SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Certificate: Music Industry: Sound Technology 
48671  National Certificate: Music Industry: Sound Technology 
SGB Music Industry 
MICTS - Media, Information and Communication Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 02 - Culture and Arts  Music 
Undefined  139  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 

The area of employment for sound engineers/ technologists are mostly in the area of: Recording; Mixing, Live sound, Theatre, Mastering, Television, Broadcast, Film, Video, Multimedia, Monitor Engineers; Designers, Advisors, Commercial Producers, music producers who do not have any recognised qualification/s or have received their training abroad. The purpose of this qualification is to provide learners with the competencies required to manage functions within a sound technology workplace.

The qualification will enable the effective introduction, implementation and management of systems, processes and procedures required for the operation of sound engineering environment.

The greatest need for competence at this level exists regarding the national music industry that seeks individuals who have defined and reliable knowledge and skills in sound technology. Such individuals must meet the industry's standards and requirements, use technology to the best of their advantage and deliver an efficient and effective service. The composition of this qualification is aimed at providing an integrated set of competencies to meet the music industry sound technology requirements.

An analysis of the role of sound engineers in the South African Music Industry revealed that a degree the following knowledge, skills and personal characteristics required:
Advanced knowledge of:
  • Audio Fundamentals
  • Management of others
  • Leading teams
  • Self-management
  • Ear anatomy
  • Hearing protection
  • Psycho-acoustics
  • The acoustic environment
  • Mathematics
  • Physical science, biology, geography
  • Basic music understanding
  • Genre-specific understanding, music styles and analysis
  • Basic electronics
  • Soldering techniques
  • Microphone types and techniques]
  • Equipment specifications
  • Equipment types and brands
  • Sound source measurement
  • Signal flow (input sections)
  • Patch bays and connection points
  • Dynamics* Headroom
  • Unity Gain
  • Analogue to Digital conversions
  • Sampling rates/Bit rates
  • Recording levels
  • Basic console
  • Compressors and noise gate equipment
  • Types of equalisers/filters
  • Mixing consoles
  • Recording environment/the live room
  • Input and Output levels
  • Sound recording Mediums/formats
  • Routing procedures
  • Recording analysis and techniques (aural and visual)
  • The controlled environment, monitoring and monitor speakers.
  • Mixing Formats/mediums
  • Two track (Stereo) mediums
  • Effects types
  • Effects parameters
  • Gain structure
  • Special Processors and types
  • Mastering Mediums/formats (e.g. CDR, DAT)
  • Mastering Environments and monitoring
  • CD standards (IRSC codes)
  • Track compilation and flow
  • Synchronisation and Time Codes
  • Studio Installation and maintenance
  • Cabling, connectors and Chasing
  • Health and Safety practices
  • Power, Fire, Water
  • National Noise Law regulations
  • Weight (correct lifting practices)
  • MIDI
  • Connections, Cabling and Ports
  • Editing Parameters and Controls
  • Midi messages
  • Midi Implementation charts
  • Midi equipment types and brands
  • Advanced Skills to:
  • Differentiate between sounds
  • Work with people
  • Communicate effectively
  • Employ self-management skills
  • Select and place equipment to meet specified requirements
  • Identify, troubleshoot and trace signal flow
  • Use computer technology
  • Identify and differentiate between Headroom and Dynamic levels
  • Select proper equipment to manipulate the required task
  • Obtain working sound environment
  • Record and Produce a Radio commercial
  • Record and Produce a song or album
  • Use synchronisation and timecodes for Audio Visual production
  • Monitor: Visual and audio
  • Apply production techniques
  • Tone control and adjustment
  • Pay attention to detail
  • Personality characteristics of:
  • Applying life skills
  • Attentive listening
  • Passion for the art
  • Respect for differences (culture, religion)
  • Ethical conduct
  • Empathy
  • Patience
  • Attention to detail
  • Thoroughness
  • Prepared to experiment
  • Adaptability
  • Attention and concentrating
  • Creativity


    The global entertainment industry is, either directly or indirectly, influenced by sound technology. Competent practitioners in this area will contribute to addressing a substantial need for these competencies in South Africa, simultaneously contributing to wealth creation for the nation. Social and economic rationales for this qualification thus include encouragement of redress, facilitation of access to credit, career advancement and further learning and expansion of the South African music industry. The qualification is intended for learners who operate at a senior level in a sound engineering or technology work environment, or aspire to do so. 

