collect evidence on a number of unit standards at the same time covering all the critical aspects of the standards.
  • Ensure that commonalities that exist between a number of unit standards are captured in a way that makes sense for assessment.

    Contextualising the outcomes, embedded knowledge and CCOs:
    Assessing the following will ensure the specific outcomes, essential embedded knowledge and critical-cross-field outcomes are assessed.
    NB: at NQF Level 1 the learner's ability to make decisions and act may be restricted by the workplace or learning environment. The aim of many of the standards at this level is to provide a foundation of learning to enable application at higher levels.

    Demonstrated ability to make DECISIONS about practice and to ACT accordingly:
    Assessors should consider:
    1. Consequences of interventions by communities or conservation on each other.
    2. Steps taken to reach agreement.
    3. The notion of a community as a group of people with shared interests.
    4. Legal definitions of communities.
    5. A specific community context is identified in relation to a conservation intervention.
    6. Characteristics of the affected community.
    7. Community issues.
    8. The concepts of long term and short-term effects on the community and conservation issues.
    9. One of the issues in context.
    10. The notion of a trade-off or agreement.
    11. Examples of potential trade-offs in a conservation context.
    12. Examples of potential agreements in a conservation context.

    Demonstrated ability to learn from our actions and to ADAPT PERFORMANCE:
    Assessors should consider:
    13. Learners' reflection on their own performance in order to enhance future practice and learning. 

    Describe ways in which conservation may be affected by communities, in a local context. 
    For example:
  • Environmental destruction
  • Pollution
  • Development
  • Sustainability 


    When conducting assessments, assessors must ensure that they are familiar with the full text of the Unit standards being assessed.

    They must ensure that the assessment covers the specific outcomes, critical cross-field outcomes and essential embedded knowledge.

    As each situation is different, it will be necessary to develop assessment activities and tools, which are appropriate to the contexts in which learners are working. These activities and tools may include self-assessment, peer assessment, formative and summative assessment.
    Please note: learners for this standard may be unemployed, self-employed or in full employment. Assessors must ensure that assessment methods are appropriate for the learner's context.

    The specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in relation to each other. If a learner is able to explain the essential embedded knowledge but is unable to perform the specific outcomes, they should not be assessed as competent.
    Similarly, if a learner is able to perform the specific outcomes but is unable to explain or justify their performance in terms of the essential embedded knowledge, they should not be assessed as competent.


    Assessment should include practical demonstration of competence, either in the workplace or through work-related, out-of-classroom simulation.

    A range of assessment methods should be used, including:
    Direct observation - watch the learner carry out the task or produce a desired outcome during the course of his or her normal work under normal workplace conditions.
    Product sample - examine the outcomes previously produced by the learner.
    Simulation of a specific task - set a specific task for the learner to demonstrate in a simulated environment.
    Questioning (verbal or written) - ask relevant questions linked to the unit standard.
    Testimony - collect a portfolio of evidence from suitable people (e.g. reports from a third party).

    Integrated assessment:
    It may be more effective and efficient to assess a number of unit standards together thus reducing the overall number of assessment 'events'.
  • Consider a complete activity in the workplace (the 'whole of work' approach) and see which unit standards relate to this activity. Please note if a learner has no formal workplace, simulations or projects can be used to reflect a complete activity.
  • Work out how learners could collect evidence on a number of unit standards at the same time covering all the critical aspects of the standards.
  • Ensure that commonalities that exist between a number of unit standards are captured in a way that makes sense for assessment.

    Contextualising the outcomes, embedded knowledge and CCOs:
    Assessing the following will ensure the specific outcomes, essential embedded knowledge and critical-cross-field outcomes are assessed.
    NB: at NQF Level 1 the learner's ability to make decisions and act may be restricted by the workplace or learning environment. The aim of many of the standards at this level is to provide a foundation of learning to enable application at higher levels.

    Demonstrated ability to make DECISIONS about practice and to ACT accordingly:
    Assessors should consider:
    1. Consequences of interventions by communities or conservation on each other.
    2. Steps taken to reach agreement.
    3. The notion of a community as a group of people with shared interests.
    4. Legal definitions of communities.
    5. A specific community context is identified in relation to a conservation intervention.
    6. Characteristics of the affected community.
    7. Community issues.
    8. The concepts of long term and short-term effects on the community and conservation issues.
    9. One of the issues in context.
    10. The notion of a trade-off or agreement.
    11. Examples of potential trade-offs in a conservation context.
    12. Examples of potential agreements in a conservation context.

    Demonstrated ability to learn from our actions and to ADAPT PERFORMANCE:
    Assessors should consider:
    13. Learners' reflection on their own performance in order to enhance future practice and learning. 

    Identify and explain the different types of agreements. 
    Identify and explain the different types of agreements that communities and conservation bodies may enter into, at a local level.
    For example:
  • Access to information
  • Access to expertise, infrastructure and so forth
  • Access agreements to cultural sites, heritage sites, greenbelts, so forth
  • Harvesting agreements 


    When conducting assessments, assessors must ensure that they are familiar with the full text of the Unit standards being assessed.

    They must ensure that the assessment covers the specific outcomes, critical cross-field outcomes and essential embedded knowledge.

