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All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |
Further Education and Training Certificate: Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Control Supervision |
61709 | Further Education and Training Certificate: Water and Wastewater Treatment Process Control Supervision | |||
SGB Water Sector | ||||
EWSETA - Energy and Water Sector Education and Training Authority | OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework | |||
Further Ed and Training Cert | Field 12 - Physical Planning and Construction | Civil Engineering Construction | ||
Undefined | 166 | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | Regular-Unit Stds Based |
Passed the End Date - Status was "Reregistered" |
SAQA 9999/99 | 2018-07-01 | 2023-06-30 | |
2026-06-30 | 2029-06-30 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. |
This qualification replaces: |
Qual ID | Qualification Title | Pre-2009 NQF Level | NQF Level | Min Credits | Replacement Status |
22672 | National Certificate: Wastewater Process Control | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 145 | Complete |
This qualification is intended for people who are responsible for supervising the operation of individual processes on a water and wastewater works and who are at the same time responsible for coordinating all processes on the works during a shift to ensure that it functions as an integrated whole. This qualification will prepare learners to function independently and in a supervisory capacity to ensure that workers work in accordance with Health and Safety Regulations and relevant legislation. A person acquiring this qualification will be able to operate and control a water-works or/and wastewater works within the context of legislation and work policies and procedures. This qualification forms the foundation for advancement to within the water sector thus providing the learner with core competencies necessary to progress to a higher level. Learners acquiring this qualification will be able to issue instructions on the operations of the works. This qualification focuses on the full development of the learner and further mobility and transportability within the water sector. This qualification will expand the skills base of the qualifying learner and make the person more effective in his/her tasks and more employable and will open up job opportunities in related fields. People credited with this qualification will be able to: Rationale: This qualification reflects the workplace-based needs of water and wastewater process operators working in the water sector as expressed by employers and employees. This is one of the qualification that will allow water and wastewater process controllers to meet legal requirements for training stipulated in the regulations for the Water Services Act No. 108 of 1997. This qualification provides the learner with a career path and progression from process operations to process control within the water sector. The qualification also provides the flexibility within the range of electives that will allow the individual to pursue different careers within the water sector. This qualification will enhance productivity within the water sector and contribute towards the ecological sustainability and improvement of the water environment. The individual will have the capacity to advance and gain skills and self-respect and make a meaningful contribution to water treatment. This qualification will prepare learners to function independently on water or wastewater treatment works. A person acquiring this qualification will be able to operate and control specific processes at water or wastewater treatment works within the context of legislation and work policies and procedures. This qualification is aimed at people who are expected to make decisions relating to the amount of chemicals dosed, volumes of water treated and pumped. The qualification will provide learners with knowledge and skills to be able to lead a small team or group on a plant as well as to conduct administrative tasks in order to meet organizational objectives. This qualification forms the foundation for progression to higher-level qualifications at NQF Level 5 in the learning pathway. This qualification focuses on the full development of the learner and further mobility and transportability within the water sector. This qualification will provide learners with key competencies in interpersonal communications skills, measurement skills and quality management skills at a lower level including those required at this level. This qualification will expand the skills base of the qualifying learner and make the person more effective in his/her tasks and more employable as it opens job opportunities in related fields. This qualification will enhance productivity within the water sector and contribute towards the ecological sustainability and improvement of the water environment. |
It is assumed that learners are competent in:
Access to the Qualification: |
N |
The Qualification consists of a Fundamental, a Core and an Elective Component.