    It is assumed that learners embarking on learning towards this qualification are already competent in the areas of communication, mathematics, technology and computer literacy at NQF level 4 in the Further Education and Training Band, and Life Skills at NQF level 2. These competencies are required in order to render sound engineering management services, and to conduct themselves professionally.

    Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

    Learners who have met the requirements of any unit standard in this qualification may apply for recognition of prior learning to the relevant providers and the Education and Training Authority (MAPPP-SETA) which includes formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience, provided they have satisfied the learning entry assumptions of the qualifications. The applicant will be assessed against the specific outcomes and with the assessment criteria for the relevant unit standard or unit standards.
    A qualification will be awarded should a candidate demonstrate that all the unit standards outcomes have been attained. This qualification is based on unit standards. Therefore, any learner who demonstrates competence as required by the fundamental, core and elective components and stated in qualification, will have access to this qualification. 


    Rules of combination

    This qualification is designed as follows:

  • All Fundamental Unit Standards (29 Credits)
  • All Core Unit Standards (100 Credits)

    Optional at least 10 credits, from Elective Unit Standards, in the following "packages":

    Perform DJ mix for an audience (10 Credits)

  • Develop a business plan for a small business (5 Credits)
  • Investigate the possibilities of establishing and running a small business enterprise (3 Credits)
  • Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation(3 Credits)

    Technical Production Services
  • Operate (apply) equipment, materials and tools (15 Credits)

    Studio Management
  • Create and use a range of resources to effectively manage teams, sections, departments or divisions (4 Credits)
  • Manage customer requirements and needs and implement action plans (8 Credits) 

    Fundamental and Core

    1. Use information technology in the workplace to enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness
    2. Work with others for productions
    3. Engineer sound for productions
    4. Set up, test and maintain sound equipment
    5. Plan sound productions to ensure optimal use of resources

    Elective (10 required to qualify)

    6. Perform DJ activities to an audience
    7. Establish and run a small business optimally
    8. Perform either
  • Stage
  • Audio/visual
  • Styling
  • Special effects technical duties for a production
    9. Manage a studio for routine operations 

    Fundamental and Core

    1. The need for and applications of information technology is placed within the workplace contex. Applications of information technology is used in the workplace to the benefit of the individual and the organisation.
    2. Learners act and work to the benefit of the team, and in a way that is conducive to team work. Team leaders are identified and their authority accepted.
    3. Sound equipment is used correctly. Sound is mixed through the effective use of technology. Sound is recorded according to requirements. Sound and sound source quality is optimal to enhance the probability of a good final product.
    4. Sound equipment is set up according to production requirements. Troubleshooting is conducted when required in order to optimise sound quality. Maintenance is performed showing technological competence and according to specifications
    5. Clients requirements are evaluated and negotiated if necessary, to optimise the delivery of a quality productEquipment is selected, positioned and used according to the specific musical styleSchedules are developed for timeous delivery.

    Elective (10 required to qualify)

    6. Live music mix is performed appropriately. Music is mixed and faded appropriate to the music style. Technological competence is demonstrated when beats are matched and pitched.
    7. A business plan is developed to guide the initial strategy and operations of the business. Agreements are negotiated with clients in a way that respects the wishes of both parties. Human resources, operations, marketing and finance is competently handled.
    8. Technological competence and proficiency in the selected area is demonstrated. Equipment and tools are maintained and cared for to ensure optimal operation thereof. Equipment and tools are stored in a way that is safe and secure.
    9. Work objective are set and documented in a way that is understandable to others. Priorities are set for tasks in order to prioritise important tasks. Work is delegated appropriately. Customers are dealt with appropriately, to the benefit of the business.

    Integrated assessment
    Before qualifying, the learners will be expected to demonstrate competence that integrates the assessment of all specific outcomes, for all unit standards, for example, applying competence in a practical scenario. This will require learners to identify, analyse and demonstrate practical ability in line with the specific outcomes.

    In addition, during the learning process to attain the outcomes of each unit standard, learners will be expected to give evidence that they have attained the embedded knowledge and specific skills contained in specific outcomes for the relevant Unit Standard. A summative integrated outcomes-based assessment framework is proposed which will include different forms of competence and assessment strategies, testing and evaluation in context of assessment.

