SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

Certificate: Front Office Supervision 
14131  Certificate: Front Office Supervision 
Intec College 
QCTO - Quality Council for Trades and Occupations  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 11 - Services  Hospitality, Tourism, Travel, Gaming and Leisure 
Undefined  142  Level 4  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L4  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The primary purpose of the qualification is to provide qualifying learners with the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to:
  • Enter the hospitality industry into the Front Office obtaining employment in this area and function as a productive team member. 

    Upon entry to the Programme, it is assumed that learners should have demonstrated:
  • the ability to express themselves clearly and correctly both orally and in writing in English (NQF4);
  • the ability to apply numerical skills, including basic arithmetic (add, subtract, divide, multiply) (NQF3); and
  • a standard 10 (grade 12) certificate and/or
  • four years working experience in a business environment and/or
  • have successfully completed the Certificdate in Hotel Reception.

    Recognition of prior learning:
    This qualification may be achieved in whole or in part through the recognition of prior learning 


    This qualification may be achieved in whole or in part through the recognition of prior learning 

    1. Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made.
    2. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation and community.
    3. Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively.
    4. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information.
    5. Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that the problem solving context does not exist in isolation.
    6. Reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively.
    7. Explore business and career opportunities.
    8. Develop entrepreneurial opportunities.
    9. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral and/or written persuasion.
    10. Demonstrate effective and responsible decision making.
    11. Stimulate and develop thinking patterns involving creativity.
    12. Interpret information received via the media and other sources.
    13. Remain receptive and responsive to current trends and developments.
    14. Use technology effectively and responsibly.
    15. Conduct research independently.

    Hospitality Studies (Credits 30)
    Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
    Specific Outcomes:
  • Explain the potential impact of tourism on the creation of jobs and the general economy, and its impact on the hotel industry specifically.
  • Explain the structure of the South African tourism industry and how the hotel industry fits into that structure.
  • Show understanding of the various types of accommodation establishments and explain the different types of products and services offered by different operations.
  • Give an overview of the hospitality industry as a career choice and explain the various common departmental and staffing structures.
  • Give a brief overview of each of the major departments within a hotel and of the restaurant and catering industry.
  • Give a brief summary of the history of the hotel industry in Europe and the development of the industry internationally.
  • Give an overview of the historical development of the South African hotel industry.
  • Give an overview of the various governing bodies, associations and unions that influence the hotel industry, among others FEDHASA, the Tourism Business Council, the HITB, Satour, The Department of Environment and Tourism, the Association of Independent Hotels.
  • Give an explanation of the minimum hygiene requirements of the hotel, restaurant and catering industry.
  • Explain the basic safety and security requirements of the hotel, restaurant and catering industry.
  • Display cultural awareness in your dealings with customers and fellow employees.

    Communications and Guest Relations (Credits 34)
    Guest Relations
    Specific Outcomes:
  • Discuss the importance of providing exceptional service.
  • Discuss how to provide high-quality service.
  • Discuss how guests evaluate service.
  • Discuss the importance of good grooming, body language and a positive attitude.
  • Deal with complaints.
  • Deal with angry guests.
  • Explain what an internal customer is and recognise the role of the internal customer.

    Specific Outcomes:
  • Explain the important aspects of communication.
  • Discuss the difference between verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Discuss the main barriers to communication and methods of overcoming these.
  • Discuss the role of the sender and the receiver in the communication process.
  • Explain the role of the medium and language used in communication.
  • Describe how poor communication can affect guest service.
  • Non-verbal communication.
  • Describe the impact and forms of non-verbal communication.
  • Explain the difference between positive and negative body language.
  • Improve your own body language.
  • Listening.
  • Describe the role of listening in the communication process.
  • Explain the important factors and barriers influencing listening skills.
  • Take steps to improve your own listening skills.
  • State why listening is an important aspect of quest service.
  • Question technique.
  • Explain the need for being able to ask questions effectively.
  • Be able to formulate open and closed/direct and indirect questions.
  • Improve your skills in asking questions.
  • Telephone technique.
  • Summarise the role of the telephone in the hospitality environment.
  • Explain the importance of speech and voice quality.
  • Explain the significance of listening skills in telephone communication.
  • Know how to take messages.