To be awarded the Qualification learners are required to obtain a minimum of 166 credits as detailed below. Fundamental Component: The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards in: It is compulsory therefore for learners to do Communication in two different South African languages, one at NQF Level 4 and the other at NQF Level 3. All Unit Standards in the Fundamental Component comprising 56 credits are compulsory. Core Component: The Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 90 credits all of which are compulsory. Elective Component: The Elective Component consists of three clusters, namely water cluster, wastewater cluster which are areas of specializations each with its own set of Unit Standards including the generic cluster in which learners could opt for such ones to fulfill the requirements of the qualification. Learners are to choose a specialization area and must choose Elective Unit Standards to the value of 20 credits from the Unit standards listed under that specialization. |
1. Operate the works.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of hydraulics, valves, pumps and motors. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of relevant national laws, regulations and guidelines as they apply to water or wastewater treatment. 4. Demonstrate an ability to supervise and lead a team. 5. Produce water or final effluent in compliance with the required standards. 6. Demonstrate problem solving and investigative skills. Critical Cross-Field Outcomes (CCFOs): The qualifying learner will be able to: |
Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
> Range: Records refer to but are not limited to maintenance records, staff records, electricity use and water or effluent quality records. Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: > Range: Various pumps include but are not limited to rota dynamic and positive displacement pumps. Valves include but are not limited to isolating valves (gate valves and ball valves), non-return valves, butterfly valves and Saunders valves. > Range: Methods include but are not limited to painting, galvanizing, epoxy coating and electrolytic methods. > Range: Means of measuring flows refer to but are not limited to open channel and piped flows. > Range: Operation of the works refers to but is not limited to inflow measurement, final discharge measurement and within the works flow measurement, liquid, sludge and gas. > Range: Maintenance programme include but are not limited to scum, algae, sludge and grease removal. Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: > Range: Unsafe conditions include but are not limited to exposure to pathogens such as hepatitis, cholera, typhoid; toxic materials (including gas and chemicals), inadequate guards on moving machinery and inadequate hand railings. Precautions refer to active and passive safety precautions on own works. > Range: Good housekeeping includes but is not limited to cleaning sludge and chemical spills, cutting grass, replacing manhole covers, proper storage of chemicals and keeping walkways clear of obstructions, adequate lighting (test and replace light bulbs). > Range: Records refer to but are not limited to equipment check registers and minutes of safety meetings. Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: > Range: Staff reports refer to reports on request for discipline and training requirements. > Range: Information and type of record to be kept include but are not limited to shift log book, water and wastewater flows (maximum, minimum, average), weather conditions, plant units in operation, work in progress, work completed, breakdowns, access control, important communications received and sent and plant units out of service. Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5: > Range: Relevant on-site tests include but is not limited to pH, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Jar Testing, Suspended solids and Residual Chlorine. Associated Unit Standards: > "Operate telemetric and electronic equipment and scientific instrumentation", ID 12066. > "Demonstrate knowledge of activated sludge processes in wastewater treatment". Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6: > Range: On-site tests include but are not limited to jar tests, settling tests, dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, residual chlorine and ammonia. Integrated Assessment: Integrated assessment at the level of Qualification provides an opportunity for learners to show that they are able to integrate concepts, ideas and actions across Unit Standards to achieve competence that is grounded and coherent in relation to the purpose of the Qualification. Integrated assessment should show how already demonstrated competence in individual areas can be linked and applied for the achievement of a holistic outcome. Integrated assessment must judge the quality of the observable performance, and also the quality of the thinking that lies behind it. Assessment tools must encourage learners to give an account of the thinking and decision-making that underpin their demonstrated performance. Some assessment practices will demand practical evidence while others may be more theoretical, depending on the type of outcomes to be assessed, and the nature and level of the Qualification. The ratio between action and interpretation is not fixed, but varies according to the demands of the Qualification. While the generic component (literacy, communication and life skills) of this Qualification at NQF Level 4 can be assessed through occupational contexts and activities relating to water purification care must be taken in both the learning programme and the assessment to ensure that these foundational skills are truly portable. The primary aim of this Qualification is to ensure that learners have a sound base of general education to prepare them for further learning, whatever career path they may choose. Learners must be able to transfer generic skills such as language, computation and learning skills etc across a number of different contexts, and apply them within a number of learning areas. A broad range of task-orientated and theoretical assessment tools may be used, with the distinction between practical knowledge and disciplinary knowledge maintained so that each takes its rightful place. Unit Standards in the Qualification must be used to assess specific and critical cross-field outcomes. During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and should assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflexive competencies. |
