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Higher Diploma: Commerce: Public Relations 
21095  Higher Diploma: Commerce: Public Relations 
Intec College 
QCTO - Quality Council for Trades and Occupations  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Higher Diploma  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Public Relations 
Undefined  360  Level 6  NQF Level 06  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 9900/00  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2026-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The primary purpose of the qualification is to provide qualifying learners with the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to effectively pursue a career in public relations. 

Upon entry to the Higher Diploma Programme, it is assumed that learners should have demonstrated:
  • The ability to express themselves clearly and correctly both orally and in writing in English (NQF 4)
  • The ability to apply numeric skills, including basic arithmetic (add, subtract, divide, multiply) (at least NQF 3); and
  • Basic awareness of the nature business functioning

    Upon entry to the Higher Diploma programme, the learners should be in possession of:
  • A Matric entrance - Grade 12 or a Standard 10; and/or
  • IBS Higher Diploma or equivalent; and/or
  • A Certificate or Diploma in Public Relations that will offer credits towards the Higher Diploma and/or
  • Four years business experience

    Recognition of prior learning:
    This qualification may be achieved in whole or in part through the recognition of prior learning 


    This qualification may be achieved in whole or in part through the recognition of prior learning 

    A). Critical cross-field outcomes:

    1. Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made
    2. Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation and community
    3. Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively
    4. Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information
    5. Demonstrate understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that the problem solving context does not exist in isolation
    6. Reflect on and explore a variety of strategies to learn more effectively
    7. Explore business and career opportunities
    8. Develop entrepreneurial opportunities
    9. Look at the environment on a macro basis rather than a micro basis in order to enhance the current environment
    10. Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral and/or written persuasion
    11. Demonstrate understanding of the economic world in context as a dynamic interactive world that does not exit in isolation
    12. Demonstrate effective and responsible decision making
    13. Stimulate and develop thinking patterns involving creativity
    14. Interpret information received via the media and other sources
    15. Remain receptive and responsive to current trends and developments
    16. Use technology effectively and responsibly
    17. Conduct research independently

    B). Specific outcomes:

    1. Management III
    Ability to:
  • List all the resources available to management and explain how to utilise these to the maximum potential
  • Demonstrate, using work related examples, how technological change impacts on resource allocation
  • Explain the role of the chief executive in key management functions
  • Explain factors which necessitate change in an organisation and how to manage transformation in an organisation
  • List and explain the various systems and measures available to generate information and to measure and monitor performance within the undertaking
  • Discuss, using practical examples, the major issues confronting managers in South Africa today

    2. Economics
    Ability to:
  • Describe the theory of demand and supply
  • Describe how the total economic activities are measured
  • Describe the economics and dis-economics of scale
  • Describe the market structure and define terms such as perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition and oligopoly
  • Describe the law of diminishing utility
  • Describe the law of diminishing returns
  • Identify the macro-economic variables
  • Explain economic equilibrium in two, three and four sector models
  • Define terms consumption, the multiplier, aggregate demand, aggregate supply, credit creation
  • Describe the functions of money and explain the demand for money (liquidity preference)
  • Explain the relationship between inflation and unemployment and their impact on the economy
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of direct and indirect taxes
  • Describe the meaning of fiscal policy
  • Define the term monetary policy and explain the instruments of monetary policy
  • Describe the concept of economic growth
  • Describe terms such as protectionism, balance of payments, exchange rate
  • Explain various exchange rate systems

    3. Financial Accounting I
    Ability to:
  • Demonstrate understanding of the double-entry system of accounting
  • Describe the classification of and accounting for capital, assets, liabilities, expenses and income
  • Describe the distinction between revenue and capital expenditure
  • Illustrate the accounting equation
  • List the books of original entry
  • Record repetitive transactions in the books (journals) of prime entry and posting to the general ledger
  • Extract a trial balance
  • Describe the concepts of matching, prudence, consistency and going concern
  • Explain how accruals and prepayments are entered
  • Describe and illustrate the various methods of stock valuation (Range: FIFO method, LIFO method, weighted average method and the lower of cost or net realisable value)
  • Define the term depreciation
  • Explain the various depreciation methods (Range: straight-line, reducing balance, revaluation and sum of the digits)
  • Explain how fixed assets are disposed of
  • Describe bad debts, bad debts recovered
  • Explain how to provision for doubtful debts and provision for discount
  • Demonstrate the preparation of financial statements
  • Sole traders (Range: trading account, year-end adjustments, closing entries, income statement and balance sheet)
  • Associations not for gain (for example clubs) - receipts and payments account, year-end adjustments, income statement and balance sheet
  • Reconcile a bank statement
  • Write up and reconcile debtors and creditors control accounts with debtors and creditors ledgers
  • Make adjustments (Range: errors of principle, omission, commission and original entry and compensating errors)
  • Prepare departmental income statements
  • Prepare inter-departmental transfers
  • Allocation departmental expenses
  • Describe partnership accounts and define terms (Range: Appropriation accounts, interest on capital and drawings, salaries paid to partners, sharing of profit or loss fixed and fluctuating capital accounts and current accounts
  • Prepare a simple cash flow statement in respect of a sole trader (Range: capital introduction, profit, drawings, leans raised and repaid, increases and decreases in working capital, purchase and disposal of assets)
  • Describe the presentation of manufacturing statements and define terms (Range: elements of costs, stock valuation, unit costs, mark-up percentage, work in progress, sales of raw materials, allocation of expenses)
  • Prepare departmental income statements
  • Prepare inter-departmental transfers
  • Allocation departmental expenses
  • Describe partnership accounts and define terms (Range: Appropriation accounts, interest on capital and drawings, salaries paid to partners, sharing of profit or loss fixed and fluctuating capital accounts and current accounts
  • Prepare a simple cash flow statement in respect of a sole trader (Range: capital introduction, profit, drawings, loans raised and repaid, increases and decreases in working capital, purchase and disposal of assets)
  • Describe the presentation of manufacturing statements and define terms (Range: elements of costs, stock valuation, unit costs, mark-up percentage, work in progress, sales of raw materials, allocation of expenses)

    4. Information systems and technology (Concepts of management computing)
    Ability to:
  • Define management information systems and the way it provides information for decision making at different management levels
  • Define, discuss and demonstrate working knowledge of the different aspects of computer hardware and software fundamentals
  • Describe and demonstrate the use of files, databases and the processing and storage of data
  • Demonstrate working knowledge of basic computer terminology
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement a computer system
  • List the provisions of the 1983 Computer Evidence Act

    5. Business Communications
    Ability to:
  • Give a broad definition of communications with special reference to the interpersonal communication process in the business environment
  • Distinguish between verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Describe the interpersonal communication process and a basic interpersonal communications model, including reference to the message, code, feedback and interference
  • Describe mass communication as a process, with reference only to the way in which it differs from the interpersonal communications process
  • Outline of development and functions, advantages and disadvantages of mass media
  • Describe the different types of non-verbal communication
  • Describe organisational communication (Range: Vertical, horizontal, diagonal, small group communication, the grapevine, internal communications media, external communications media
  • Identify communication barriers (Range: Physical, Physiological, Psychological, Semantic)
  • Define verbal communications (Range: register, style, tone)
  • Analyse using practical communication situations
  • Deal with business correspondence. Range:
    Concise formats (telephone messages, telegrams, telexes, formal invitations and accepting/declining these, bulletin board notices and so on)
    Memorandum (inter-office and interdepartmental)
    Letters of enquiry and replies to these
    Letters of complaint and adjustment
    Letters of invitation to VIPs
    Sales promotion/marketing through circulars
    Application with/without curriculum vitae
    Letters of appointment/resignation
    Letters to the press
    Letters of goodwill/introduction
  • Prepare and advertisement. Range:
    The AIDA formula
    Factual, emotive and persuasive advertising
    Advertising ethics and the Advertising Standards Authority
    Classified ('smalls')
    Display advertisements (including those featuring employment opportunity)
    Mail drops (leaflets, brochures, circulars)
    Press releases
  • Prepare and chair meetings. Range:
    Notice, agenda and minutes of organisations not for gain
    Annual general meeting
    Special/extraordinary general meetings
    Executive/committee meetings
    Knowledge of basic meeting procedure applicable to the appointment, rules of debate - proposals and amendments, seconding, motions, replies, point of order, voting, adjournment/closing and so on, excluding proxies - and relevant terminology
    Holding of mock meetings
  • Prepare written reports. (Range: Formal and semi-formal (memorandum or letter form) reports, summary (investigation), progress, attendance and annual reports, graphic representations, questionnaires, objective scientific writing)
  • Answer a telephone
  • Conduct an interview
  • Conduct a public performance. (Range: introduction, announcements, welcoming speeches, proposing toasts, presentation of reports, formal speeches)