    Front of House I (Credits 23)
    Specific Outcomes:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the historical beginnings and development of the lodging industry
  • Appreciate the term 'target market' and list target markets of the accommodation industry
  • Know the different types of lodging establishments
  • Describe the different ways hotels can be classified, using examples
  • List the characteristics of an accommodation establishment
  • Know the different types of hotel ownership
  • Compare the three main types of service that exist in hotels
  • Describe the departments of the rooms division and appreciate the interaction of the front office has with these departments
  • Discuss basic front office organisation
  • Recognise functional areas and positions in the front office
  • List the types of front office equipment and recognise which are used in automated and non-automated hotels
  • Explain the activities that occur at each phase
  • Describe the sales function of a front desk and reservations agent at a hotel
  • Determine the types of reservations that can be made and the consequences attached to each
  • Describe the following terms:
  • Walk-in
  • Up selling
  • Perishability of a room
  • Overbooking
  • Cancellation of a reservation
  • Describe reservation processes and recognise possible areas of misunderstanding between the hotel and the quest
  • List the different methods of recording reservations
  • Outline the treatment of group bookings
  • Define pre-registration activities and evaluate their importance
  • Discuss the importance of completing the registration card
  • Provide guidelines for group registration
  • Discuss the relevance of establishing a method of payment at registration
  • Outline the process for walking a guest
  • Identify the pre-arrival and arrival phases of the guest cycle and comment on
  • Distinguish between the different types of keys and how they should be controlled
  • Know how to advise a guest on VAT refund procedures when they leave South Africa
  • Talk about some of the duties you will carry out for hotel guests
  • Discuss the duties you have to carry out for your colleagues and supervisors during these phases
  • Discuss how important a good telephone manner is and how you would handle incoming and outgoing calls
  • Discuss the difference between call accounting systems in non-automated systems and fully automated systems
  • Talk about the various room status terms
  • Discuss how important it is to update the status of the rooms and which departments may be involved
  • Discuss how important it is to:
  • Prepare a positive image as a front office agent
  • Keep front office tidy and organised at all times
  • Discuss the steps to follow to safely store guests' property which could include
  • Luggage
  • Safety deposit boxes
  • Lost and found property
  • Discuss how you would deal with complaints form guests
  • Discuss what steps to follow when you check guests out
  • Tell the difference between UK and US English front office terms
  • Understand and be able to advise a visitor to your hotel on the VAT refund procedures upon their departure from South Africa
  • Work a manual system of accounting and apply the principles to the computerised system in a hotel
  • Sketch the flow of information relating to the accounting process
  • Concentrating on the account records and collections of the rooms division
  • Explain the following terms and how they fit into the Front Office:
  • Voucher
  • Ledger account
  • Duty ledger
  • Rooms ledger
  • Transfer journal
  • Non-room department sales
  • Allowance
  • Corrections
  • Posting
  • Produce a folio for a guest based on a fictitious example
  • Calculate and concert Rands to foreign currency and foreign currency to Rands
  • Be aware of the documentation that the guests are given by the front desk agent when exchanging foreign currency
  • Understand the importance of control in the front office department
  • Explain how cash, expenses and sales are controlled in the front office
  • Explain how each of these control systems operate
  • Describe the security issues a hotel needs to consider
  • Explain the kind of security function the front desk agent performs while on duty at the front desk
  • Describe the procedures for handling
  • Bomb threats
  • An armed robbery
  • Safe keeping of weapons
  • Other emergency procedures
  • A situation where a dead person is found in a hotel bedroom
  • Provide guidelines for controlling the entry to the hotel of:
  • Delivery persons
  • Disorderly guests
  • Visitors of guests and staff members
  • Prostitutes
  • Suspicious persons
  • Appreciate the effect VIP's or presidential parties have on your hotel and describe a typical VIP procedure

    Accommodation Services
    Specific Outcomes:
  • Explain the organisation of the housekeeping department of the hotel
  • Describe the duties and responsibilities of the housekeeping employees
  • Understand how the housekeeping department needs to co-operate with the various departments of the hotel
  • Explain the personal attributes and hygiene requirements of a housekeeping staff member
  • Explain the various procedures that are used for cleaning in the housekeeping department
  • Explain the daily work procedures carried out by the supervisor in the housekeeping department
  • List and explain the various types of equipment and cleaning materials used in the housekeeping department and their uses
  • Explain the considerations that housekeeping made with regards to safety and security
  • List the procedures that are used when a fire breads out in the hotel
  • Explain how room status is recorded in the housekeeping department and the room status acronyms used (added)
  • Understand and be able to explain the importance of daily planning, costing and controlling in the housekeeping operation
  • List and explain the various types of equipment and cleaning materials used in the housekeeping department and their uses
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of contract cleaning
  • To plan/design a linen room from the information gained in the unit
  • Explain the procedures that are used with clean and dirty linen in the linen room
  • Explain the uniform handling procedures
  • Know how to control inventory of the various items found in the housekeeping department
  • Understand the considerations made when choosing furniture, fabrics, fixtures, fittings and linen for the housekeeping department
  • Explain the different types of pests that can be found in the housekeeping department
  • Explain the ways in which pest control is implemented in the housekeeping department
  • Explain the considerations that housekeeping made with regards to safety and security
  • List the procedures that are used when a fire breads out in the hotel
  • Describe how the maintenance reporting system works in the hotel
  • Explain why communication is vital in the housekeeping department and list the various ways in which the housekeeper can improve communication with the employees of the department
  • Describe a strategy the housekeeper could use to motivate the employees of housekeeping
  • List and describe the essential information that should be given to staff in relation to their job, when recruited into the housekeeping department
  • List and explain the purpose of the various records kept by the housekeeper

    Hospitality Management 1 (Credits 32)
    Guest Relations Management
    Specific Outcomes:
  • Explain the role of management in developing a customer-driven culture within organisations
  • List the barriers to developing a culture of good guest service
  • Explain the importance of interdepartmental communication and teamwork in providing good guest service
  • Explain the importance of setting standards in providing guest service
  • Explain the importance of providing the infrastructure and systems within which guest service is to be delivered
  • Explain the importance of measuring guest service and guest satisfaction
  • Explain the importance of monitoring the process of guest service to ensure that standards and systems remain relevant and up to date

    Supervision and Training
    Specific Outcomes:
  • Identify the main tasks of supervisors
  • Understand the needs for effective planning and decision making
  • Understand how to use schedules for effective planning
  • Describe the supervisor's responsibilities in the organising process
  • Describe how to develop performance standards
  • Compile a job description
  • Describe the reasons why supervisors should be effective leaders
  • Develop a motivational strategy for your staff
  • Describe how to monitor performance and control performance
  • Recognise the importance of a planned general and departmental induction
  • Plan an on-the-job training session for a specific task
  • Explain the requirements for a successful training session
  • Identify the labour legislation that is likely to affects your work environment, and be able to discuss the impact of these
  • Explain the disciplinary process including substantive and procedural fairness
  • Describe how grievances are handled in organisations 

    1. Problems are solved by means of exploring and critically evaluating abstract and personal situations
    2. Problems are solved by generating alternative strategies for dealing with those problems
    3. Collaborative work as part of a team, group, organisation or community is effective
    4. Organisation and management of self and activities is responsible and effective
    5. Information is collected, analysed, organised and critically evaluated
    6. Recognition of the problem solving context as part of a larger context is demonstrated
    7. Understanding of the world as a set of related systems is demonstrated
    8. Strategies to manage effectively are explored and reflected on
    9. Education and career opportunities are explored
    10. Entrepreneurial opportunities are developed
    11. Communication using visual, mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral and/or written persuasion is effective
    12. Decision making is responsible and effective
    13. Creative thinking patterns are stimulated and developed
    14. Information from the media and other sources is interpreted
    15. Current trends and developments are monitored
    16. Appropriate responses to current trends and developments are made
    17. Technology is used effectively and responsibly
    18. Research is conducted independently

    Hospitality Studies (Credits 30)
    Introduction to the Hospitality Industry
    Specific Outcomes - Associated Assessment Criteria:
  • Analyse a business and determine the way it functions
  • Function on a business environment
  • Display cultural awareness in dealing with customers and colleagues
  • Describe layout, services and facilities or the organisation
  • Maintain a safe working environment
  • Maintain a secure working environment
  • Maintain personal health, hygiene and professional appearance
  • Describe hospitality travel and tourism industries
  • Apply for a job or work experience placement

    Communications and Guest Relations (Credits 34)
    Guest Relations
    Specific Outcomes - Associated Assessment Criteria:
  • Deal with customers
  • Process in coming and outgoing telephone calls
  • Display cultural awareness in dealing with customers and colleagues
  • Maintain customer satisfaction
  • Create, maintain and improve productive working relationships
  • Improve service to customers
  • Deal with customer complaints and incidents

    Specific Outcomes - Associated Assessment Criteria:
  • Communicate verbally and non-verbally
  • Prepare written communication

    Front of House I (Credits 23)
    Specific Outcomes: Associated Assessment Criteria
  • Analyse a business and determine the way it functions
  • Deal with customers
  • Process in coming and outgoing telephone calls maintain a safe working environment
  • Maintain a secure working environment
  • Handle mail, messages and written communications
  • Provide a collection and delivery service
  • Operate a payment point and process payments
  • Maintain customer satisfaction
  • Audit financial procedures/conduct night audit
  • Operate a cash and coin float
  • Process credit cards, cheque and bank transactions
  • Process financial transactions
  • Perform cashiering administration
  • Operate a smart card system
  • Store and handle customer and establishment property
  • Provide a collection and delivery service
  • Greet and assist guests on arrival and departure
  • Make telephone calls
  • Provide customer in formation and book external services
  • Maintain a booking system
  • Handle and record refunds
  • Deal with the arrival of customers
  • Prepare accounts and deal with departures
  • Exchange foreign cash and travellers cheques
  • Co-ordinate the greeting and assisting of guests on arrival and departure
  • Maintain a front office service
  • Maintain the portering/concierge service

    Accommodation Services
    Specific Outcomes: Associated Assessment Criteria
  • Maintain effective working relationships with other staff members
  • Maintain healthy, hygiene and professional appearance
  • Prepare beds and handle linen and bed coverings
  • Service toilets and bathroom areas
  • Service guest bedroom areas
  • Clean floors and floor coverings
  • Handle and store cleaning equipment and materials
  • Handle and dispose of waste
  • Maintain the housekeeping service
  • Maintain customer satisfaction
  • Maintain receipt, storage and issue of goods
  • Contribute to the identification of short term supply needs
  • Maintain the cleaning programme for own area of responsibility
  • Plan, organise and monitor work in own area of responsibility
  • Monitor and maintain health, security and safety
  • Maintain a preventative maintenance programme
  • Control and order stock
  • Store and handle customer and establishment property
  • Provide a collection and delivery service
  • Clean and maintain public areas
  • Service toilets and washrooms
  • Provide valet service
  • Control linen for external laundry
  • Provide a housekeeping service
  • Maintain housekeeping supplies
  • Maintain clean linen supply
  • Provide for first aid

    Hospitality Management I (Credits 32)
    Guest Relations Management
    Specific Outcomes: Associated Assessment Criteria
  • Manage staff development
  • Sell product or services
  • Deal with customers
  • Display cultural awareness in dealing with customers and colleagues
  • Plan and deliver staff training in own area of responsibility
  • Create, maintain and improve productive working relationships
  • Deliver group training
  • Manage information flow
  • Improve service to customers
  • Lead and manage teams of people

    Supervision and training
    Specific Outcomes: Associated Assessment Criteria
  • Conduct on the job coaching
  • Develop self within the job role
  • Plan and deliver staff training in own area of responsibility
  • Create and maintain productive working relationships
  • Lead and manage teams of people
  • Plan, organise and monitor work in own area of responsibility
  • Management staff development
  • Induct new staff to the workplace
  • Conduct disciplinary and grievance procedures
  • Improve service to customers
  • Manage information flow

    Integrated Assessment:

    Continuous assessment in the form of self-assessment is carried out by the learner. This is done using activities and self-evaluation exercises and tasks. Continuous assessment is also carried out by the facilitators in the form of assignments that the learner must submit upon completion of each module of the learning programme.

    Formative and summative assessment are integrated in a final portfolio assessment, case studies, reports, tests and practical tasks. The learner builds up a portfolio of activities, assignments and projects which are assessed in order to determine whether the learner has achieved the exit level outcomes of the qualification. 

    Articulation possibilities exist to enter:

    Intec Certificate in Rooms Division Management
    Intec Certificate in Hotel Management and
    Intec Hotel Management Diploma

    And further articulation with Educational Institutions offering Degree Programmes would be possible. 

    A system of second examiners within the institution will be used, together with a system of external examination at exit levels to the qualification. Where professional or statutory bodies are involved in determining the curriculum, they will also be involved in moderation. 

    Our own staff will be used as assessors in a manner accommodated within the quality management system of the institution. This would apply to outside assessors also as they will have to comply with all quality assurance procedures of the institution. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2006; 2009; 2012; 2015. 



    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Damelin Correspondence College 
    2. Intec College 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.