This qualification and component unit standards have been compared with similar qualifications including short courses and/or training programmes from various countries which include, Australia, New Zealand, France and United Kingdom. Other countries searched include Scotland, United States of America and Canada. The countries were chosen specifically on their bases of their approach in water and wastewater treatment processes or control processes to produce clean water that is essential for good health and safe to drink, treat wastewater both from domestic and industrial so that it is safe to return to the environment. Best practices have been considered in relation to education and training in water and wastewater related qualifications/courses in the study. Another reason for the choice of the countries was to find out as close as possible, countries whose water and wastewater process control systems including climate conditions are similar to the South African context. New Zealand was the mostly preferred country as having a best practice in water and wastewater treatment processes are advanced but having more or less similar to South Africa although the use a slightly different approach that may not necessarily suit our context due the different plants they operate. Given the fact that the qualification is more focused on water and wastewater plant operators at Level 3, qualifications and the relevant awarding bodies accredited to provide a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications including short courses in this field were searched.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA): This qualification was chosen as it is comprised of unit standards that are mostly covered in our qualification although it is pegged at NQF Level 3. It is designed to recognise the core knowledge and skills associated with treatment process management systems, legislation relating to water and wastewater treatment and other competencies relating specifically to wastewater treatment which are similar to the our qualification in that such skills are packaged for wastewater plant operator in the wastewater cluster. The qualification has a water component that is treated as generic unit standards that form part of the qualification: It must be mentioned however, that some of the competencies in both qualification may be expressed either in a form of unit standard or specific outcomes which shows a slight difference between the two qualification. In addition, it must be born in mind that the South African qualification recognises the commonalities of competencies to be addressed for both water and wastewater plant operations hence these competencies have been reflected in the core component of the qualification since it has been merged into one qualification. New Zealand Water and Environment Training Academy (NZWETA), which is a joint venture between the New Zealand Water and Wastes Association and Opus International Consultants, provides education and training for all sectors of the broader water and wastes industry also offer this qualification. The New Zealand Water and Environment Training Academy's courses have been specially developed to meet the needs of the broader water and wastes industry. The qualifications offered by NZWETA are approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and are recognised by the industry both nationally and internationally. The core and elective components have been developed taking into account South Africa's unique context, but also looking at international best practice. Benchmarking was done against Certificate IV in Water Industry Operations from Australia. The Australian qualification has no fundamental unit standards. The core consists of two unit standards Health and Safety and Environmental Plans and Procedures. The South African qualification has an equivalent for Health and Safety but no equivalent for Environmental Plans. The Australian qualification has electives that cover all fields of water whereas the South African qualification is specific to water operators. Similarities were found in content, level and degree of complexity with the four unit standards that relate to water operators. The Australian qualification is at a slightly higher level and has a greater emphasis on management. Management will be accommodated at level five in the South African context. The fundamental components, reflecting foundational learning and generic skills and knowledge have been derived from registered, local adult education Unit Standards. Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF): NWP30101 Water Industry: The Australian level descriptors are very similar to the South African descriptors. The following unit standards compare well and covered by the qualification at Level 4: United Kingdom (QCA): The City and Guilds is offering this qualification at an Apprenticeship level. The qualification provides learners with skills that will make them qualify in a number of pathways, namely, water networks, in constructions operations, leakage, distribution control and water supply and waster operations. Although the qualification does not compare fully with the South African qualification, the competencies covered to fulfil the requirements of the latter learning pathways, some of competencies compare well with the South African qualification. The competencies covered are as follows: CABWI Awarding Body: CABWI is an accredited NVQ awarding body. Its training focuses principally on people working in the water and utilities industries. Unfortunately details of the units contained in this qualification could not be obtained hence it is difficult to establish whether the qualifications compare favourably or not. Department for Employment and Learning. The Department for Employment and Learning offers qualifications on Level 3 Apprenticeship Framework that has been agreed between the Department and Energy and Utility Skills Limited. The following qualification that compares with the South African qualification is as follows: Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF): NWP01 Water Industry: The Water Industry Training Centre: Cuyamaca College: Water and Wastewater Technology: The Water and Wastewater Technology Program offers short courses that are designed to prepare students for success in entering, and advancing within, the industry. The courses offered that compare well with this qualification are as