SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations 
58206  National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations 
SGB Retail and Wholesale 
W&RSETA - Wholesale & Retail Sector Education and Training Authority  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 11 - Services  Wholesale and Retail 
Undefined  120  Level 2  NQF Level 02  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification replaces: 
Qual ID Qualification Title Pre-2009 NQF Level NQF Level Min Credits Replacement Status
13718  National Certificate: Retail and Wholesale Processes  Level 2  NQF Level 02  160  Complete 
48763  National Certificate: Retail Shop Floor Practices  Level 2  NQF Level 02  122  Complete 


The National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations, addresses skills and competencies for enabling entry-level employment and positions. The qualifying learner will to access opportunities for further development and training in the specialised areas of Wholesale and Retail such as:
  • Operations.
  • Administration.
  • Merchandising.
  • Stock control.
  • Customer service.
  • Visual display merchandising.
  • Help desk operations.

    After successful completion of this qualifications learners will be able to:
  • Understand the sector in which they work.
  • Provide customers with a high level of service.
  • Operate effectively and efficiently in their area of specialisation.

    This qualification has been developed to allow people within the industry to advance in an area of specialisation or to move into other areas of specialisation in the sector.


    The Wholesale and Retail environment buys and sells a wide range of products and stock form manufacturers to the end user / consumer. Throughout this process a number of people perform a variety of functions. These functions can vary according to the size and type of organisation.

    Each of these functions may in its own right lead to a whole career in the industry. These functions include:
  • Help Desk operating.
  • Sales staff.
  • Merchandising.
  • Warehousing.
  • Wholesaling.
  • Buying/purchasing.
  • Administration.
  • Credit management.
  • Management.

    Industry is characterised by a wide variety of organisations from very small wholesale and retail operators to major national and international chain corporations. These include:
  • Spaza/house shops.
  • Independent stores.
  • Chain stores.
  • Small and Large wholesalers.
  • Franchisers.
  • Distribution Centres.
  • Tele-marketing organisations.
  • External contractors.

    The industry is labour intensive and service driven. The sector requires specific skills and abilities in order to remain profitable thereby increasing growth and job opportunities. This qualification is aimed at individuals entering the sector for the first time, informal / business owners as well as individuals working in entry level occupations in the sector.

    This qualification is designed to provide the skills and abilities for people working in or looking for a career-path in Wholesale and Retailing:
  • SME retailing.
  • Help Desks.
  • Chain stores.
  • Merchandising.
  • Wholesaling. 

    It is assumed that learners accessing this qualification are competent in:
  • Communication at NQF Level 1.
  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 1.

    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL):

    The structure of this Unit Standard based Qualification makes the Recognition of Prior Learning possible. Learner and Assessor will jointly decide on methods to determine prior learning and competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in the Qualification and the associated Unit Standards. Recognition of Prior Learning will be done by means of an Integrated Assessment.

    This Recognition of Prior Learning may allow for:
  • Accelerated access to further learning at this or higher levels on the NQF.
  • Gaining of credits for Unit Standards in this Qualification.
  • Obtaining this Qualification in whole or in part.

    All recognition of Prior Learning is subject to quality assurance by the relevant ETQA or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.

    Access to the qualification:

    There is open access to any learner who complies with the learning assumed to be in place or equivalent competencies. It is required that learners are able to arrange for assessment in either a Wholesale and Retail or simulated environment. 


    This qualification is made up of Fundamental, Core and Elective unit standards and a minimum of 120 Credits is required to complete the qualification.
  • Fundamental component:
    All unit standards totalling 36 credits are compulsory.
  • Core component:
    All unit standards totalling 23 credits are compulsory.
  • Elective component
    For the elective component, the qualifying learner must achieve a minimum of 61 credits by:
  • Choosing one area of specialisation and complete all the unit standards listed in the specialisation.
  • Choosing additional unit standards from the remainder of the electives to make up a total of 61 credits for the elective component.

