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Diploma: Business Management 
67690  Diploma: Business Management 
South African Institute of Management 
QCTO - Quality Council for Trades and Occupations  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
Advanced Certificate  Field 03 - Business, Commerce and Management Studies  Generic Management 
Undefined  250  Level 5  NQF Level 06  Regular-Provider-ELOAC 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 9900/00  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2023-06-30   2025-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


The Diploma in Business Management gives a supervisor or junior level business manager the opportunity to learn sound management practice application, business communication, business accounting, management practice, micro economics, business law, marketing practice, human resource practice, credit management practice, IT management practice, cost and management accounting, quantitative techniques, production and operations management and organizational behaviour. It provides the practicing supervisor or junior manager with the flexibility to continue a career path in any of these fields.

The aim of the Diploma in Business Management is:
  • To equip the learner with practical skills to manage him or herself and others in a supervisory or junior management position.
  • To enable learners to continue towards specialization in human resource management, marketing management, credit management, information technology or to manage their own Small or Micro Enterprise (SME).
  • To further encourage the fundamental concept of life long learning within the business or other organisational environment.


    The Diploma in Business Management is an intermediate qualification, providing practical application based on theory and principles. It is well suited to a supervisor or junior business manager or to an entrepreneur running a business. It assists learners on a continuous path towards higher levels of business management qualifications, or to more specialized qualifications, such as business administration, marketing, business accounting, credit management, information technology management, human resource management and entrepreneurship. It may be used by other tertiary education colleges and universities as a preparation for advanced business management studies, with the Diploma in Business Management being issued by the SAIM, the examining body. Because of its recognition by industry as a solid intermediary level programme, it is frequently the recommended qualification for corporate sponsored learners. 

    Learner should be able to:
  • Demonstrate efficiency in English Language Skills.
  • Demonstrate efficiency in Numeracy Skills at NQF Level 4.
  • Take responsibility for their own studies and progress within the learning environment.

    Recognition of Prior Learning:

    Should a learner be able to produce evidence of being found competent for an elective through another programme in that subject of the same level, credit for this module will be assessed through the RPL policy of the provider.

    Access to the Qualification:
  • Learners should be in possession of a Senior Certificate or equivalent NQF Level 4.
  • Business Management Certificate. 


    The following grid shows the split of credits, giving slightly more than the minimum requirement of 240 credits:

    Learning components; Number of credits allocated; NQF Level:
  • Fundamentals; 50; 5.
  • Core; 120; 5.
  • Electives; 80; 5.

    All the Fundamental and Core Components are compulsory. Choose elective components to give 250 credits minimum for the qualification.

    Module; Core, Fundamental or Elective; NQF Level 5; Credits:
  • Management Principles; Fundamental; 5; 20.
  • Business Accounting; Fundamental; 5; 20.
  • Management Practice; Core; 5; 40.
  • Economics A-Micro-economics; Core; 5; 40.
  • Economics B-Macro-economics; Core; 5; 40.
  • Business law; Core; 5; 40.
  • Marketing Practice; Elective; 5; 40.
  • Human Resource Practice; Elective; 5; 40.
  • Credit Management Practice; Elective; 5; 40.
  • IT Management Practice; Elective; 5; 40.
  • Cost and Management Accounting; Elective; 5; 40.
  • Quantitative Techniques; Elective; 5; 40.
  • Production and Operations Management; Elective; 5; 40.
  • Organisational Behaviour; Elective; 5; 40.
    Total credits; At least 250 credits. 

    1. Management principles:

    The competent learner will be able to:
  • Explain 'management' as a study subject.
  • Provide a detailed explanation of the evolution of management theory, including modern approaches to management.
  • Explain the organisation and its environment.
  • Discuss managerial decision-making.
  • Discuss organisational change.
  • Discuss the formation and behaviour of groups in organisations.
  • Explain organisational goal-setting and planning.
  • Explain the components of organising.
  • Provide an explanation of motivation theories.
  • Explain leadership theories.
  • Explain the subject of 'control' in organisations.
  • Provide a base of knowledge, for second and third year studies.