follows: Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SQA): SADC Region: Searches have been conducted in the SADC region and there were no qualifications found that could compare with this qualification. Conclusion concerning comparability: The search has indicated that the South African qualification compares well in that a substantial degree of similarity was found in most of the qualifications examined in terms of the occupational profiles and training standards of other countries that have been investigated. Although the South African qualification combines both water and wastewater process operations due to the similarities found in the core components of both qualifications, the revised qualification provides a mix of mandatory unit standards to cover both water and wastewater core competencies and electives as optional units that enable learners to choose from to address their particular roles in their respective areas of specialization. Hence the South African qualification and its associated unit standards is generally comparable to the Scottish, Australian, New Zealand in terms of levels, scope and range of competencies covered and slightly with the United Kingdom qualification as well although the titles of the qualifications differ. |
This Qualification has been developed for mobility across similar trades within the industry and is intended to allow for further learning towards management certificates or diplomas within this sector or other sectors on NQF Level 5 or 6. This Qualification will provide articulation with a range of Qualifications in both technical and management areas. |
For an applicant to register as an assessor, the applicant needs:
As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. |
This qualification replaces qualification 22672, "National Certificate: Wastewater Process Control", Level 4, 145 credits.
A note on the compilation of standards in this qualification in line with the SAQA principle of avoiding duplication, existing registered standards were used where possible. |
Core | 254121 | Demonstrate knowledge of the characteristics of water flow | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 10 |
Core | 255981 | Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of water hydraulics | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Core | 13945 | Describe and apply the management of stock and fixed assets in a business unit | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 2 |
Core | 242810 | Manage Expenditure against a budget | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Core | 255976 | Supervise and optimise the operation of separation processes | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Core | 254099 | Supervise personal safety practices in the workplace | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 4 |
Core | 255983 | Supervise the operation of mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic control systems | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 10 |
Core | 10981 | Supervise work unit to achieve work unit objectives (individuals and teams) | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 12 |
Core | 255978 | Take non-routine investigative samples for monitoring process in water and wastewater works | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Core | 255979 | Thicken and dewater sludge | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Core | 255987 | Demonstrate knowledge of water related legislation and the responsibilities of management in terms of the acts | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Core | 14609 | Participate in management of conflict | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Core | 255975 | Supervise the various disinfection and oxidation processes | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Fundamental | 119472 | Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication | Level 3 | NQF Level 03 | 5 |
Fundamental | 119457 | Interpret and use information from texts | Level 3 | NQF Level 03 | 5 |
Fundamental | 119467 | Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes | Level 3 | NQF Level 03 | 5 |
Fundamental | 119465 | Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts | Level 3 | NQF Level 03 | 5 |
Fundamental | 9015 | Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Fundamental | 119462 | Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Fundamental | 119469 | Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Fundamental | 9016 | Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 4 |
Fundamental | 119471 | Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Fundamental | 7468 | Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Fundamental | 119459 | Write/present/sign for a wide range of contexts | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 5 |
Elective | 255985 | Operate an anaerobic wastewater sludge digester | Level 3 | NQF Level 03 | 7 |
Elective | 255982 | Control water abstraction structures | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Elective | 255986 | Demonstrate knowledge of advanced treatment of wastewater process | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Elective | 255977 | Demonstrate knowledge of the principles and application of potable water science | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Elective | 254115 | Demonstrate sound environmental practices in wastewater operations | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 7 |
Elective | 14417 | Lead and supervise construction teams | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 8 |
Elective | 255984 | Operate and control activated sludge process | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 12 |
Elective | 255980 | Operate electronic equipment for water and wastewater process control | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 6 |
Elective | 14426 | Read, interpret and use construction drawings and specifications | Level 4 | NQF Level 04 | 10 |
Elective | 254118 | Apply water loss control principles | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 7818 | Conduct on-the-job coaching | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 5 |
Elective | 117003 | Demonstrate understanding of sections of the occupational health and safety act (act 85 of 1993) applicable to the water sector | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification. |
This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. |
All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |