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All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |
National Certificate: Arts and Culture Development Management |
65030 | National Certificate: Arts and Culture Development Management | |||
SGB Art, Craft & Design | ||||
CATHSSETA - Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sports Education and Training Authority | OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework | |||
National Certificate | Field 02 - Culture and Arts | Cultural Studies | ||
Undefined | 139 | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | Regular-Unit Stds Based |
Passed the End Date - Status was "Reregistered" |
SAQA 06120/18 | 2018-07-01 | 2023-06-30 | |
2024-06-30 | 2027-06-30 |
In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise. |
This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. |
The National Certificate: Arts and Culture Development Management at NQF Level 5, is designed to meet the needs of those learners both employed and unemployed, who are already involved or wish to become involved in this field. This unit standards based qualification allows learners the opportunity to reach their potential and allows for their advancement within formal education, as well as allowing for the recognition of prior learning. The qualification enables learners to develop, conduct, and implement Arts and Culture learning interventions, projects or campaigns, and develop products. There is an ongoing need for competent people to carry out these functions in the Arts and Culture sector, within the established business sector, but more so within the growing Small, Medium and Micro Enterprise (SMME) sector. This qualification enables learners from the struggling informal and self-employed components of this sector to access a career in the Arts and Culture sector, and contributes to their ability to enhance such career opportunities for others. In line with the professionalisation of this field, there is also a need to develop career paths in this field so as to offer people involved in Arts and Culture development the opportunity to continue with a programme of life-long learning, which will make them knowledgeable and skilled employees or self-employed practitioners with enhanced employer or employee opportunities. The National Certificate: Arts and Culture Development Management at NQF Level 5, is a specialised qualification that requires competence of creative practitioners from various arts and cultural disciplines who: Qualified learners are capable of: Qualifying learners will follow occupations as: Rationale: The National Certificate: Arts and Culture Development Management at NQF Level 5, emerges from a recognition that there exists a rich history, both locally and internationally, of arts and culture practitioners playing a meaningful role in various contexts, their creativity and skills contributing to the development of creative capacities in others in the context of a range of personal, social, economic and educational ends. In the South African context, most of these 'arts and culture development practitioners' have been self taught or emerged from Not for Profit Organisations' (NPOs) training of various kinds, or Higher Education degree programmes that do not specifically equip them for the adaptation and application of their creative skills in a developmental context. The need for this qualification emerged from recognition that the set of competencies of arts and culture practitioners often do not reflect the needs of developmental work in the communities within which they work. The training/education of arts and culture practitioners at the level of this qualification is generally focused on applying creative and technical skills, and assisting with development projects and learning interventions within identified Arts and Cultural programmes. Qualified learners could follow a career in: Practitioners obtaining this qualification are able to provide professional development directly to individuals and communities and will be empowering such individuals and communities to achieve specific outcomes, which will enhance the social, economic and productive status of qualified learners within the Arts and Culture industry. The National Certificate: Arts and Culture Development Management at NQF level 5, is the second in the learning pathway for candidates that are interested in a career in Arts and Culture development. With this qualification, learners can progress to community development specialised training qualifications at NQF Level 6. |
The qualification was designed based on the assumption that the following competencies have already been achieved:
Recognition of Prior Learning: This qualification can be achieved wholly, or in part, through recognition of prior learning. Evidence can be presented in a variety of forms, including previous international or local qualifications, reports, testimonials, mentoring, functions performed, portfolios, work records and performance records. As such, evidence should be judged according to the general principles of assessment described in the notes to assessors below. Learners who have met the requirements of any Unit Standard that forms part of this qualification may apply for recognition of prior learning to the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance body (ETQA). The applicant must be assessed against the specific outcomes and with the assessment criteria for the relevant Unit Standards. A qualification will be awarded should a learner demonstrate that the exit level outcomes of the qualification have been attained. The structure of this Unit Standard based Qualification makes the Recognition of Prior Learning possible. Learner and Assessor will jointly decide on methods to determine prior learning and competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in the Qualification and the associated Unit Standards. Recognition of Prior Learning for the qualification should include an Integrated Assessment. This may allow for: Recognition of Prior Learning is subject to quality assurance by the relevant ETQA or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA. Access to the qualification: Access to this qualification is open. |
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The qualification is made up of Fundamental, Core and Elective unit standards. A minimum of 139 credits is required to achieve the qualification.
In this qualification the credits are allocated as follows: Fundamental Component: Core Component: Elective Component: |
1. Identify and select Arts and Culture development intervention participants.
2. Evaluate own development activities based on current research. 3. Develop Arts and Culture products and processes in development interventions. 4. Facilitate Arts and Culture development interventions. 5. Conduct Arts and Culture assessments. 6. Develop and manage resources for Arts and Culture development interventions. |
Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
> Range: Selection process may include but are not limited to application forms, interviews, skills tests and motivational evidences. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2: > Range: Research materials may include the Arts and Culture sectors, markets and community develop issues; financial issues (such as funding and budgeting); cultural and/or creative industries; technical field information and technique of relative field. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3: > Range: Project processes includes but not limited to milestones, budgets, objectives, risks, indicators, stakeholders and deliverables. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4: > Range: Level may include, but is not limited to, educational, cultural, social and technological. > Range: Training methodology includes but not limited to coaching, mentoring, group work, lessons, role play, practical interventions, demonstrations and field work. Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5: Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6: Integrated Assessment: The assessment criteria in the unit standards are performance-based, assessing applied competence, rather than only underpinning knowledge, or only skills. The critical cross-field outcomes are also achieved in the unit standards. In addition to the competence assessed to achieve the unit standards, learners must demonstrate that they can achieve the outcomes in an integrated manner, dealing effectively with different and random demands related to occupational and learning contexts, to qualify, and assessment approaches used should be appropriate for assessing applied competence. Integrated assessment is meaningful if there are clear relationships between the purpose statement, exit level outcomes and integrated assessment of this qualification. Learners who qualify must be able to integrate concepts, ideas and behaviours across unit standards to achieve the purpose of the qualification. Evidence (as specified in the associated assessment criteria) is required that the learner is able to achieve the exit level outcomes of the qualification as a whole and in an integrated way, and thus its purpose, at the time of the award of the qualification. Evidence of integration may be presented by learners when being assessed against the unit standards, and separate assessment for integration may not be necessary. Workplace experience can be recognised when assessing towards this qualification. Integrated assessment should include observable performance as well as the quality of thinking behind such performance. Formative assessment can be employed during learning towards the unit standards and during integration to achieve exit level outcomes, to ensure that integration takes place when summative assessment is employed. |
International qualifications were examined to ensure that the qualification structure and unit standards in the National Certificate: Arts and Culture Development Management on NQF level 5 are comparable in terms of level, scope and competencies covered. Very few countries in the world have developed qualifications specifically for this field of skills development practices. For that reason the research has been reflected collectively as it is relevant to the proposed qualification.
Qualifications, courses and/or programmes were analysed from a number of countries: New Zealand: Registered at the New Zealand qualifications Authority is a National Certificate in Performing Arts Management (Level 4), which has related unit standards to this qualification in the following major areas: NZQA; South African Qualification: Also registered on NZQA is the National Diploma in Career Practice (Level 6) that is related to the guidance and educational elements of this South African qualification. The following unit standards registered on the NZQA also related to the unit standards used in this qualification: NZQA; Level; South African Qualification: The Wellington Institute of Technology in New Zealand also provides a National Certificate in Adult Education and Training (Levels 4 & 5), a qualification designed for people involved in teaching and training of adults in industry, tertiary or community environments. Reference: http://www.cit.ac.nz/adult-education/1cert_adult4.php. This is a generic qualification that does not cater specifically for the needs of the public sector. However it compares with this qualification and covers very similar learning areas. United States of America: Various institutes in the United States of America under the Association of Arts Administration Educators offer undergraduate programmes, courses and short courses that are comparable with this South African qualification. The programmes are mainly focused on the entrepreneurial and poverty-stricken upliftment, but all have product development in various fields of Arts and Culture. Most of these programmes also require learners to follow internship and practical experience at selected Arts & Culture institutes. The South African qualification matches the USA qualification by the International Board of Standards for Training and Instruction, except that the USA qualification is pitched on a higher level and in the area of learner support. This USA qualification also does not make mention of outcomes based training, and merely speaks of "current theory". This is not related to the specific field of Arts & Culture but does relate to learner training and education and community development as a whole. In this qualification assessment is included. The standards are well aligned in terms of design, delivery, evaluation and assessment. A comparison of key outcomes is given below. USA: International Board of standards for training and instruction; South African qualification: Also in the USA, Washington, the College of Arts and Science at the American University offers a Graduate Certificate in Arts Management with course requirements that closely relate to this South African qualification. This course is at a higher level of complexity, equivalent to the NQF Level 6, but related outcomes compare satisfactorily. USA: College of Arts & Science; South African qualification: At Sweet Briar College in the USA, Virginia, a pre-professional certificate in Arts Management is offered, with outcomes related to this qualification. The following modules are equivalent to the unit standards included in this South African qualification: Australia: The Australian framework addresses community development practitioner competence at lower levels, and in relation to various other areas of competence, such as local government, and health work. There is no qualification at the equivalent level of this South African qualification. United Kingdom: This South African qualification matches very closely in terms of qualification purpose, structure and outcomes with the City and Guilds NVQ Level 5 in Training and Development (Master Professional Diploma) and City & Guilds Level 3 NVQ in Combined Working