    2. Business Accounting:
  • Learners must understand accounting language and how accountants think. This includes concepts of debit and credit, depreciation methods, and stock control methods (only distinguish between periodic and perpetual stock systems).
  • Learners will understand the accounting and systems within an organisation and be able to do a basic set of books. This will allow them, as managers, to investigate a set of books in order to check that there are no major problems.
  • Allocate expenses and revenue correctly. It will also allow them to give direction on the structure of set of accounts in order to control their organisations more efficiently.
  • Learners will understand the financial impact of management decisions.
  • Learners will be able to understand and briefly analyse financial statements for various types of business entities.
  • Learners will be able to draw up income and expenditure budgets and cash budgets, and understand the use of budgets.
  • Learners will understand the impact of pricing and margins on profits.

    3. Management Practice:

    The learner (at supervisor or middle management level) will be able to:
  • Evaluate the main difference between idealised management principles (closed-system) and management practice (open system).
  • Understand the advantages and limitations of the Case-study method as a learning tool.
  • Explain the concept of "Manageracy" i.e. "the will to manage" and the stages of manager development and meaning of "management-in-context".
  • Evaluate the Case Study method as a learning tool.
  • Understand and perform the 6 steps of case study evaluation.
  • Differentiate the types of decision-making required at the first-line (operational), middle-management (tactical), and Top management (strategic) levels.
  • Analyse the similarities and differences between general management, operations management and project management.
  • Explain how to set up and run a project from conception to final evaluation using the eight steps towards successful management.

    4. Business Law:
  • Be able to identify, understand and deal with basic legal problems and know when these should be referred to the legal Profession.
  • Will have a sound understanding of the basic law of contract.
  • Will have a good understanding of the laws pertaining to purchase and sale.
  • Will have basic knowledge of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Labour Relations Act 1995.
  • He will understand the principles of "agency".
  • Will have knowledge of the laws pertaining to partnerships and close corporations.
  • Will study and understand the laws on negotiable instruments.
  • Will have a broad understanding of the laws of insurance, securites and insolvencies.

    5. Economics A: Micro-economics:

    The learner should be able to :
  • Define the nature of micro-economic issues.
  • Identify the factors of production.
  • Distinguish micro-economic decisions.
  • Relate economic choice to opportunity costs.
  • Discuss specialisation.
  • Apply the laws of advantage to trade.
  • Describe the functions and types of money.
  • Compare and contrast market, planned, and mixed economies.
  • Discuss resource allocation.
  • Evaluate different economic systems.
  • Discuss the reasons for failure in market economies.
  • Explain the relationship between market prices and quantities, and supply and demand.
  • Explain how markets and prices interact.
  • Discuss elasticities of demand and supply.
  • Distinguish between the different types of firm.
  • Explain economic, normal, and abnormal profits.
  • Define and discuss types of costs.
  • Describe the principle of profit maximisation.
  • Define economies and diseconomies of scale.
  • Describe the types of markets.
  • Describe the relationship between production volumes and price, and perfectly competitive and monopolistic markets.
  • Discuss equilibrium under perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic competition.
  • Identify the factors of wage determination.
  • Discuss the role of trade unions.
  • Discuss the key areas of microeconomics relative to the South African economy.