    Assessment tools must include:

    Standardised, continuous (Formative) and authentic assessments, and portfolios, as well as accessing combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflexive competencies.Integrated assessment must assess the quality of the observable performance, as well as the quality of thinking that lies behind it. Assessment tools must thus encourage learners to explain the thinking and decision-making that underpin their performance. Assessment criteria in the unit standards are performance-based (applied competence as opposed to required knowledge only). Workplace experience may be recognised when awarding credits towards this qualification. 

    Various international Qualifications Authorities have music qualifications with Sound Engineering components, which relate closely to this qualification:Australian Qualifications FrameworkThis authority has various Units of Competency which closely relates to the Unit Standards of this qualification:
  • Use MIDI devices and/or software to perform music
  • Use MIDI devices and/or software to compose music
  • Move and set up instruments and equipment
  • Operate portable audio recorder
  • Record sound
  • Install, align and test sound equipment
  • Mix sound sources
  • Operate sound mixing console
  • Edit sound using digital systems
  • Set up, operate and de-rig portable sound recording equipment
  • Develop and implement sound production for a recording

    Although the present qualification does not have Unit Standard Titles exactly the same as the Australian Units of Competency, the competencies contained in the Unit Standards of this qualification overlaps significantly with those in the Australian qualifications. Since the levels of Australian qualifications are described differently to South African qualifications, direct level comparisons are not practicable.

    Scottish Qualifications Authority

    The following qualifications all have MIDI Sequencing and Sound Engineering and Production as Optional Units (upto 40 hours):
  • Music at Intermediate 1
  • Music at Intermediate 2
  • Music at Higher
  • Music at Advanced Higher

    New Zealand Qualifications AuthorityThis body has a level 5 diploma and a level 7 diploma which emphasises competence in music performance, music technology and music therapy. 

    Articulation possibilities

    This qualification has been developed for mobility across similar trades within the industry and is intended to allow further learning towards higher qualifications in the Music Industry, which will include: Horizontal articulation: Level 5 qualifications in Music Business, Performance, Popular Music Production, Radio Broadcasting, Technical Production, Live Event Technology.Vertical articulation: Level 6 qualifications in Music Business, Performance, Popular Music Production, Radio Broadcasting, Technical Production, Live Event Technology. 

    Assessment of the learner achievements take place at ETQA accredited providers for the provision of programs that result in the outcomes specified for the National Certificate Music Industry -Sound Technology - NQF level 5.

    These providers are responsible for the moderation of the learner achievements of learners who meet the requirements of each unit standard. Those assessing the outcomes of this unit standard should be qualified and registered with the ETQA.

    Each Unit Standard will be externally moderated by a moderator registered with the MAPPP Sector Education and Training Authority.

    Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at the exit points of the qualification, unless MAPPP-SETA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in the Unit Standards as well as the integrated competence described in the Qualification.
    Anyone wishing to be assessed against this Qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by MAPPP-SETA. 


    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 


    Core  114534  Maintain sound equipment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  114537  Set up sound equipment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  114538  Ensure sound quality  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  15 
    Core  114539  Ensure sound source quality  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  15 
    Core  114527  Master sound recordings  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  15 
    Core  114525  Mix sound in a monitored environment  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  12 
    Core  114536  Plan sound production  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  114523  Record sound in a monitored environment  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  12 
    Core  114532  Use computers (Technology) for sound application  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  15 
    Fundamental  9532  Demonstrate basic knowledge of computers  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  7567  Produce and use spreadsheets for business  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  7575  Produce presentation documents for business  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  7570  Produce word processing documents for business  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  10135  Work as a project team member  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  10385  Develop a business plan for a small business  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  10386  Investigate the possibilities of establishing and running a small business enterprise (SMME)  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13948  Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114540  Perform DJ mix for an audience  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  15231  Create and use a range of resources to effectively manage teams, sections, departments or divisions  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  10053  Manage customer requirements and needs and implement action plans  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Elective  114516  Operate (apply) equipment, material and tools  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  15 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Radio Active Productions Publi 
    2. Revolution Media Academy (Pty) Ltd 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.