Practices, in the United Kingdom, with particular reference to the structure of the new NVQ Learning and Development Standards as follows: City and Guilds NVQ; South African qualification: The City University in London (United Kingdom) offers post graduate programmes in Culture, Policy and Management Pathways that is at a much higher level compared with this South African qualification, but relates in terms of content and idea. Short courses with one week duration each are also offered, that address some of the unit standard outcomes in this South African qualification, as follows: Programming that refers to: Education, Learning and the Cultural Sector that refers to: Africa and SADC: The National Certificate in Arts & Culture Development Management, Level 5 compares very favourably with a West African Train the Trainer programme, run by training provider AMWA. The exit level outcomes and associated units standards referring to training and assessment correlate well with the West African counterparts as revealed below. The duplication of certain outcomes against the SA qualification is due to the fact that in the SA qualification separates out assessment and evaluation whereas in the West African certificate they are combined. The West African Certificate does not address the competencies related to learner support, and product development as covered by the South African qualification. AMWA; South African qualification: Registered at the Botswana Training Authority (BTA) are units that compare to those in this South African qualification's components. The following units on the Botswana framework correlate as follows: NQF: Botswana Training Authority; South African qualification: Conclusion: The National Certificate in Arts and Culture Development Management (NQF Level 5) compares favourably with a wide selection of international programmes as identified above, providing a mix of mandatory and optional components that enable learners to tailor the qualification to their particular role. Where outcomes or competencies are identified within the international qualifications, they are generally comparable to the South African qualifications in terms of levels and range of competencies covered. Although no comparable qualifications were found, there are a significant number of international qualifications at undergraduate level that compare very closely in purpose and content with the National Certificate in Arts and Culture Development Management (NQF Level 5). The comparisons confirm the need for a qualification that is pitched at higher education level, but without the need to commit to extended studies of the first degree type. |
Horizontal articulation on the NQF is possible with the following NQF Level 5 qualifications:
Vertical articulation is possible with the following NQF Level 6 qualifications: |
Moderation of assessment and accreditation of providers shall be at the discretion of a relevant ETQA as long as it complies with the SAQA requirements. The ETQA is responsible for moderation of learner achievements of learners who meet the requirements of this qualification. Particular moderation and accreditation requirements are:
Assessment of learner achievements takes place at providers accredited by the relevant ETQA (RSA, 1998b) for the provision of programs that result in the outcomes specified for this qualification. Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this qualification must be registered as an assessor with the ETQA. Assessors registered with the relevant ETQA must carry out the assessment of learners for the qualification and any of the Unit Standards that make up this qualification.
To register as an assessor, the following are required: Assessors should keep the following general principles in mind when designing and conducting assessments: In particular, assessors should assess that the learner demonstrates an ability to consider a range of options by: All assessments should be conducted in line with the following well-documented principles: |
As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. |
N/A |
Core | 115133 | Analyse and review design research information | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 14 |
Core | 119767 | Build relationships for development practice | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Core | 115154 | Conceptualise a range of ideas to solve design problems | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Core | 115753 | Conduct outcomes-based assessment | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 15 |
Core | 119765 | Define community-based development project scope | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Core | 123122 | Design and develop arts and culture-based education programmes and activities | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Core | 261238 | Develop, adapt and/or adjust existing arts and culture products | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Core | 115487 | Facilitate learning in arts and culture modules and programmes | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 10 |
Core | 117874 | Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Core | 14020 | Monitor budgets related to community projects | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Core | 119764 | Plan development project operations | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Core | 110061 | Prepare learning support materials for programmes in development practice | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Fundamental | 110494 | Apply a range of research methodologies to support the design and implementation of (a) local economic development project(s) in own work context | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 252020 | Create and manage an environment that promotes innovation | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 123123 | Design arts and culture-based education curricula | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 12 |
Elective | 119763 | Design learning events | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 110505 | Design, implement and manage a local economic development project in own work context | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 15219 | Develop and implement a strategy and action plans for a team, department or division | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 115171 | Generate resources for projects | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 6 |
Elective | 15225 | Identify and interpret related legislation and its impact on the team, department or division and ensure compliance | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 15226 | Implement systems to meet the flow of information in a team, department or division | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 3 |
Elective | 252034 | Monitor and evaluate team members against performance standards | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 110531 | Plan, organise and control the day-to-day administration of an office support function | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
Elective | 10295 | Promote lifelong learning and development | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 8 |
Elective | 110489 | Recruit and select staff for a local economic development unit in accordance with local government procurement policies and other legal requirements | Level 5 | Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 | 4 |
This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here. |
All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source. |