    6. Economics B: Macro-Economics:

    The learner should be able to:
  • Define the measures of macro economic output.
  • Compare production of one country with another.
  • Analyse the flow of national income.
  • Discuss the propensities to save and consume.
  • Describe the multiplier effect.
  • Describe controls on levels of investment.
  • Discuss government macro economic objectives.
  • Explain booms and recessions.
  • Discuss disturbances in the economy.
  • Discuss the consumer price index.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of inflation.
  • Demonstrate in-depth insight into the nature, context and scope of the field of Labour Relations.
  • Explain the balance between a generic perspective on Labour relations and its application in the South African context.
  • Have an understanding of the history of IR/LR in South Africa.
  • Explain in detail the legislation in SA concerning Labour Relations and employment.
  • Discuss the parties involved in the employment relationship.
  • Discuss the use of collective bargaining.
  • Discuss in detail Conflict and Dispute Management.
  • Explain in detail Fairness, Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the various levels of employee representatives and their duties e.g. Recognition Agreements, Bargaining Councils, Unions etc.
  • Understand the rules of conduct of the CCMA.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the following Acts and their impact on Human Resource Management:
    > The Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995.
    > The Basic Conditions of Employment Act.
    > The Occupational Health and Safety Act.
    > The Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (including Affirmative Action Plans).
    > The Skills Development and Skills Development Levies Acts.
    > Workman's Compensation and Unemployment Act.
  • Have a basic understanding of SAQA, SETAs and the NQF impact on Skills Development Plans.

    7. Marketing Management Practice:

    The learner will be able to:
  • Apply theory in a practical manner to the various application fields of Marketing.
  • Discuss the Marketing environment in detail analysing opportunities and threats.
  • Analyse the reasons for Marketing Planning and explain the steps to be taken including the importance of the marketing audit.
  • Draw up a strategic marketing plan and discuss problems that can be anticipated in designing and implementing the plan.
  • Explain the role of the marketing audit, the factors to consider in a product audit, and the product life cycle.
  • Do a portfolio analysis using the Boston Consulting Group matrix.
  • Explain Market share and the Pareto principle.
  • Discuss Market segmentation based on consumer behaviour.
  • Set market objectives including a gap analysis and explain the Ansoff matrix.
  • Use Porter's model for marketing strategy.
  • Explain the steps in setting a pricing plan.
  • Discuss distribution and criteria for channel choice.
  • Explain the relationship of customer service to distribution and prepare a distribution plan.
  • Discuss the types of marketing research and analyse how best to organise marketing intelligence systems.
  • Discuss the effect of size and diversity on planning.

    8. Information Technology Management Practice:

    The learner will be able to:
  • Understand the practice of a business information system versus a computer based information system.
  • Understand value-added processes and the role of BIS within them.
  • Explain the use of BIS in organisations.
  • Distinguish between types of computer systems.
  • Discuss the importance of the different types of software (e.g. operating systems, utilities, applications).
  • Understand and evaluate Data Management concepts.
  • Discuss the importance of telecommunications and computer networks.
  • Explain the characteristics of management Information Systems.
  • Describe the characteristics of decision support systems (e.g. artificial intelligence and expert systems).
  • Evaluate the five phases of the system development life-cycle.
  • Discuss the privacy and ethical issues in information systems.

    9. Credit Management Practice:

    The learner will be able to:
  • Understand and construct policies for Credit Department operations and control, Credit Department structures and statistical controls.
  • Design and implement a credit and collection policy.
  • Use various methods to assess risk in the consumer market.
  • Understand and acquire the skill to train and advise staff on effective collection of accounts receivable.
  • Deal with the full function of credit as it pertains to export sales.
  • Value and administer export insurance.
  • Understand the administration functions of the Prescription Act No. 68 of 1969.
  • Detail the regulations regarding the retention periods of documentation
  • Understand the procedures followed by the South African Courts of Law in the recovery of debts including Jurisdiction, prerequisites, sequence of events and the various outcomes that may occur.
  • Administer insolvencies and Judicial Management orders as they occur including knowledge of liquidation processes and sequestration procedures.

    10. Organisational Behaviour:

    The learner will be able to:
  • Describe the key components of organisational behaviour that need to be managed for optimum quality and results e.g. employee development, diversity and culture.
  • Explain the key aspects of employee behaviour in an organisational context that need to be managed e.g. attitudes, motivation and needs.
  • Discuss the key group and social processes that need to be managed e.g. group dynamics, power, politics, conflict, negotiation and team work.
  • Understand the key organisational processes within an organisation that need to be managed e.g. communication, self-management, leadership and occupational stress.
  • Understand the key aspects of an evolving organisation which need to be managed e.g skills development, change, life-cycles and structures.

    11. Quantitative Techniques:

    The learner will be able to:
  • Motivate the importance and uses of statistics in business.
  • Describe the methods of analysis of quantitative information.
  • Explain and apply the methods and measures of descriptive statistics.
  • Explain the concepts of probability theory and statistical inference.
  • Apply the concepts of probability distributions in real-world business contexts.
  • Explain the concepts of hypotheses testing and their use in real-world business contexts.

    12. Production and Operations Management:

    The student will be able to:
  • Identify various elements that comprise the field of operations management.
  • Develop an appreciation of the need for interaction between operations management and the other management functions within an organisation.
  • Apply benchmarking and other measures of performance to improve productivity.
  • Apply various total quality management techniques in order to improve quality, reduce costs and improve profitability.
  • Plan and source materials to meet production schedules.
  • Apply capacity planning techniques in order to organise an effective plant operation.
  • Apply various production-flow planning and control techniques in order to expedite production scheduling more effectively.
  • Apply operations management methodology and techniques in a service industry.
  • Explain the importance of adapting capacity to a change in demand.
  • Explain the relationship between demand management and operations management.
  • Apply demand forecasting techniques.
  • Apply the break-even analysis technique.
  • Explain the relationship between aggregate planning and master scheduling.
  • Explain the meaning of and the activities of operations scheduling.
  • Explain the meanings of logistics, materials management and inventory management.
  • Explain the importance of inventory in the production process.
  • Explain the PIM (Production and Inventory Management) concept.

    13. Cost and Management Accounting:

    The learner will be able to:
  • Understand and apply cost classification concepts and terms.
  • Understand and undertake basic calculations relating to Materials, Labour and Overheads.
  • Evaluate production costs and income statements.
  • Understand and calculate marketing costs.
  • Complete accounting entries for job costing.
  • Understand and apply contract costing, process costing, standard costing and Activity based costing.
  • Undertake cost volume-profit analysis and break-even points.
  • Understand the principles behind Capital investment decisions.
  • Explain the use of a budget as a control tool and prepare various types of budgets.
  • Calculate Profit and Loss for an enterprise.
  • Calculate depreciation of assets.
  • Understand the concept of joint and by-products.
  • Calculate costs using the absorption and variable costing systems.
  • Discuss the dynamic patterns and levels of employment.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of unemployment.
  • Discuss living standards and the concept of growth.
  • Discuss the uses and limitation of national GDP statistics.
  • Define reasons for disparities in living standards between developed and developing countries.
  • Discuss the size and structure of populations in developed and developing economies.
  • Evaluate the factors and policies that affect population growth.
  • Evaluate the economic effects of changes in population distribution and increasing urbanisation.
  • Explain the relationship between population dynamics and other economic behaviours.
  • Describe the benefits of international specialisation.
  • Describe exports and imports between countries.
  • Describe and evaluate the structure of the balance of payments.
  • Discuss the types of taxation operant in South Africa.
  • Explain exchange rates and their fluctuations.
  • Discuss the relationship between free trade and protectionism.
  • Discuss the key areas of macro economics relative to the South African economy.

    14. Human Resource Management Practice:

    The learner will be able to:

    Demonstrate in-depth insight into the nature, context a human resource environment.

    Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:

    The very nature of this qualification requires the learner to demonstrate competency in the English language as used in business, basic numeracy as required for elementary bookkeeping calculations, budgeting, pricing etc; management of self and interaction with others as well as an appreciation of the inter-relationship between the various business functions, and the role of both small, micro, medium and large enterprises in the development of the economy. Integrated assessment methods will therefore encompass all of the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • The need for planning in an organization is explained.
  • The different leadership styles are described.
  • The need to organize people to work effectively is understood.
  • The need to control processes in the workplace is understood.
  • The inter-relationship between the organization, communities and the environment is comprehended.
  • The basic function of individuals within an organization is understood.
  • The need for teamwork in the workplace is explained.
  • What motivates individuals is understood.
  • The importance of management of self is described.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • The classification of items as income or expenses is clearly demonstrated.
  • The essential financial statements are described.
  • There is an awareness of what comprises a basic set of books.
  • The impact of pricing is explained.
  • The necessity of budgeting is explained.
  • An example of a budget is compiled.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • The practice of management is demonstrated by the provision of examples of management principles and explanation of their application in a work environment.
  • A Case Study is analysed into its component parts, the various elements prioritized and solutions provided to the main issues in the study.
  • The requirements of management within a particular context of the learner's working environment are adequately described.
  • The Case Study tool is compared with real working experiences and evaluated against these.
  • A logical analysis, prioritization, evaluation, solutions proposal and implementation plan is presented.
  • Clear understanding is demonstrated in the practice of general management planning, leading, organizing and controlling a wide variety of resources, compared with practices such as good time management, team work.
  • Efficiency and waste reduction as required in an operational environment.
  • Examples of a project management flow chart are presented.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • The basic types of legal situations are illustrated with an acknowledgement as to when these should be appropriately referred to professional legal counsel.
  • The basic law of contract is explained with examples applicable to the work situation.
  • The common law of purchase and sale is clearly understood as exemplified by reference to consumer rights and supplier obligations.
  • The main points of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act and the Labour Relations Act are listed.
  • The difference between an agency, a franchise and a licence are demonstrated.
  • The differences in registration of proprietory organizations, joint ventures and partnerships as well as close corporations are tabulated.
  • The laws of negotiable instruments are presented.
  • The basic laws of insurance, securities and insolvencies are explained by the learner.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Micro-economic issues should be explained with examples of topical situations given.
  • The relationship between raw materials, the processing thereof, the costing, waste reduction, health and safety are described.
  • Examples of the impact of good and bad micro-economic decisions are supplied.
  • An appreciation of the upfront cost relative to the project or line of business being considered, is demonstrated.
  • The needs of a particular sector of operation are highlighted.
  • A fundamental understanding of the laws of advantage to trade are understood.
  • The monetary system is described in terms of capital investment, income and expenditure.
  • The differences between operating under market related prices, planned and mixed economies are shown and compared.
  • The allocation of capital for plant and equipment, human resources for management and operations, as well as working capital for daily operations is explained.
  • The basic economic systems are described and the fundamental differences are explained.
  • The importance of aspects such as cash flow, poor marketing and pricing are highlighted in examples of failed economies.
  • An appreciation is demonstrated of supply and demand and the importance of appropriate pricing to cover resources and operations.
  • The concept of fair market pricing is understood and the implications of non- adherence are explained.
  • Demand and supply fluctuations are related to economic circumstances with examples.
  • Micro, Small, Medium and Large enterprises are described and compared. The nature of a family business is provided.
  • Profit margins are described and compared.
  • Examples of direct and indirect costs are provided in a table.
  • Profit maximization is related to current economic conditions, the cost of materials and processing and typical consumer reaction to elevated prices.
  • Economies and diseconomies of scale are explained with examples.
  • The fundamental differences between business to business, business to consumer and services marketing are explained by naming types of businesses in each sector.
  • The impact of no competition and high competition on a market segment are discussed.
  • The impact of a monopolistic environment is compared with examples to the equilibrium established in a free market sector.
  • Factors impacting on wage levels are tabulated.
  • The positive and negative aspects of trade union influence are presented and discussed.
  • The key local factors affecting microeconomic conditions which have an influence on the operation of a South African company are described.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • A brief history of IR/LR in South Africa is presented.
  • The key laws pertaining to labour relations and employment in SA are listed with the main points described.
  • The influence of shareholders, management, employees and customers on labour relations practices in SA is understood.
  • The use of collective bargaining to bring labour related issues to the attention of management in a orderly fashion is explained.
  • The manner in which conflict and dispute management is typically resolved in South African organisations and within the South African environment is described.
  • The correct process to register a conflict is detailed.
  • The different types of structures used in handling disputes in the work place are tabulated.
  • The important role of the CCMA and the appropriate process to engage with the CCMA is demonstrated.
  • The main acts and the key points affecting HR management are tabulated.
  • The role of outcomes based education is described with reference to the roles of the regulatory bodies in skills development.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 7:
  • The importance of marketing is described in creating awareness and establishing ongoing relations with customers or clients.
  • The manner in which an organization capitalizes on opportunities and handles threats to the business or brand is explained with examples.
  • A template of a marketing plan is presented with a brief explanation of what should be included under each heading. This should include identifying what will be measured and how in order to determine the results of the marketing plan once implemented.
  • The position of the product in its lifecycle is explained in terms of the degree of marketing investment.
  • Products are placed in the correct quadrants of the BCC matrix illustrating an understanding that new products require investment and more mature products require lower maintenance whilst generating good profits.
  • Within a given market the idea of market share between competitors should be described.
  • The principle of 20% of customers providing 80% of profit is described with examples.
  • The impact of culture, gender, age, race, religion and other factors on the typical behaviour of consumers is described with examples.
  • The difference between the expectations of the consumer and the benefits of the product or service are described and suggestions made as to how the larger gaps can be filled.
  • Examples are given of companies that focus on high investment to more than meet market expectations as compared with products and services delivered at minimum cost in order to meet basic requirements.
  • A model of a pricing plan is presented together with the explanation of the strategy adopted.
  • Examples are given of products and services that are sold direct to he end user and these are compared with those sold via a wholesale and retails process.
  • A plan is presented as to how a product or service will be distributed to different geographical sectors.
  • The difference between primary and secondary market research is explained.
  • The value of good intelligence about competitors in the same market segment is illustrated.
  • The impact of multiple markets on the resources of an organization is discussed with reference to resource planning.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 8:
  • The basic practice of a business information system compared with a computer based system are tabulated.
  • The uses of business information systems in an organization are listed and the value of each to the business is explained.
  • Different electronic computer systems are listed.
  • Examples of business software and their typical applications are provided.
  • The importance of data management systems and their applicability in business situations are described and evaluated.
  • Different types of telecommunication systems are described with examples.
  • Management Information Systems and their applications are clearly understood.
  • The use of technology in gathering and analyzing market intelligence is demonstrated.
  • The speed of technology developments and the impact on the life cycle of systems is described in 5 phases.
  • Methods of protecting information are described.
  • An appreciation of the ethical use of information together with permission legislation is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 9:
  • The fundamental roles of credit department operations, credit control and structures are listed.
  • A credit and collection policy is drafted.
  • The methods of assessing risk of a client or group of consumers are given.
  • Procedures for training staff in account collection are described in a policy document.
  • The specific requirements for credit control for export sales are listed.
  • The necessity and administration of export insurance is described.
  • The main points of the Prescription Act are presented.
  • The regulations pertaining to retention periods of documentation are correctly described.
  • Legal procedures for the collection of debt are explained.
  • The essential practices of insolvencies and organizations placed under judicial management are understood and knowledge of the liquidation and sequestration procedure is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 10:
  • The different aspects of organizational behaviour are described with reference to the impact of them being managed extremely well, averagely and poorly.
  • The typical types of employee behaviour are described as is the importance of management of diversity in a team.
  • A comprehensive explanation of conflict management in a South African context is provided.
  • A description of the typical policies and procedures relating to the development of life skills is given.
  • The importance of skills development and the impact on the organization and the efficiency of its services delivery is described.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 11:
  • A description of the application of business statistics and the uses thereof in decision-making is described.
  • The different methods of analysis of quantitative information are described.
  • Descriptive statistics methods and their measures are explained and examples given.
  • The extension of statistical results into the probability of future situations is understood.
  • A typical distribution curve is illustrated with reference to a business application.
  • The method of appropriately testing a hypothesis is described with reference to a business application.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 12:
  • The typical elements of operational management such a raw material acquisition, manufacturing processes, logistics management, health and safety are comprehensively described.
  • An organogram is presented showing the relationship between operations management, financial management, human resources management, IT management and marketing and sales in an organization.
  • Measures that affect performance together with the industry benchmarks are discussed.
  • The optimization of waste management, production efficiency and quality assurance are related to the profitability of the company.
  • The importance of planning for just in time material sourcing to enable efficient production is demonstrated.
  • Flow charts are drawn showing the key steps in the production process and the critical control points are indicated.
  • The application of process control in a service industry is compared with a production environment.
  • The different methods of planning and scheduling are understood.
  • A comprehensive description of the logistics process and the management thereof is detailed.
  • A knowledge inventory management and control is demonstrated.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 13:
  • The basic practices of cost and management accounting are described.
  • Examples of a typical income statement showing the various entries are shown in tabular format.
  • The difference between the different kinds of costing are briefly described.
  • A graph is presented showing cost volume, profit analysis and break even points.
  • Types of capital expenditure are compared.
  • An example of a typical budget if presented.
  • The basic method for assessing depreciation is described and some examples are given.
  • The fundamental difference between the absorption costing system and the variable costing system is explained.
  • Different types of macro economic output are described.
  • Production in South Africa is compared with other Southern African countries.
  • The flow of national income and how this affects the economy is analysed.
  • The degree of saving in South Africa is compared with consumption.
  • The multiplier effect is explained.
  • The major elements of the economy that are under government control are described.
  • Boom and recessionary situations and their impact on the economy are compared.
  • The value of the consumer price index is explained.
  • The causes and impact of inflation are explained.
  • The relationship between levels of employment and unemployment on living standards and growth of the economy, is discussed.
  • Methods of measuring economic growth including GDP are described.
  • The relationship between population size and growth, and the economy, is contrasted in developed and developing countries.
  • Importance of imports and exports and the effect on the balance of payments is described.
  • The main types of tax applied to businesses in South Africa are detailed.
  • The rate of exchange against overseas currencies and the impact of sudden fluctuations is clearly understood.
  • The South African economy is described in relation to freedom of economic trade and government protectionism.
  • The key areas of macro economic policy are tabled.