    6. Management I
    Ability to:
  • Explain the role of the business organisation and management in satisfying people's needs
  • Describe what the management process entails and how it enables organisations to achieve their goals
  • Describe the different levels and kinds of managers in an organisation
  • Explain the skills required of management and how the skills are acquired
  • Describe the scope of management and its challenges
  • Describe the concepts of systems theory
  • Describe the composition and characteristics of the management environment
  • Describe the internal and micro-environment including the different levels of management in the enterprise; the managerial skills required at the various levels
  • Explain the market or task environment and macro-environment
  • Understand the interface between the enterprise and the environment including change, competition and crisis
  • Explain ways in which management reacts to the environment
  • Understand the importance of planning
  • Explain the development of organisational goals as a step in the planning process
  • Understand the impact of planning premises
  • Describe the nature and specifications of organisational goals
  • Explain the process of goal setting; the management of multiple goals and the techniques for goal setting for the individual organisation with special emphasis on the process, benefits and weaknesses of MBO
  • Understand the importance of planning
  • Identify and discuss the different kinds of organisational plans and explain the time frame for planning
  • Explain the steps in the planning process
  • Identify barriers to effective planning and know how to overcome these barriers
  • Identify and discuss important planning tools
  • Discuss the concept of strategic planning
  • Describe the strategic planning process
  • Explain the levels of strategy
  • Explain each component of the strategic planning process and discuss behavioural considerations affecting strategic choice
  • Define an information systems and identify the components of an information system
  • Describe a classification of information systems
  • Describe the steps in developing an information system
  • Understand the term "organising" in the management sense and describe how organising fits in with other functions in the management process
  • Describe the designing of the structure of an organisation and describe the use and limitations of the various kinds of structures
  • Understand how authority ties into management
  • Distinguish between various types of power
  • Do an analysis of delegating and understand the link between authority, centralisation and decentralisation
  • Explain the importance of co-ordination
  • Highlight the aspects of job design
  • Define the major types of managerial decisions and explain conditions under which managers make decisions
  • Describe the rational model of decision making
  • Discuss the techniques for improving group decision making
  • Explain quantitative tools for decision making
  • Discuss the importance of leadership as a fundamental management function and explain the nature and components of leadership
  • Participate in the leadership versus management debate
  • Examine different leadership models in an effort to throw light on the essence of leadership
  • Discuss the contemporary perspectives on leadership
  • Review the interfaces between leadership and organisational politics
  • Explain what motivation encompasses and explain the different motivational theories
  • Explain the role of money as a motivator
  • Describe how to create fobs that motivate
  • Describe the difference between groups and teams and the reasons why people form teams
  • Describe the different types of groups found in an organisation
  • Describe the stages in group development and appropriate leadership styles
  • Explain the emergence of group characteristics and describe inter-group dynamics
  • Discuss how to develop groups and teams
  • Understand the importance of control as the final component of the management process and explain the focal points of control
  • Illustrate the relationship between control and planning and hence the cycle of the management process
  • Understand the difference between planned and reactive change
  • Describe the forces for change and the types of change
  • Explain the change process
  • Understand resistance to change and to overcome it
  • Describe the methods to introduce change
  • Understand the relationship between culture and change

    7. Management II
    Ability to:
  • Define and explain the scope of the following functions using work-related examples:
  • Marketing
  • Operations
  • Purchasing
  • Financial
  • Human resources
  • Public relations
  • Explain the nature and attribution of information and data and the managers' need for these
  • Demonstrate working knowledge of computer systems
  • Identify, define and explain the terms "business ethics" and "social responsibility" and the relationship / balance between them

    8. Principles of Law
    Ability to:
  • Define the concept of law;
  • Relate the purposes and functions of law;
  • Describe real rights and personal rights;
  • Define the concept of legal personality;
  • Explain the various forms of business enterprise
  • Identify the sources of SA law;
  • Differentiate between the various SA courts and the jurisdiction of these courts;
  • Describe the doctrine of precedence;
  • Explain legal procedures and practitioners;
  • Describe the divisions of law in SA
  • Identify the basic legal principles that feature in all contracts;
  • Explain how and when a contract is created and the rules that apply to all contracts;
  • Demonstrate the difference between void and voidable contracts;
  • Describe the conditions that may attach to a contract;
  • Describe contracts in restraint of trade;
  • Define the meaning of contracts for the benefit of third parties;
  • Define cession, delegation and assignment;
  • Explain how a contract can be breached and the remedies for breach of contract;
  • Describe the ways in which a contract may be terminated; and
  • Describe the rules relating to misrepresentation in delict.

    9. Marketing Management I
  • Describe and define marketing.
  • Describe the place of marketing within the organisation.
  • Describe the marketing concepts.
  • List and briefly explain the marketing mix.
  • Describe the tasks and the organisation of a marketing department.
  • Define market segmentation, target marketing and product positioning.
  • Describe the basis for market segmentation.
  • Apply and discuss the market segmentation process.
  • Describe the variables of the marketing environment.
  • Describe the Interaction between the variables in the environment.
  • Identify the components of a marketing information system and the sources of information for marketing managers.
  • Explain the market research process using suitable work based examples.
  • Identify the factors affecting consumer behaviour.
  • Demonstrate the consumer decision-making process and the participants in the process.
  • Discuss the Nature and development of consumerism.
  • Define a product.
  • Classify products.
  • Discuss the planning and development of new products.
  • Discuss the stages in the product life cycle;
  • Identify decisions regarding the product mix and product ranges.
  • Describe trademark (brand) and packaging decisions.
  • Describe the selection and management of distribution channel and structure.
  • Describe the steps in managing the distribution channel and briefly explain aspects of the management of physical distribution.
  • Describe the use of Intermediaries and their right of existence.
  • Describe the pricing process and various approaches to and factors affecting pricing.
  • Explain the meaning of price.
  • Identify the needs and types of pricing policies.
  • Describe the nature of marketing promotion and the components of the promotions mix.
  • Define the roles of advertising, sales promotion, public relations and personal selling in the promotion mix.
  • Identify the important elements of marketing communication.
  • Describe advertising as an important element in marketing communication, especially with regard to the formulation of advertising message, managing the advertising campaign and the role of the advertising practitioner.
  • Explain how sales promotion campaigns are developed and implemented.
  • Explain ho companies use public relations to communicate with their publics.
  • Describe the strategic marketing process.