    As each situation is different, it will be necessary to develop assessment activities and tools, which are appropriate to the contexts in which learners are working. These activities and tools may include self-assessment, peer assessment, formative and summative assessment.
    Please note: learners for this standard may be unemployed, self-employed or in full employment. Assessors must ensure that assessment methods are appropriate for the learner's context.

    The specific outcomes and essential embedded knowledge must be assessed in relation to each other. If a learner is able to explain the essential embedded knowledge but is unable to perform the specific outcomes, they should not be assessed as competent.
    Similarly, if a learner is able to perform the specific outcomes but is unable to explain or justify their performance in terms of the essential embedded knowledge, they should not be assessed as competent.


    Assessment should include practical demonstration of competence, either in the workplace or through work-related, out-of-classroom simulation.

    A range of assessment methods should be used, including:
    Direct observation - watch the learner carry out the task or produce a desired outcome during the course of his or her normal work under normal workplace conditions.
    Product sample - examine the outcomes previously produced by the learner.
    Simulation of a specific task - set a specific task for the learner to demonstrate in a simulated environment.
    Questioning (verbal or written) - ask relevant questions linked to the unit standard.
    Testimony - collect a portfolio of evidence from suitable people (e.g. reports from a third party).

    Integrated assessment:
    It may be more effective and efficient to assess a number of unit standards together thus reducing the overall number of assessment 'events'.
  • Consider a complete activity in the workplace (the 'whole of work' approach) and see which unit standards relate to this activity. Please note if a learner has no formal workplace, simulations or projects can be used to reflect a complete activity.
  • Work out how learners could collect evidence on a number of unit standards at the same time covering all the critical aspects of the standards.
  • Ensure that commonalities that exist between a number of unit standards are captured in a way that makes sense for assessment.

    Contextualising the outcomes, embedded knowledge and CCOs:
    Assessing the following will ensure the specific outcomes, essential embedded knowledge and critical-cross-field outcomes are assessed.
    NB: at NQF Level 1 the learner's ability to make decisions and act may be restricted by the workplace or learning environment. The aim of many of the standards at this level is to provide a foundation of learning to enable application at higher levels.

    Demonstrated ability to make DECISIONS about practice and to ACT accordingly:
    Assessors should consider:
    1. Consequences of interventions by communities or conservation on each other.
    2. Steps taken to reach agreement.
    3. The notion of a community as a group of people with shared interests.
    4. Legal definitions of communities.
    5. A specific community context is identified in relation to a conservation intervention.
    6. Characteristics of the affected community.
    7. Community issues.
    8. The concepts of long term and short-term effects on the community and conservation issues.
    9. One of the issues in context.
    10. The notion of a trade-off or agreement.
    11. Examples of potential trade-offs in a conservation context.
    12. Examples of potential agreements in a conservation context.

    Demonstrated ability to learn from our actions and to ADAPT PERFORMANCE:
    Assessors should consider:
    13. Learners' reflection on their own performance in order to enhance future practice and learning. 

    1. Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this unit standard must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA.
    2. Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this unit standard must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA.
    3. Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the ETQAs policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation; in terms of agreements reached around assessment and moderation between ETQAs (including professional bodies); and in terms of the moderation guideline detailed under point 4 immediately below.
    4. Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual unit standards as well as the integrated competence described in the qualification.

    Anyone wishing to be assessed against this qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    The knowledge component of this standard is:
  • The definition of a community as a group of people with shared interests.
  • The rights and responsibilities of communities.
  • Community issues in a conservation context.
  • Long term and short term effects on the community and conservation issues.
  • Different types of agreements.
  • Different types of communities: rural, urban and peri-urban.
  • Different protocols in different types of local communities. 

    Conservation is defined by the IUCN as: "Management of human use of the biosphere so that it may yield the greatest sustainable benefit to present generations while maintaining its potential to meet the need and aspirations of future generations. Thus conservation is positive, embracing preservation, maintenance, sustainable utilisation, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment."
    Community is defined as: "a congregation or grouping of people".

    This Unit Standard relates to Critical Cross-field Outcomes. 

    Core  22971   General Education and Training Certificate: Conservation  Level 1  NQF Level 01  Passed the End Date -
    Status was "Reregistered" 
    2012-06-30  CATHSSETA 
    Core  50225   General Education and Training Certificate: General Forestry  Level 1  NQF Level 01  Passed the End Date -
    Status was "Reregistered" 
    2023-06-30  FPMSETA 

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Arden School of Management (Pty) Ltd 
    2. Legal Environment Safety & Health Requirements cc 
    3. Longata Consultant 
    4. Nolwazi Dev Centre (Pty) Ltd 
    5. Nurture-Nature Resources (Pty) Ltd 
    6. Phambile Skills Training (Pty) Ltd 
    7. Premier Agric (Pty) Ltd 
    8. Redefined Skills Training & Development (Pty) Ltd 
    9. South African Forestry Training College 
    10. Take Note Trading 227 cc 
    11. The Brokers Learning Centre 
    12. Tirhani SkillsTraining Pty Ltd 
    14. Yangantle Trading 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.