    Integrated Assessment:

    The modules in the qualification lend themselves to a variety of assessment methods e.g. knowledge tests (essays, short questions, and multiple choice questions), assignments, presentations using technology and oral presentations. Formative assessments will logically be implemented at critical points within each module and summative assessment should be conducted at the end of each module. Because the structure of the qualification includes electives, a set of final summative assessments are required to accommodate fundamental, core and the appropriate elective modules. The SAIM conducts the final summative assessment for each module. 

    In developing the Diploma in Business Management (NQF Level 5: 250 credits) as an intermediate level qualification suitable for small business owner-managers or, first-line or middle level managers, reference was made to comparable qualification in other countries including the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, as well as certain African countries who were members of the African Chapter (i.e. Association of Management Organisation of Africa (AMOA)) of the World Management Council (i.e. Conseil International pour ('Organisation Scientifique (CIOS)').

    In order to promote and develop common management standards across Africa, the World Management Council (CIOS) created an African Chapter (i.e. (AMOA) in 1996 in Johannesburg to bring together like-minded Management Organisations. The six Founder country members consisted of the South African Institute of Management (SAIM), Zimbabwe Institute of Management (ZIM), Ghana Institute of Management (GIM), Mauritius Institute of Management (NIM), Kenya Institute of Management (KIM), and the Malawi Institute of Management (MAIM). Since that time, additional countries have also joined including management institutes from Botswana, Uganda and Nigeria.

    United Kingdom:

    Management qualifications within the UK fall within three main categories, namely:
  • Academic qualifications (e.g. Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees, Masters).
  • Professional qualifications (including continuous professional development (CPD).
  • Vocational qualifications (e.g. NVQs, VRQs).

    The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) offers a range of professional qualifications at different levels of the UK Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) (i.e. nine levels including an entry level O. There is no CMI qualification strictly comparable with the SAIM Diploma in Business Management although there is a certain degree of overlap with topics covered by CMI's Level 5 'Diploma in Management and Leadership' e.g. 'Personal development as a manager and leader', 'Conducting a management project', financial control', 'marketing planning' and 'human resource development'.

    The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM), based in London, is Europe's largest awarding body for leadership and management qualifications. It is also a professional membership body for leaders and managers providing a wide range of career support services to members.

    ILM offers 22 competency-based qualifications related to Management and Leadership. In particular, their Level 5 'Diploma in Management' and Level 5 'Diploma in Leadership and Management', designed specifically for middle level managers, although not strictly comparable with the 'Diploma in Business Management' overlaps much of the SAIM syllabus.


    The Australian Institute of Management (AIM) offers 100 short programmes and 10 nationally recognised carefully designed Management and Leadership Development qualifications. The courses tend to be competency-based and allow for Recognition of Prior Learning (RLP) with excellent learning pathways to more advanced qualifications.

    AIM offers two courses, namely 'Diploma in Business' and 'Diploma in Management' suited more for students in the workplace, which together only cover part of the syllabus for the Diploma in Business Management. The total classroom teaching time for both qualifications is approximately 30 days (300 credits).

    Monash University, founded in 1960, is one of Australias leading universities with 50 000 students with overseas campuses in Malaysia and South Africa is ranked 47 in the World of Top Universities. Monash Graduate School offers an extensive array of graduate qualifications in all aspects of Business and Management, usually lasting one-and-half years to three years. Graduate Certificates normally require one-semester of study, whilst the Diplomas tend to take two-years part-time study. In this regard the Graduate Diploma in Management or Business is comparable with the Diploma in Business Management.

    New Zealand:

    The New Zealand Institute of Management (NZIM) offers a wide range of professional management qualifications and programmes to develop the managerial competence of its members. It offers an 'Advanced Diploma in Management' at Level 6 aimed at both middle managers senior managers. The syllabus overlaps to a certain degree both the SAIM' Diploma in Business Management' (Level 5) and the 'Advanced Diploma in Business Management' (Level 6). 

    Being an intermediary management qualification, the option exists to continue towards the Advanced Diploma In Business Management, and further to Honours level qualifications in Business Management. Both horizontal and vertical integration is possible into further studies in business communication, business accounting, general management, marketing management, human resources management, credit management, information technology and entrepreneurship. Other options include economics, business law and business strategy. Such qualifications are available through a variety of universities and colleges. 

  • As the qualification falls under business services, the appropriate ETQA will be the Services SETA.
  • Assessors must be registered with the ETDP SETA and constituently registered with the Services SETA.
  • Moderators must be registered with the ETDP SETA and constituently registered with the Services SETA.
  • External moderation will be carried out by the Services SETA (or the appropriate QCTO). 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 

    As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. As per the SAQA decision to re-register all provider-based qualifications on the National Qualifications Framework that meet the criteria for re-registration, this qualification has been re-registered from 1 July 2018. The Diploma in Business Management leads towards full SAIM membership.

    On completion of the Diploma in Business Management, Full membership may be applied for. Senior experienced members who have completed the Advanced Diploma in Business Management and have been a full member for 5 years are eligible to become Fellow members of the SAIM, once the required experience is attained. 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.