    10. Organisational Behaviour
    Ability to:
  • Gain a fundamental understanding of the complexity of human nature and the concept/process of human motivation
  • Describe the historical development of the motivation concept and distinguish between the content and process theories of motivation and apply this in the organisational context
  • Describe the nature of organisations and the concept of systems theory
  • Explain why organisations are structured in different ways and highlight the key factors that influence organisational structure
  • Describe historical and current approaches to job design and describe the impact of job design on organisational and individual performance
  • Analyse the controversial concept of job satisfaction and its relation to individual performance
  • Describe organisational climate and the effect it has on performance; and
  • Define stress in the work environment list, possible causes and describe how it impacts on individual performance
  • Define leadership and discuss various leadership theories (Range: The leadership continuum, contingency approaches
  • Define participation
  • List and describe the various participation techniques
  • Explain the basic communication process and outline the barriers to effective communication and how they can be overcome
  • Identify the different types of communication structures that can be used in companies
  • Implement an MBO programme in the workplace
  • Describe the nature and complexity of groups in an organisational setting
  • Describe the group formation process and the different types of groups that exist in the context of a work organisation
  • Describe group behavioural (Range inter-group, intra-group)
  • Develop strategies for solving and preventing inter-group conflict
  • Define change, the factors that cause change and why change is resisted
  • Describe the planned action, styles and approach associated with the management of change
  • Describe the role of the change agent and the different types of agents
  • Explain the main features, steps and techniques involved in organisational development (OD)

    11. Marketing Communications:
  • Illustrate the role of promotion in the marketing mix and why it is important
  • Show why a marketing manager sets specific objectives to guide the advertising efforts
  • Describe why various kinds of advertising are needed
  • Show how to choose the best medium
  • Explain how to plan the most suitable message (the copy thrust)
  • Demonstrate understanding of legal boundaries in advertising
  • Understand the importance and nature of personal selling
  • Describe the strategic interpersonal communications in personal selling
  • Describe how you would manage personal selling efforts
  • Describe the importance of sales promotion
  • Describe the struggles for channel control
  • Demonstrate how you would control promotional effectiveness

    12. Public Relations I
    Ability to:
  • Define publicity and public relations.
  • Define publics and identify the various publics of the firm.
  • Analyse the differences and relationship between advertising and public relations.
  • Identify the role of public relations in a firm.
  • Identify the basic requirements for a PR campaigns.
  • Specify the fundamental principles of public relations.
  • List the field of public relations and provide examples.
  • Analyse the role differences between PR consultants and a PRP from
    within the firm.
  • Identify a career path within the PR industry.
  • Describe the organisation of PR in the company structure.
  • Describe the activities of the PRP within the firm.
  • Describe the ways in which a PRP would deal with publics.
  • Describe how you would plan a PR campaign.
  • Describe PR as a management tool.
  • Describe the activities associated with PR.
  • Describe the role of PRISA and demonstrate understanding of the code of conduct that members of PRISA must adhere to.
  • List the advantages and disadvantages of employing a consultancy.
  • Discuss the objectives of Public Relations.
  • Describe the ways in which internal and external public relations can take place.
  • Describe the methods for public relations research.
  • Discuss the relationship between public relation and marketing.
  • List and explain the steps in public relations research.
  • Describe how you would plan a public relations programme.

    13. Public Relations II
    Ability to:
  • Distinguish between opinions, attitudes and beliefs.
  • Describe how opinions, attitudes and beliefs influence human behaviour.
  • Describe the relevance of these opinions, attitudes and beliefs to the public relations practitioner.
  • Explain the uses of the research.
  • Distinguish between formal and informal methods
  • Explain the steps in the research process.
  • Explain the techniques used in evaluating PR programs.
  • Identify the elements of public relations budgeting.
  • Explain the principles of costing for an internal department.
  • Describe the costing of an external consultancy.
  • Plan costing of films, house publications, press receptions, plant tours, and
  • Demonstrate the systematic costing principles.
  • Apply the steps of the planning process to a given situation, and
  • Present ideas for solving a given problem creatively and concisely.

    14. Public Relations III
    Ability to:
  • Explain the environmental forces which affect business functioning
  • Discuss social responsibility as a PR technique in a First World Developing - - World confluence situation
  • Explain the influence of the economic climate on PR activities; and
  • Explain the importance of communicating with employees
  • Describe the implications of the demographic constitution of the country for business
  • Explain the organisation of labour in SA and the implications for business management
  • Describe the inter-cultural implications of the structure of SA society
  • Explain the general influence of economic conditions on public relations programmes

    15. Accounting and Finance
    Ability to:
  • Describe the components of financial statements.
  • Demonstrate the double entry principle
  • Write up the general journal.
  • Post from the general journal to the general ledger.
  • Extract a trial balance.
  • Describe various accounting concepts.
  • List and explain the different types of accounting records.
  • Describe a method of stock control.
  • Describe debtors and creditors control accounts.
  • Reconcile statements.
  • Describe budgetary control.
  • Describe break-even analysis.
  • Describe the preparation of financial statements.
  • Analyse financial statements. 

    A). Critical Cross-field Assessment:

    1. Problems are solved by means of exploring and critically evaluating abstract and personal situations.
    Problems are solved by generating alternative strategies for dealing with those problems.

    2. Collaborative work as part of a team, group, organisation or community is effective.

    3. Organisation and management of self and activities are responsible and effective.

    4. Information is collected, analysed, organised and critically evaluated.
    Recognition of the problem solving context as part of a larger context is demonstrated

    5. Understanding of the world as a set of related systems is demonstrated.
    Strategies to manage effectively are explored and reflected on.

    6. Education and career opportunities are explored.

    7. Entrepreneurial opportunities are developed.

    8. -

    9. The environment is seen on a macro basis.
    Current environment is enhanced.

    10. Communication using visual, mathematical and language skills in the modes of oral and / or written persuasion is effective.

    11. Understanding of the economic world as a dynamic, interactive world that does not exist in isolation is demonstrated.

    12. Decision making is responsible and effective.

    13. Creative thinking patterns are stimulated and developed.

    14. Information from the media and other sources is interpreted.

    15. Current trends and developments are monitored.
    Appropriate responses to current trends and developments are made.

    16. Technology is used effectively and responsibly.

    17. Research is conducted independently.

    B). Specific Assessment Criteria:

    1. Management III
  • To demonstrate that all management are integrated, interactive and re-enforce each other
  • Identify, especially the decision-making and resource allocation roles of top management and the chief executive
  • Identify and apply methods leading to the effective utilisation of all the organisation's resources

    2. Economics
  • Explain the theory of demand, cost and supply.
  • Measure total economic activities.
  • Explain the critical factors and themes, which influence:
    - International trade and finance.
    - Monetary policy.
    - Public finance.
    - Labour economics.
  • Describe the growth and development of the South African economy.

    3. Financial Accounting I
  • Explain and demonstrate the ability to use the double entry system.
  • Record financial transactions in the books of original entry.
  • Post totals in books of original entry to the general ledger and extract a trial balance while demonstrating the ability to apply concepts such as matching, accrual, prudence, consisting and on-going concern concepts.
  • Reconcile bank statements with cash records.
  • Record transactions while posting correctly to control accounts.
  • Interpret accounts.

    4. Information systems and technology (Concepts of management computing)
  • Provide an overview an information system and its components.
  • Define the main terms.
  • Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement a computer system with due considerations to existing applicable legislation.

    5. Business Communications
  • Identify the major theoretical aspects of communication.
  • Demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively via the media and the medium of advertising.
  • Identify barriers to effective communication and demonstrate strategies to overcome such barriers.
  • Prepare and present written information.
  • Deliver oral presentations.

    6. Management I
  • Differentiate the major differences between profit and non-profit making undertakings.
  • Provide an overview of the basic principles of management including planning, organising leading and controlling and their associated application in the workplace.
  • Describe the objectives of co-ordination and apply these.
  • Identify and apply in work-related examples communication in organisations.
  • Provide a framework for organisation change and methods to manage change.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the strategic planning process.
  • Identify the importance of management information systems, and demonstrate an understanding of the development of MIS in an organisation.

    7. Management II
  • Develop a fundamental understanding of the nature of management and the various functions within the organisation, the interrelationship between these various functions and their impact on the achievement of organisation objectives.
  • Apply various management principles to a work situation.
  • Develop a fundamental understanding and application of social responsibility and business ethics in the organisation.

    8. Principles of Law
  • Explain and apply the most important aspects of:
    - Contracts
    - Sale agreements
    - Law of agency
    - Partnership agreements
    - Companies, and
    - Leases
    And apply them to working examples.

    9. Marketing Management I
  • Describe the nature and importance of marketing in the organisation and apply various principles of marketing concepts to an organisation situation.
  • Define the marketing environment and identify various variables from the environment that impact on the marketing plans.
  • Develop a fundamental understanding of consumer behaviours, factors that influence the buying process both in consumer and industrial buying.
  • Explain and apply concepts of market segmentation, target marketing and positioning and describe various methods used to accomplish this.
  • Describe the various informational needs of marketing management, the sources of marketing information and investigate techniques for measuring market demand.
  • Describe the components of the marketing mix (Range: product, price, place and promotion) and demonstrate a critical understanding of the marketing mix controllables in the marketing process and marketing strategy.
    Describe the necessity for marketing planning in the achievement o organisational objectives and the tasks of management associated with the implementation of marketing plans.

    10. Organisational Behaviour
  • Demonstrate an understanding of human behaviour in the work environment
  • Apply the concepts to typical industrial problems

    11. Marketing Communications:
  • Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the role of promotion in the marketing strategy
  • Demonstrate understanding of the four main methods of promotion, their importance, nature and impact on the promotional strategy
  • Demonstrate understanding of the management process associated with the various marketing communications

    12. Public Relations I
  • Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the principles of public relations and the role that public relations plays within an organisation.
  • Discuss the considerations that are made when planning a campaign.
  • Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the need for and the role of public relations within the firm.

    13. Public Relations II
  • Identify how public opinion is formed through opinions, attitudes and beliefs and the relevance of these to the public relations practitioner.
  • Use research to evaluate public opinion and plan a public relations program.
  • Demonstrate and understanding of public relations program planning, implementation and control.
  • Use creative idea generation techniques to solve problems.

    14. Public Relations III
  • Demonstrate understanding of the interaction between the organisation and its environment and the impact of this on public relations
  • Demonstrate understanding of the inter-cultural implications on South African society
  • Analyse the influence of various economic conditions on the organisation and more specifically on the public relations function and its plans

    15. Accounting and Finance
  • Demonstrate broad knowledge of accounting and financial principles and practice
  • Use financial terminology
  • Interpret financial statements at a basic level
  • Use and understand financial information at a basic level

    Integrated assessment:

    1. Continuous assessment in the form of self-assessment is carried out by the learner. This is done using activities and self-evaluation exercises. Continuous assessment is also carried out by the facilitators in the form of assignments that the learner must submit upon completion of each module of the learning programme

    2. Formative and summative assessment are integrated in a final portfolio assessment, case studies, reports, tests and practical tasks. The learner builds up a portfolio of activities, assignments and projects which are assessed in order to determine whether the learner has achieved the exit level outcomes of the qualification 

    1. Articulation possibilities exits with other Intec Higher Diplomas in Commerce and Management:

    2. The qualifications towards which the graduate may proceed are other managerial qualifications that are not specific to this particular context. Diversification into other specialised areas such as:
  • Human Resources Management
  • Labour Relations
  • Human Resources Development
  • Marketing Management
  • Cost and Management Accounting
  • General Management
  • Financial Accounting 

    A system of second examiners within the institution will be used, together with a system of external examination at exit levels to the qualification. Where professional or statutory bodies are involved in determining the curriculum, they will also be involved in moderation 

    For own staff will be used as assessors in a manner accommodated within the quality management system of the institution. This would apply to outside assessors also as they will have to comply with all quality assurance procedures of the institution 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2006; 2009; 2012; 2015. 

    As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. N/A 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Damelin Correspondence College 
    2. Intec College 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.