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National Certificate: Aviation Support Operations 
65010  National Certificate: Aviation Support Operations 
SGB Aerospace Operations 
TETA - Transport Education and Training Authority  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 10 - Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences  Physical Sciences 
Undefined  121  Level 3  NQF Level 03  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
EXCO 07158/17  2015-07-01  2018-06-30 
2026-06-30   2029-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


This Qualification is for any individual who is, or wishes to be, involved in the aviation sector especially in the fields of aviation support. The aspects of ramp handling, passenger handling, cargo handling, airport/aviation security, loads and balances and cabin crew constitute aviation support. While the focus of this Qualification is on these fields, it is possible that other airport services could also be included in the qualification. The Qualification contains all the competencies, skills and values required by a learner who may wish to access a higher qualification in management within the aviation support sector.

The core component contains competencies in:
  • Regulatory framework and regulatory bodies operating within the aviation industry (including international conventions).
  • Aircraft orientation, the theory of flight, general knowledge of loads and balances.
  • Geography and concepts pertaining to aviation.
  • Human factors in aviation.
  • Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Aviation security and safety.
  • Customer service excellence.
  • Team Work.
  • HIV and AIDS.

    The Elective component currently allows for streams of specialisations in ramp handling, cargo handling and aviation/airport security. The learner will acquire specialist knowledge, skills and insight into one of these streams.

    Learners working towards this qualification will find that the acquisition of competence in the Unit Standards, which make up the qualification, will add value to their work performance. This qualification is intended to enhance the provision of service within the aviation support operations sector.

    Through building day-to-day aviation support operations specialisation related skills, as well as general operational competencies, the qualification ensures progression of learning, enabling the learner to meet standards of service excellence required within the aviation support operations field of learning.

    The Qualification will provide the broad knowledge, skills and values needed in the aviation support operations field in all sectors and will facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education and training for learners who:
  • Were previously disadvantaged or who were unable to complete their schooling for whatever reason.
  • Have worked in this field for many years, but have no formal qualifications and would like to achieve this qualification through the process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and/or formal study.
  • Wish to extend their range of skills and knowledge and hence their competencies in aviation support operations.

    The Qualification has building blocks that can be developed further in qualifications at a higher level. It also focuses on the skills, knowledge, values and attitudes required to progress further. The intention is:
  • To promote the development of knowledge, skills and values that are required for service excellence within the field of aviation support operations.
  • To release the potential of people.
  • To provide opportunities for people to move up the value chain.
  • To provide opportunities for people to explore different activities within the aviation support operations sector.


    The National Certificate: Aviation Support Operations at NQF Level 3 is designed to meet the needs of those learners who are already involved, or wish to become involved, in this field. It is applicable to employed and unemployed learners. Currently there is no qualification for these learners. Aviation Support Operations constitutes a series of essential services currently being rendered at all airports. As the local demand for air travel increases significantly year on year, as South Africa becomes more of a tourist destination and as 2010 approaches the demand for these essential airport services will grow astronomically. It will in the interest of the country, airport management and operators ensure that their employees are trained according to this Qualification in order to improve productivity and efficiency.

    The structure of this Qualification will allow learners to acquire a set of generic competencies in Aviation Support Operations and then to specialise in one of several streams. It will also allow learners to change direction within the Aviation Support Operations sector should they discover that a particular specialisation is not something that satisfies their career trajectory. There is therefore sufficient possibility for increased specialisation without the need to do an entire qualification. There is also the need for highly skilled Aviation Support personnel at our airports.

    The National Certificate: Aviation Support Operations at NQF Level 3 is the first qualification in this sector. In terms of a learning pathway the learner will be able to pursue either a pathway in transport by doing the Further Education and Training Certificate: Dangerous Goods: Multi-modal Transport or a pathway in management by doing the Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management and the National Certificate: Generic Management at NQF Level 5. The latter two qualifications will make it possible for the learner to become a manager within the Aviation Support Operations sector and perhaps within the broader aviation sector.

    The National Certificate: Aviation Support Operations at NQF Level 3 supports the objectives of the NQF in that it gives the learner access to a registered qualification. It will ensure that the quality of education and training in the sub-field is enhanced and of a world-class standard. The Qualification will allow learners not only to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of Aviation Support Operations but will also enable them to benchmark their competence against international standards. 

  • Mathematical literacy at NQF Level 2.
  • Communication at NQF Level 2.

    Recognition of Prior Learning:

    The structure of this Unit Standard-based Qualification makes the recognition of prior learning (RPL) possible, if the learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this Qualification.

    Learners who already work in the Aviation Support Operations environment and who believe that they possess the competencies to enable them to meet all of the outcomes listed in the Unit Standards will be able to present themselves for assessment against the Unit Standards of their choice. Once found competent, these learners will be certified as competent and credited accordingly. Recognition of Prior Learning can also be conducted for these learners at qualification level, by means of Integrated Assessment.

    RPL will allow for accelerated access to further learning and gaining of credits towards the qualification. All RPL ought to be carried out by the provider in agreement with the relevant ETQA or another ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding in place with the relevant ETQA. 


    A minimum of 121 credits is required to complete the Qualification which is made up of the following components:
  • Fundamental: 36 credits.
  • Core: 63 credits.
  • Electives: 22 credits.
  • Total: 121 credits.

    Motivation for the number of credits assigned to the Fundamental, Core and Elective Components:

    Fundamental Component:

    There are 36 credits allocated to this component at the level of the Qualification. These credits are made up as follows:
  • 20 credits for Communication Fundamentals.
  • 16 credits for Mathematical Literacy Fundamentals.

    All the Unit Standards designated as Fundamental are compulsory.

    Core Component:

    63 credits have been allocated to Unit Standards designated as Core for the purpose of this Qualification. These Unit Standards provide the generic knowledge and skills related to Aviation Support Operations as highlighted in the Purpose Statement.

    All the Unit Standards indicated as Core are compulsory.

    Elective Component:

    Electives must add up to a minimum of 22 credits. The Elective component consists of three specialisation streams, namely, ramp handling, cargo handling and aviation security. It also consists of a general stream. Other streams, listed below, will be included in the future. Each of these streams constitutes/will constitute a set of appropriate Unit Standards that allow the learner the opportunity to obtain competencies in particular areas within the Aviation Support Operations sector.

    These Elective streams provide opportunities for the holistic development of the learner and allow for maximum flexibility and multi-skilling to enable the learners to achieve a Qualification that is relevant to the context in which they work.

    The proposed (future) streams are:
  • Weight and balances.
  • Passenger handling.
  • Cabin Crew.

    Where the total credits of the Unit Standards in the specialisation do not add up to a minimum of 21 credits, the learner may choose any other Unit Standard/s from the General Stream component to complete the minimum number of Elective credits required.

    Specialisation Stream 1: Ramp Handling:

    Learners must do ALL the Unit Standards from the list below.
  • ID 261178: Discuss ground movement of aircraft by tow tractors, Level 4, 14 Credits.
  • ID 261217: Explain the functions and responsibilities of a flight supervisor and/or ramp agent, Level 4, 10 Credits.
  • ID 261177: Demonstrate understanding of transportation and aircraft support servicing, Level 3, 15 credits.
  • ID 261199: Handle and operate main deck freighter aircraft, Level 3, 7 Credits.
  • ID 242994: Handle and load dangerous goods for transportation by air, Level 3, 2 Credits.

    Total Number of Credits for Ramp Handling: 48 credits.

    Specialisation Stream 2: Cargo Handling:

    Learners must do ALL the Unit Standards from the list below.
  • ID 252427: Outline the structure of the airfreight forwarding environment, Level 3, 4 Credits.
  • ID 252436: Document and handle export airfreight general non-hazardous cargo, Level 3, 6 Credits.
  • ID 242986: Accept and process dangerous goods for transportation by air, Level 4, 6 Credits.
  • ID 252422: Calculate cost of Airfreighting goods, Level 3, 5 Credits.
  • ID 242994: Handle and load dangerous goods for transportation by air, Level 3, 2 Credits.

    Total Number of Credits for Cargo Handling: 23 credits.

    Specialisation Stream 3: Aviation/airport Security:

    Learners must do ALL the Unit Standards from the list below.
  • ID 252428: Secure cargo for airfreight, Level 3, 6 Credits.
  • ID 242835: Operate x-ray screening equipment within a security environment, Level 4, 3 Credits.
  • ID 242828: Apply passenger security assessment in a port environment, Level 4, 2 Credits.

    Total Number of Credits for Aviation/airport security: 11 credits.

    General Stream:
  • ID 113836: Apply basic computer technology, Level 3, 11 Credits.
  • ID 113829: Operate within a logistics environment, Level 3, 10 Credits.
  • ID 242814: Identify and explain the core and support functions of an organisation, Level 3, 6 Credits.
  • ID 113830: Conduct costing and budgeting, Level 4, 9 Credits.
  • ID 117731: Demonstrate an understanding of cultural awareness in the workplace, Level 3, 4 Credits.
  • ID 116490: Identify key ethical values for human conduct, Level 3, 6 Credits.
  • ID 242820: Maintain records for a team, Level 3, 4 Credits.
  • ID 244563: Perform work using a project approach, Level 3, 8 credits.

    Total Number of Credits for the General Stream: 58 credits. 

    1. Demonstrate and apply understanding of the legal framework within which aviation support takes place.

    2. Maintain a healthy and safe aviation support environment.

    3. Explain the importance of aviation security and aviation safety.

    4. Explain human factors as they relate to and impact on aviation.

    5. Discuss aviation related aspects pertaining to aviation support operations.

    6. Describe factors contributing to improving the performance of aviation support operations.

    Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:

    Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made when:
  • Applying the principles of conflict management when dealing with a client`s complaints.
  • Developing a plan of action to minimise negative influences and enhance the performance of a group, and in applying a code of conduct to own decisions.
  • Making decisions about their own lifestyle and creating a caring environment for individuals with HIV/Aids.
  • Implementing and maintaining health and safety legislation in a workplace.
  • Encountering a security breach or unlawful interference and reporting to appropriate authority.

    Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community to:
  • Participate with others in the appraisal of current customer care procedures and offer constructive criticism to improve these.
  • Render basic first aid.
  • Take reasonable care of his/her and other's safety in the workplace, which shows concern for entire team.
  • Tight fires in the workplace.
  • Ensure a safe and secure aviation environment at the airport at all times.

    Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsively and effectively when:
  • Preparing for a meeting with a client, ensuring that all the clients requests or queries have been fulfilled or are answerable.
  • Rendering basic first aid.
  • Planning a work schedule for a team based on the strengths and weaknesses of individual members.
  • Making lifestyle choices about HIV/AIDS.
  • Taking into account the activities around him/her and ensure that his/her actions regarding health and safety are complementary to other initiatives.
  • Ensuring a safe and secure aviation environment at the airport.
  • Explaining aircraft layout (main components and internal features) and the aerodynamics of flight.
  • Identifying and using aviation terminology, aviation codes and aviation concepts.

    Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information to:
  • Document all communications with clients, including the written confirmation of any verbal undertakings or commitments.
  • Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the group and individual members of a team.
  • Research situations that have a potential to spread HIV/Aids in the workplace and discuss and rate them in terms of high, medium and low risk.
  • Implement and maintain health and safety legislation.
  • Appreciate the importance and functions of regulatory bodies and the South African legislative framework.
  • Discuss the role of human factors in aviation.

    Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation to:
  • Compile status reports on the interaction with clients and the feedback received.
  • Explain the stages of HIV/AIDS and present an example of what happens at each stage of the progression of the disease.
  • Communicate actions resulting from the implementation and maintenance of health and safety legislation.
  • Show understanding of the regulatory bodies and South African legislation.
  • Ensure a safe and secure aviation environment at the airport.
  • Use a ground radio and hand held radio and appropriate hand signals.
  • Communicate using the correct aviation terminology and aviation codes.

    Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others by:
  • Utilising information technology and the associated electronic media to communicate with clients.
  • Using the radio equipment according to manufacturer's instructions.

    Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that the problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation:
  • Demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the implications of HIV/AIDS for society, the economy, an organisation and a specific workplace. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • International aviation regulatory bodies are discussed in terms of their roles and functions.
  • The importance of adhering to international aviation standards is discussed in terms of new technological innovations.
  • Regional and national aviation and transport regulatory bodies are discussed in terms of their roles and functions.
  • South African legislation pertaining to aviation and airport operations is discussed to emphasise the national legal parameters within which aviation activities are conducted.
  • Legislation and regulation pertaining to airport security are discussed to emphasise the need for secure national keypoints (in this case airports).

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • The basic principles of the relevant legislation is explained to serve as a basis for deepening of knowledge in heath and safety and ensuring compliance.
  • The requirements for compliance to current legislation are discussed so that the health and safety of workers/employees is not compromised.
  • The management and administrative controls required under legislation are determined to indicate the extent of company responsibility in occupational health and safety.
  • Basic first aid and fire-fighting skills are applied according to the health and safety regulations.
  • The aviation environment is discussed in terms of it being supportive to employees/workers living with HIV and Aids.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • The regulatory framework is discussed to show how it supports the maintenance of aviation security at the airport.
  • The airport is discussed in terms of restricted and non-restricted areas, and access and egress.
  • Violations of airport security are discussed using examples.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Incidents in aviation are identified and described in terms of how they are attributable to the impact of human factors.
  • The effects of flight on the physiological functions of the human body are described with examples.
  • Human factors and environmental hazards that affect work performance are described with examples.
  • Knowledge of human performance and limitations in the context of aviation support is demonstrated with examples.
  • Knowledge of social psychology is demonstrated within the aviation context.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 5:
  • Aviation terminology is describe and explained to outline the aviation operations.
  • Aviation codes, concepts and processes are discussed to familiarise learners with the sector.
  • Aircraft is discussed in terms of main external and internal components.
  • The aerodynamics of flight are explained to obtain a basic idea of how the aircraft flies.
  • Flight is discussed in relation to the influence of concepts like load and balance and centre of gravity on flying.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 6:
  • The principles of customer care are applied in client interactions to provide service excellence and to improve the image of the organisation.
  • Knowledge of self and team is demonstrated in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance.
  • Problem solving strategies are applied to ensure efficiency and timeous delivery of service.

    Integrated Assessment:

    The importance of integrated assessment is to confirm that the learner is able to demonstrate applied competence (practical, foundational and reflexive) and ensure that the purpose of this Qualification is achieved. Both formative and summative assessment methods and strategies are used to ensure that the Exit Level Outcomes and the purpose of the Qualification are achieved through achieving the Unit Standards. Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked.

    Learning and assessment should be integrated and assessment practices must be fair, transparent, valid and reliable. A variety of assessment strategies and approaches must be used. This could include tests, assignments, projects, demonstrations and/or any applicable method. Evidence of the acquisition of competencies must be demonstrated through the Unit Standards, which enhance the integration of theory and practice as deemed appropriate at this level.

    Formative assessment is an on-going process which is used to assess the efficacy of the teaching and learning process. It is used to plan appropriate learning experiences to meet the learner's needs. Formative assessments can include a mix of simulated and actual (real) practice or authentic settings. Feedback from assessment informs both teaching and learning. If the learner has met the assessment criteria of all the Unit Standards then s/he has achieved the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification.

    Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement of the learning in relation to the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification. Such judgement must include integrated assessment(s) which test the learners' ability to integrate the larger body of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are represented by the Exit Level Outcomes. Summative assessment can take the form of oral, written and practical examinations as agreed to by the relevant ETQA.

    Integrated assessment must be designed to achieve the following:
  • An integration of the achievement of the Exit Level Outcomes in a way that reflects a comprehensive approach to learning and shows that the purpose of the Qualification has been achieved.
  • Judgement of learner performance to provide evidence of applied competence or capability.

    Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

    Assessment should ensure that all specific outcomes, embedded knowledge and critical cross-field outcomes are assessed. The assessment of the critical cross-field outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of specific outcomes and embedded knowledge. 

    The international comparability is done against the backdrop of the competencies in the core component of the qualification and the specialisations that have developed and that will be developed in future. The Core competencies in this Qualification are:
  • Regulatory framework and regulatory bodies operating within the aviation industry (including international conventions).
  • Aircraft orientation, the theory of flight, general knowledge of loads and balances.
  • Geography and concepts pertaining to aviation.
  • Human factors in aviation.
  • Occupational Health and Safety (Dangerous Goods).
  • Aviation security and safety (include sms and qms (awareness)).
  • Customer service excellence.
  • Team Work.
  • HIV and AIDS.

    International Air Transport Association (IATA/ISAGO):

    Training in the aviation sector must comply with common international standards which, in the case of this Qualification, fall in the realm of IATA's Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO).

    ISAGO is meant to improve safety and reduce cost in the ground environment. Based on the IATA Operational Safety Audit framework, ISAGO aims to implement a formal, systematic process to manage operational risk and safety, reducing accidents, incidents and injuries.

    Four task forces are active in standards development and maintenance:
  • Airside Operations.
  • Cargo Operations.
  • Terminal Operations.
  • Systems Organisation & Management.

    These are the areas covered by this Qualification.

    With the implementation of the IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations (ISAGO), the primary aim is to drastically reduce accidents and injuries on the ground. Gain knowledge on the ISAGO programme and the standards to which Ground Service Providers will be audited.

    ISAGO's programme is designed for:
  • Ground Services Providers' Operations Managers.
  • Airline Ground Handling Operations Managers.
  • Airline and Ground Service Provider.
  • Safety Managers.
  • Quality Managers.

    The Course Content is as follows:
  • Introduction to ISAGO for Ground Services Providers.
  • ISAGO Programme.
  • ISAGO Registration.
  • Audit Sharing.
  • Audit Preparation.
  • ISAGO Standards and Recommended Practices (This is of relevance to this Qualification).
  • Electronic Audit System.

    This programme is being offered in the following cities and countries:
  • Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Miami, USA.
  • Kuwait.
  • Cairo, Egypt.
  • Geneva, Switzerland.
  • Singapore.
  • Beijing, China.
  • Montreal, Canada.

    Most of the courses from the countries investigated are short in duration. There is a huge overlap between competencies in the short courses and the Unit Standards that address those very same competencies.

    The United States:

    The US is the world leader in aviation.

    Pan American Training Institute (PATI) offers IATA Certification in dangerous goods:

    Course 1:

    Dangerous Goods IATA Initial Certification.

    Dangerous Goods Initial Certification courses for Air Cargo Agents, Forwarders, Warehouse Personnel, Truck Drivers, Fleet Service, Passenger Agents, First Responders and Crew. Attendees must be proficient in English. Dangerous Goods by Air is a three-day training course designed to meet the training requirements of ICAO, Annex 18, IATA Cargo Resolution 618,172.702 and 172.704 Title 49 CFR. A fourth day is added for those wishing Radioactive Acceptance Certificate. Trainees will use IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations to learn:
  • Dangerous Goods Classes and Divisions - Dangerous Goods Definitions.
  • Dangerous Goods List - Marks and Labels - Packaging Requirements.
  • Documentation - Responsibilities of Shipper Agent and Carrier.
  • Radioactive Materials - State and Operator Variations.

    Course 2:

    Dangerous Goods Awareness Seminar.

    Dangerous Goods Awareness Seminar for Pilots, Flight Attendants, Passenger Service and Ramp Agents, Line Maintenance as well as Shipping, Stores, and Warehouse Personnel who may come in contact with dangerous goods. Attendees must be proficient in English. Dangerous Goods Awareness Seminar is 1/2 day training course designed to meet the training requirements of 49 CFR 172.702, 172.704, IATA Cargo Resolution 618.

    Reem Aviation Security Consultants, LLC offers the following training courses:
  • Cargo Security Training:
    > This includes assessments, training, implementing procedures and oversight.
  • Cargo Acceptance and Handling Training:
    > A comprehensive solution to cargo acceptance that includes training programs, forms, records, handouts and implementing procedures.
  • Cargo Screening Training:
    > This is TSA compliant screener training. Components of the program include a training curriculum (with an extensive IED recognition module), forms for all your screening operations needs, handouts and implementing procedures.
  • All Cargo Operations Training:
    > Airlines operating or are interested to establish air service to the US can use our team of experts to assist corporate security managers in establishing procedures and training sessions that are compliant with Transportation Security Administration requirements.


    Austrian Airlines Group conducts the following training course:
  • Aircraft Handling and Ramp Supervision.

    Target Group:
  • Personnel engaged in aircraft-, cargo- and ramp handling services.

  • At least 3 months employed at any airline (in any ground handling function).
  • Basic airline knowledge and mathematical understanding.
  • Passenger handling training recommended.


    You will be trained in all aspects of ramp- and aircraft handling procedures.

    Contents of Course:
  • Ramp handling (including safety at work, ground handling procedures, relevant documents).
  • Ramp safety training at the Vienna Airport (including: policies, procedures, operating practices, human factors, operational hazards).
  • Austrian Airlines Group fleet.
  • Guidelines and manuals for ramp handling and load control staff.
  • Cabin layout and compartment description.
  • ULD handling.
  • Compartment dimensions and limitations.
  • Special load regulations.
  • Load planning.
  • Estimated zero fuel weight calculations.
  • Loadsheet and balance tables basics.
  • Operational-, schedule- and slot messages.
  • Dangerous Goods.


    Munich Airport Academy - Airport and Aviation Training:

    The ground-handling training courses include:
  • Dangerous goods.
  • Safety and security (ramp area, terminal and aircraft).
  • Aircraft compartments (all types of aircraft).
  • Loading instructions (all types of aircraft).
  • Airline/airport codes.
  • Towing vehicles and band conveyer.
  • Ground power units.
  • Container transporters.
  • Stairway for narrow-body and wide-body aircraft.
  • Lifter.
  • Air start units.
  • Potable water supply for aircraft.
  • Aircraft faeces disposal.
  • Passenger transport (buses, VIP services, disabled service).
  • Communication systems (radio, data-link, etc).

    Our ICAO/IATA standard aviation training courses can be delivered to all personnel, including shippers, packers, cargo-handling staff, ground-handling passenger-handling staff, flight crews, load planners, cabin crews and screening staff.

    Dangerous goods aviation training:

    Our dangerous goods training is delivered to ICAO/IATA standards, and is available for all personnel involved in the flight process. This includes shippers, packers, staff involved in processing, handling and accepting dangerous goods and other cargo, and operators and ground-handling staff dangerous goods, cargo, mail and baggage.

    We also supply dangerous goods courses for passenger handling staff, flight crew, load planners, cabin crew and screening staff.

    Aircraft handling and passenger handling courses:

    We also offer courses in aircraft handling and passenger handling. Elements of the former include aircraft loading and unloading, dangerous goods regulations, and special driving licences, while the latter covers ticketing, check-in procedures, baggage handling, and lost and found services.

    Pilot, engineer and traffic controller courses:

    Amongst the other courses we provide for those involved in the aviation industry, including pilots, aircraft engineers and air traffic controllers, are:
  • Radio communication licences.
  • VFR procedures.
  • IFR procedures.
  • Meteorology.
  • Navigation.
  • Marshalling.
  • Aircraft technical courses.
  • Aircraft recognition.
  • Apron control.

    3D aviation training simulator:

    The Aviation Academy of Munich Airport International is equipped with a state-of-the-art 3D real-time simulator. It possesses a six-channel back projection system, up to 270° field of view, flight information system, Thales multi-lateration radar system, airfield lighting panel, four communication systems and three pseudo pilot stations.

    We are able to provide complete aerodrome control training, starting from receiving en route clearance, push-back and taxi control by apron or ground and tower control until the handover to departure control. The system can be easily adapted to each customer's needs.

    We are able to offer the following simulator sessions:
  • Apron control.
  • Tower control.
  • Procedure development.
  • Procedure training.
  • Low visibility training.
  • Emergency training.
  • System failure training.

    All simulator sessions can be coached by expert trainers, or you may rent the system and bring your own coaches.

    We provide modern and inexpensive facilities for our trainees. These include air-conditioned course and conference rooms with a capacity of 80 people, a variety of social programmes, and accommodation - with any special conditions required - at several hotels near the academy.


    Speedwings Academy for Aviation Services.

    Course 1: This is a 5 month course.

    Level-1 IATA/UFTAA Foundation.

    Learning the Basics of Travel and Tourism and pricing logic.

    Key benefits:
  • Understand the important role of travel and tourism industry in achieving optimum levels of technology and professionalism.
  • Familiarize with industry codes.
  • Regulations.
  • World Geography.
  • Visa regulations.
  • Air fares.
  • Ticketing.
  • Answer customer queries.
  • Explain travel conditions.
  • Make appropriate travel arrangements and reservations.
  • Calculate and quote appropriate air fares.
  • Complete international travel formalities in accordance with the applicable IATA rules and procedures.

    Major Topics:
  • Industry Country codes.
  • Airport/city codes.
  • Airline codes.
  • Airline prefix.
  • Geography in Travel Planning 1.
  • Travel Formalities.
  • Visa regulation.
  • Air Transport Essentials.
  • Customer Service.
  • Air Fares and Ticketing 1.

    Most of these aspects are covered by the Qualification. The same applies to Course 2 below. In fact, the Cargo Handling specialisation in the Qualification is more extensive that Course 2 below.

    Course 2: This is a 5 month course.

    IATA-FIATA Cargo Introductory.

    Learn cargo service skills to industry standards.

    Key Benefits:
  • Enhance your knowledge and understanding in cargo acceptance and handling procedures.
  • Gain proficiency to extend useful advice to clients in Import/export rules and regulations.
  • Make appropriate arrangements and reservations for cargo shipments.
  • Acquire the skills and tools to apply the right cargo rates.
  • Identify cargo qualifying for specific commodity and class rates.
  • Learn how to correctly issue air way bills in accordance with the applicable IATA rules and procedures.
  • Acquire skills in Special Cargo acceptance and handling.
  • Familiarize in ULD's and aircraft structural limitations.

    Major Topics:
  • Industry regulations.
  • The Air Cargo Agency.
  • World Geography.
  • Air Cargo acceptance.
  • Cargo booking procedures.
  • Cargo automation.
  • Air cargo rates and charges.
  • Shippers letter of Instruction (SLI).
  • Air way bill.
  • Aircraft Handling facilities.
  • Type of Aircrafts and Aircraft structural limitations.
  • Special cargo acceptance and handling procedures; Perishable cargo.
  • Introduction to ULD.

    Course 3: This is a 4 month course:

    IATA/FIATA Air Cargo Rating.

    Gain better understanding of Cargo rating and Billing rules.

    Key Benefits:
  • Learn to quote published rates and charges for cargo shipments.
  • Apply advanced construction and combination principles for unpublished rates.
  • Qualify to calculate the appropriate rates and charges for mixed consignments and unit load devices (ULDs).

    Major Topics:
  • Review of basic cargo rating principles.
  • Currency Regulations.
  • Construction rates (add-on-amounts).
  • Combinations of Rates and Charges.
  • Mixed consignments.
  • Unit Load Devices.
  • Type of Aircrafts.
  • Aircraft structural limitations.
  • Special cargo acceptance and handling procedures; Perishable cargo.

    Course 4: This is a 2 month course:

    IATA-FIATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.

    Handling of hidden dangerous goods and hazardous materials.

    Key Benefits:
  • Understand the basics of the current Dangerous goods regulation.
  • Identification/Classifications/Labeling/Packaging/Documentation.
  • Handling.
  • Limitations and special provisions.
  • Gain awareness of hidden hazards.
  • Accident and incident reporting.
  • Emergency response matrix.
  • Dangerous goods in passenger baggage.
  • Awareness in legal aspects and the responsibility of shipper, agent and Airline.

    Major Topics:
  • Purpose of Dangerous Goods Regulations.
  • How to use the Regulations.
  • Definition of Dangerous Goods.
  • Basis and application of the Regulations.
  • Shippers responsibilities/Operator's responsibilities.
  • Forbidden Dangerous Goods/Hidden Dangerous Goods.
  • Radioactive Materials.
  • Handling and Checking procedures.

    Course 5: This is a 3 month course:

    Flight Handling and Load Control.

    Boost your knowledge of aircraft operations.

    Key Benefits:
  • Understand the major ground handling concepts and principles.
  • Airside/airport security measures.
  • Managing complex issues that involve numerous people.
  • Increase your company's revenues and profitability through more effective quality services.
  • Gain insight into the latest developments and trends in aviation regulatory requirements.

    Major Topics:
  • Passenger, baggage and cargo handling and manifestation.
  • Special Passengers and Cargo.
  • Transit and thru Connections.
  • Carriage of Live Animals and DGR.
  • ULD System control.
  • Flight planning.
  • Passenger and Cargo Aircraft.
  • Aircraft structural limitations.
  • Holds/Doors/Floor Load density.
  • Load Control.
  • Re-configuration.
  • Loading Instruction.
  • Seat plan.
  • NOTOC.
  • Ramp and safety.
  • Weight and Balance.
  • Aircraft loading and stowage.
  • Flight Dispatch Control system.


    The Training Centre in Garuda offers the following Ramp Handling Course:

    Course Objective:

    By the end of this course, the participants are expected to:
  • Understand ramp activities and responsibilities at the airport.
  • Know how to coordinate ramp activities.

    Course Outline:

    This course covers the following topics:
  • Catering control.
  • Load control.
  • Passenger control.
  • Cargo control.
  • Baggage control.
  • Cleaning service control.
  • Refueling control.


    The Singapore Aviation Academy, Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore offers the Airport Ramp Operations and Management Course:

    Course Synopsis and Methodology:

    Module I: Airport Ramp Operations:
  • Overview of Airside Operations.
  • Airside Infrastructure and Operations.
  • Passenger/Baggage Handling Facilities.
  • Ramp and Aircraft Stand Planning.
  • Safety Clearances and Ramp Markings.
  • Stand/Gate Assignments.
  • Ramp Management Service.
  • Ramp Handling Service.
  • Civil Maintenance of the Airside.
  • Maintenance of Airfield Installations.
  • Airside Estate Management.
  • Aircraft Maintenance.
  • Pest, Animal and Bird Control.
  • Ground Movement Control.
  • Airside Rules and Regulations/Enforcement.
  • Standard Operating Procedures.
  • Contingencies for Airside Operations.
  • Performance Standards and Target Setting.
  • Ramp Safety Audits.
  • Airside Security.
  • Airside Fire Safety Requirements.
  • Aircraft Accident Investigation.
  • Accident Investigation (Personnel/Vehicles/Equipment).
  • Aircraft Salvage/Equipment.
  • Aircraft Emergency Support.
  • Fuel Farm and Hydrant Systems.
  • Future Trends in Airside Operations.
  • Case Study on Impact of Low Cost Carriers on Ramp Operations.
  • Improvement of Ramp Operations.
  • Group Exercise (Stand Assignment, Ramp Operations Committee, Contingency Planning).
  • Site Visits to Airport Fire Station, Passenger Terminal, Airside, Ramp Control, Baggage Coordination Centre and Fuel Farm.

    Module II: Airport Ramp Management:
  • Overview of Airside Management and Organisational Structure.
  • Key Players in Ramp Operations and Management - Functions and Responsibilities.
  • Airside Planning, Development and Concepts.
  • Airside Management.
  • Airside Policies and Ground Handling Agreements.
  • Aerodrome Certification (International Ramp Requirements; Regulatory System).
  • Legislations applicable to Airside Operations (Penal Code, Air Navigation Order, Supplements, Regulatory Acts) Managing Ground Handling Agents and Changing Trends.
  • Air Cargo and Logistics Management.
  • Airside Maintenance (Cleaning, Inspection, Estate Management, etc).
  • Airport Emergency Plan.
  • Aircraft Crash Management and Action.
  • Crisis Management of Aircraft Accidents.
  • Working Committees, e.g. Airline Operators Committee.
  • Case Study on Apron Layout and Policy.
  • Group Exercise on adapting to Changing Trends in Airside Operations.
  • Site Visits to Ramp Control, Casualty Clearance Station, Baggage Handling Area.


    Oman Air offers the following courses:

    Course 1: RH/Ramp Handling:


    By the end of the course the participants will be able:
  • To appreciate the rules and regulations involved in loading.
  • To understand the responsibilities of each staff category.
  • To identify different types of load i.e. baggage, mail and cargo.
  • To read and understand the Loading Instructions Report Forms.
  • To identify ULD Types.
  • To apply restraint procedures for loads.

    Contents: Aircraft Types (Narrow Bodied/Wide Bodied):
  • How Aircraft Flies.
  • Balance Conditions.
  • Different Types Of Loads i.e. Baggage, Cargo and Mail.
  • Loading Restrictions/Instructions and Forms/Load sheets.
  • ULDs.
  • Loading Restraints/Spreaders.
  • Ramp Safety.
  • Special Loads/Overview of Dangerous Goods.

    Course 2: RSG/Ramp Safety (Arabic and English):


    The participants will be able:
  • To work with an understanding of the basic ramp safety rules and procedures.
  • To understand the human factors involved in safety.
  • To understand that all accidents/incidents can be avoided by being attentive, aware and responsible.


    Airport Ramp Safety Rules and Regulations:
  • Ramp Safety Procedures.
  • Driving Skills.
  • Hazards on the Ramp.
  • Personal Protective Equipment and Weather Conditions.
  • Effects of Drugs and Alcohol.
  • Types of Fires/Extinguishers/Fire Hazards and Fire Prevention.
  • Foreign Object Damages (FOD).
  • Cost of Accidents and Un-reported Damages.
  • Dangerous Goods and Their Safe Handling.
  • Special Cargo and Unit Load Devices.
  • Hand Signals used on the Ramp.
  • Motivation/Attitude/Discipline/Team Work/Communication.
  • Creating a General Airside Safety Awareness.

    Course 3: BCA/Basic Cargo Aviation Course:


    To provide the participants with a good background of aviation, in order for them to understand the airline procedures. They will also become more aviation oriented and work more effectively in their capacity as new comers/trainees. Above all they will be in a position to start the cargo rates with a better understanding.

    Contents: IATA/ICAO:
  • Traffic Rights.
  • 24-Hour Clock System/Time Calculations/UTC.
  • ABC/OAG Guides.
  • Shipper's Info to the Carrier.
  • Air Waybill.
  • Volume and Weight.
  • Complete An Air Waybill.
  • Post Office Mail.

    Course 4: BCR/Basic Cargo Rates Course:


    To be able to quote published rates/charges for most types of shipments and prepare appropriate document for the carriage.

    Contents: Cargo Rating System:
  • Calculation of Chargeable Weight.
  • Minimum Charge.
  • General Cargo Rates.
  • Class Rates.
  • Specific Commodity Rates.
  • Valuation Charges.
  • Documentation.
  • Special Cargo/Live Animals/Dangerous Goods.
  • Loading.

    Course 5: ACR/Advanced Cargo Rates Course:


    To be able to apply correct rates/charges for most types of shipments, including ULD Rates/Mixed Consignments Combinations and prepare appropriate document for the carriage.

    Contents: Cargo Rating System:
  • Calculation of Chargeable Weight.
  • Minimum Charge.
  • Mixed Consignments.
  • ULD Rates.
  • Construction and Combination of Rates and Charges.
  • Documentation.

    Course 6: LCA/Load Control Awareness and Cargo Handling:


    To create awareness in the non-load control staff, so that they will be able to identify how their application of correct principles of cargo handling and ramp handling will lead to the safety of the aircraft and its load.

  • Theory of Flight.
  • Principles of Weight and Balance.
  • Maximum Operating Weights.
  • Load Planning and Restraint.
  • Special Loads/Load Control Documents.


    The National Aviation Services Academy offers IATA approved course in:
  • Travel and Tourism.
  • Cargo and Dangerous Goods.
  • Airport and Civil Aviation procedures.
  • Passenger Services.
  • Ground Handling Operations.

    Sri Lanka:

    Sri Lankan Airlines offers the following course:

    Course Title:

    Basic Ramp Handling Training.

    Course Duration:
  • 13 days classroom training.
  • 5 days on the job training.

    Course Contents:
  • Introductory Airline.
  • Team Building.
  • Basic Ramp Handling.
  • Introduction of Ramp.
  • Aircraft Types.
  • Aircraft Unit Load Device.
  • Aircraft Floor Loading Limitations.
  • Special Loads.
  • Introduction to Dangerous Goods Regulations.
  • Density Volumetric Limitations.
  • Restraining Principles.
  • Ramp Communication.
  • Ramp Safety.
  • Ramp Duties and Responsibilities.
  • Communication Skills.
  • Leadership Skills.
  • Customer Service Skills.

    The United Kingdom:

    Three qualifications from the UK closely match this Qualification in terms of scope and coverage of competencies.

    Course 1: City and Guilds Level 2 Certificate in Aviation Operations on the Ground:

    Qualification summary:

    This Certificate will provide candidates with the relevant skills in Health, Safety, Security and Communications required to work within an Aviation Environment, plus will give candidate the option to choose one optional unit from a range of Aviation Operations functions, as listed below.

    This qualification will also act as the required Technical Certificate for the Level 2 Ground Operations Apprenticeship Framework.

    This certificate is required to have 4 Unit Standards; 3 mandatory and 1 optional.

    The mandatory units are:
  • Health and Safety within Aviation.
  • Aviation Security.
  • Aviation Communications.

    Optional units:
  • Airport Check in Services.
  • Aircraft Boarding and Arrival Services.
  • Airport Baggage Processing.
  • Loading and Unloading of Aircraft.
  • Airport Baggage Facilities.
  • Airport Special Status Passengers.
  • Aircraft Load Instruction Reports.
  • Aircraft Marshalling.
  • Support Flight Operations.
  • Aircraft Dispatch Process.

    Course 2: Edexcel Level 3 BTEC National Award in Aviation Operations:

    Qualification summary:

    The BTEC National Award, Certificate and Diploma in Aviation Operations are designed to equip individuals with the skills, knowledge and understanding required for a range of roles in organisations within the aviation sector including ground handling, cabin crew, airside operations and passenger services. The qualifications also enable progression to BTEC Higher Nationals or undergraduate degree qualifications and professional occupations in transport-related fields.

    These qualifications will:
  • Develop a range of skills, knowledge and personal qualities essential for career development and progression within the aviation and related sectors.
  • Provide learners with the appropriate knowledge and skills including health and safety, passenger handling, and customer service.
  • Contribute towards the knowledge, understanding and skills requirements for a range of level 3 aviation NVQs.
  • Focus on the practical application of knowledge and the development of the work related skills required for employment in aviation and other related sectors.

    Qualification structure:
  • A: Core Units:
    > The Aviation Industry.
    > Health, Safety and Security in the Aviation Industry.
    > Meeting Customer Needs in the Aviation Industry.
    > Air Travel Information.
  • B: Option Units:
    > Airport Ramp Handling.
    > Aircraft and Airfield Performance.
    > Preparation for Working in the Aviation Industry.
    > Airline and Airport Economics.
    > Human Resources in the Aviation Industry.
    > Airport Emergency Operations.
    > Environmental Impacts of Aviation.
    > Airport Operations.
    > Team Leadership in the Aviation Industry.
    > Conflict Management for Aviation.
    > First Aid and Health for Aviation.
    > Aircraft Operations.
    > Marketing the Aviation Industry.
    > E-Business for Airlines.
    > Handling Air Passengers.
    > Air Cargo Operations.


    A check of several African countries revealed that much of the training is conducted by international training agencies like Swissport International or Transaereo, which is a company based in Columbia.

    The following airlines in Africa have been trained by Swissport International Limited:
  • Air Botswana.
  • Air Malawi.
  • Air Mauritius.
  • Air Seychelles.
  • Air Zimbabwe.
  • Cargo Iberia.
  • Congo Airlines.
  • Ethiopian Airlines.
  • Kenya Airways.
  • Swazi Express Airways.
  • Zambian Airways.


    Transaereo offers the following training:

    Ramp Handling:
  • Aircraft coordination.
  • Loading and unloading.
  • Baggage handling.
  • Pallet handling.
  • Cargo transfers.
  • Maintenance coordination.
  • Cleaning.
  • Security procedures.
  • Fueling coordination.

    Cargo Handling:
  • Export handling.
  • Import handling.
  • Valuables handling.
  • Perishable handling.
  • DGR-handling.
  • Cooling facilities.
  • Security systems.
  • 24/7 warehouse service.
  • Cargo loading consulting.
  • Land transfers and trucking.


    The Nigerian Aviation Handling Company (NAHCo) offers the following courses but does not provide any training on these aspects:
  • Passenger and baggage handling.
  • Cargo handling through its customs bonded warehouses and mail handling through postal authorities.
  • Ramp and other ground handling services through the provision of ground support equipment.

    The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology in Zaria offers courses to pilots, air traffic controllers and flight engineers but does not offer courses in ramp, cargo and passenger handling.


    Kenyan Airways Ground Services offers the following training:

    Crew Training and Transport:
  • Passenger AND baggage handling.
  • Aircraft handling: loading/unloading/pushback.
  • Warehouse and ramp GSE operation.
  • Cargo handling - basic, advanced, DGR.
  • Warehouse operations.
  • ICT/CBT self-training courses.
  • WABA/load control.
  • Admin functions including supervision and or/coordination of 3rd party contracted services.
  • Fully equipped training centre - Floor area, (Base-Nairobi Cargo Centre), Student seat capacity.
  • Computer based training modules for self training.


    Training is done by IATA and Oman Air. Information on other training providers is not available.


    Most of the training in these countries is based on short courses in a variety of aviation-related activities performed at the airport. The courses are of varying duration. Some are graded into basic and advanced. It can be seen that the course content of these short courses closely match the Unit Standards developed to encompass those competencies. There are, as is expected, a few small differences in the way the short courses are designed and presented.

    The three courses from the United Kingdom very closely resemble this Qualification. They have a generic core component that covers competencies like the aviation environment, occupational health and safety, aviation security and then they provide a range of options which the learners can pursue. Most of these aspects/options are cover by this Qualification and almost all will be addressed once all the specialisation streams have been developed.

    While the United States and the United Kingdom are among the world leaders in the field of aviation, the International Comparability also looked at countries where the field is not as developed (Sri Lanka, for example). The reason for this is to illustrate that airline and training providers have to meet the international standards should they wish to be competitive and be accepted internationally. 

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • ID 49236: National Certificate: Rail Transport Passenger Service, NQF Level 3.
  • ID 57831: National Certificate: Freight Handling, NQF Level 3.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • ID 57849: Further Education and Training Certificate: Dangerous Goods: Multi-modal Transport, NQF Level 4.
  • ID 59298: Further Education and Training Certificate: Freight Forwarding and Customs Compliance, NQF Level 4. 

  • Anyone moderating the assessment of a learner against this qualification must be appointed by the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance body (ETQA) or by an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the relevant ETQA.
  • Moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the ETQA`s policies and guidelines.
  • Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual Unit Standards as well as the integrated competence described in the qualification. 

    All assessors must:
  • Be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA.
  • Be in a possession of a relevant Qualification at NQF Level 4 or higher.
  • Have work experience in Aviation Support Operations. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 


    Core  12484  Perform basic fire fighting  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  244574  Apply knowledge of HIV/AIDS to a specific business sector and a workplace  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Core  13912  Apply knowledge of self and team in order to develop a plan to enhance team performance  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Core  261179  Demonstrate an understanding of concepts and geography pertaining to aviation  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Core  261180  Demonstrate and apply an understanding of relevant regulatory framework and regulatory bodies operating within the aviation industry  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Core  261197  Discuss aviation security at airports  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Core  261198  Explain aircraft orientation and related aspects  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Core  14927  Apply problem solving strategies  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  252170  Apply the principles of customer care in client interactions  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  120344  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of relevant current occupational health and safety legislation  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  261181  Explain human factors in aviation  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  119472  Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  9010  Demonstrate an understanding of the use of different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in the context of relevant calculations  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  9013  Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  119457  Interpret and use information from texts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  9012  Investigate life and work related problems using data and probabilities  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  119467  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  7456  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business and national issues  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  119465  Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  113836  Apply basic computer technology  Level 3  NQF Level 03  11 
    Elective  252422  Calculate cost of airfreighting goods  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  117731  Demonstrate an understanding of cultural awareness in the workplace  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  261177  Demonstrate understanding of transportation and aircraft support servicing  Level 3  NQF Level 03  15 
    Elective  252436  Document and handle export airfreight general non-hazardous cargo  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  242994  Handle and load dangerous goods for transportation by air  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  261199  Handle and operate main deck freighter aircraft  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  242814  Identify and explain the core and support functions of an organisation  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  116490  Identify key ethical values for human conduct  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  242820  Maintain records for a team  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  113829  Operate within a logistics environment  Level 3  NQF Level 03  10 
    Elective  252427  Outline the structure of the airfreight forwarding environment  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  244563  Perform work using a project approach  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  252428  Secure cargo for airfreight  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  242986  Accept and process dangerous goods for transportation by air  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  242828  Apply passenger security assessment in a port environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  113830  Conduct costing and budgeting  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  261178  Discuss ground movement of aircraft by tow tractors  Level 4  NQF Level 04  14 
    Elective  261217  Explain the functions and responsibilities of a flight supervisor and/or ramp agent  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  242835  Operate x-ray screening equipment within a security environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.