    The following clusters for specialisation are included in the Qualification:
  • Chain store operations:

    > 114894: Process payment at a Point of Sales, Level 2, 10 Credits
    > 114889: Record transactions. Level 2, 8 Credits
    > 114906: Mark merchandise and maintain displays. Level 2, 10 Credits
    > 114891: Count stock for a stock-take. Level 2, 5 Credits
    > 114912: Maintain a safe and secure Wholesale and Retail environment. Level 2, 10 Credits
  • SME operations:

    > 119674: Manage finances for a new venture. Level 2; 10 Credits
    > 243676: Source and collect product for resale. Level 2, 12 Credits
    > 114894: Process payment at a Point of Sales, Level 2, 10 Credits
    > 114891: Count stock for a stock-take. Level 2, 5 Credits
    > 114906: Mark merchandise and maintain displays. Level 2, 10 Credits
  • External merchandising operations:

    > Recommend order for clients in a FMCG environment. Level 3, 8 Credits
    > Identify the role of the FMCG Merchandiser in the Wholesale and Retail industry. Level 2, 8 Credits
    > Uplift Stock for return. Level 3, 5 Credits
    > 114891: Count stock for a stock-take. Level 2, 5 Credits
    > 114906: Mark merchandise and maintain displays. Level 2, 10 Credits
  • Wholesale operations:

    > 243680: Take orders from customers. Level 3, 12 Credits
    > 243712: Address customer queries in Wholesale environment. Level 3, 10 Credits
    > 117899: Pick stock in a Distribution Centre. Level 2, 12 Credits
    > 114891: Count stock for a stock-take. Level 2, 5 Credits
    > 114912: Maintain a safe and secure Wholesale and Retail environment. Level 2, 10 Credits
  • Help desk operations:

    > 114911: Resolve customer queries / complaints. Level 3, 8 Credits
    > 10349: Input data received onto appropriate computer packages within a contact centre. Level 2, 12 Credits
    > 254594: Handle help desk queries. Level 2, 12 Credits 

    1. Operate in the wholesale and retail environment.
    2. Interact with customers.

    Exit Level Outcomes for areas of specialisation in the qualification:

    Depending of the area of specialisation selected, the qualifying learner will be able to:
    3. Operate in a chain store environment.

    4. Operate in a SME retail environment.

    5. Perform external merchandising services.

    6. Operate in a wholesale environment.

    7. Operate a help-desk in a wholesale and retail environment. 

  • The Wholesale and Retail business environment is explained in terms of wholesale and retail sub-sectors.
  • Operational requirements in the area of specialisation are identified, explained and executed according to operational requirements.
  • Written and oral communication in the sector is correctly understood interpreted and applied.
  • Oral and written communication is carried out so that the communication is understood by the relevant parties.
  • Administration is completed, organised and maintained according to business requirements.
  • Business calculations are understood and applied according to sector requirements.

  • The factors that impact on customer service are explained and demonstrated.
  • Customer interaction is performed to ensure good customer relations and service.
  • Communication skills are used effectively when interacting with customers.

  • Operational requirements in a Chain Store are identified and explained as they apply to a particular function(s).
  • A safe and secure operational environment is maintained according to operational requirements.
  • Transactions and payments at point of sale are executed according to operational requirements.
  • Merchandising and Stock are marked, displayed and maintained according to operational requirements.
  • Stock is handled according to operational requirements.

  • Operational requirements in a SME retail environment are identified and explained as they apply to a particular function(s).
  • Business finances are managed and maintained to meet operational requirements.
  • Point of sale transactions are executed according to operational requirements.
  • Merchandising and Stock are marked, displayed and maintained according to operational requirements.
  • Stock is handled according to operational requirements.

  • The difference in the role and operational requirements in an internal and external merchandiser in the supply chain is explained in terms of offering a third party service.
  • Orders for clients are recommended according to operational processes and procedures.
  • Stock for return is handled according to operational requirements.
  • Stock is merchandised according to the requirements of all parties concerned.
  • Stock is handled according to operational requirements.

  • Operational requirements in a Wholesale environment are identified and explained as they apply to a particular function(s).
  • A safe and secure operational environment is maintained according to wholesale operational requirements.
  • Orders are taken, recorded and executed according to wholesale operational requirements.
  • Stock is handled according to wholesale operational requirements.
  • Stock is picked and dispatched as per wholesale operational requirements.

  • The purpose of a Help Desk function is identified and explained in terms of its function in the organisation.
  • In-bound Help Desk calls are handled according to operational requirements.
  • Out-bound Help Desk calls are handled according to operational requirements.
  • Data is maintained on a computerised system according to operational requirements.
  • Customer complaints and queries are handled and resolved in an effective and professional manner.

    Integrated assessment:

    Assessment practices must be open, transparent, fair, valid, and reliable and must ensure that no learner is disadvantaged in any way whatsoever. For this purpose, an integrated assessment approach is incorporated into the Qualification.

    Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably aligned. Whenever possible, the assessment of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values shown in the unit standards should be integrated through the practical application of sales and services in a wholesale and retail environment.

    Assessment of the communication, language, literacy and numeracy should be conducted in conjunction with other aspects and should use authentic wholesale and retail sales and services contexts wherever possible.

    A variety of methods must be used in assessment and tools and activities must be appropriate to the context in which the learner is working. Where it is not possible to assess the learner in the workplace or on-the-job, simulations, case studies, role-plays and other similar techniques should be used to provide a context appropriate to the assessment.

    The term `Integrated Assessment` implies that theoretical and practical components should be assessed together. During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflective competencies.

    Assessors and moderators should make use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

    Assessment should ensure that all Specific Outcomes, Embedded Knowledge and Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are evaluated. The assessment of the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes should be integrated with the assessment of Specific Outcomes and Embedded Knowledge. 

    This qualification has been compared with similar qualifications in the following countries considered to be leaders in this field: United Kingdom (including Wales and Scotland), Australia and Singapore.

    Comparisons were conducted via the United Kingdom's National Qualifications Framework for areas of Retail operations provided valuable comparison in terms of three qualifications:
  • Qualification 100/2878/X - Certificate in Retail Operations Level 2 (Scottish Framework)
  • Qualification WRR 30202 - Certificate in Retail Operations Level 3 (UK Framework)
  • Qualification WRR 20102 - Certificate in Retail Operations Level 2 (UK Framework)

    It was noted that merchandising featured strongly in the above qualifications and was therefore included. The qualifications selected are all vocationally based as thus formed a good comparison base for the National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations NQF Level 2.

    The following competencies are incorporated in the WRR30202 (consisting of 9 units of which five are core and 4 elective) and WRR20102 (consisting of 14 units of which 10 core and 4 elective) and the 100.2878/X qualification (consisting of three mandatory units and two optional units of learning:

    Retail operations L3 (WRR30202):
  • Maintain and order stock
  • Maintain store security
  • Apply store security systems and procedures
  • Build relationships with customers
  • Develop innovative ideas at work
  • Profile a retail market
  • Maintain store safety
  • Coordinate merchandising presentation
  • Monitor in-store visual merchandising display

    Retail operations L2 (WRR20102):
  • Communication in the workplace
  • Point of sales handling procedures
  • Terminal or register balancing (Point of Sale)
  • Customer interaction
  • Operating of retail equipment
  • Effective working in a retail environment
  • Safe work practices
  • Routine housekeeping duties (merchandising)
  • Stock control and ordering procedures
  • Minimising of theft

    Retail operations L2 (100.2878/X):
  • Employment rights and responsibilities
  • Service selling and product knowledge
  • Personal effectiveness and teamwork
  • Risk awareness, health and safety
  • Merchandise handling, storage and display

    Careful consideration of the envisaged areas of competency included in the National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations NQF Level 2 shows favourable alignment in terms of:
  • Communication
  • Core concepts of the operational environment
  • Customer interaction
  • Maintaining of a safe and secure environment
  • Point of sales transactions
  • Merchandising and displays
  • Handling of stock
  • Customer relationships via the handling of queries and complaints

    The South African Qualification is however unique in its approach in the enabling of areas of specialisation to make provision for the development of competencies for specific operational requirements. Specific operational needs such as administration and handling of accounts and credit facilities, and in particular the enabling of support services such as Help Desk operations, deviate from the international norm, but add value in terms of skills requirements in the South African context.

    The Singapore Workforce Development Agency is a statutory board under the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and leads and drives workforce development in Singapore through a strong focus on industry driven competency requirements.

    The Certificate in Retail Operations contains the following core modules:
  • Handle merchandise display
  • Working in the retail industry
  • Develop ideas for workplace innovation
  • Maintain personal presentation
  • Interact with customers
  • Sell products and services
  • Perform point of sale operations
  • Perform routine housekeeping duties
  • Perform stock control operations
  • Apply safety and security practices

    Over and above the provision for retail office operations, elective modules for the qualification provide product specific selections for areas such as speciality store assistance, petroleum, product storage (meat, fresh products or seafood).

    Whereas the Singapore qualification differentiates by product, this qualification has more generic unit standards that can be used across the sectors.

    Other comparisons:

    Difficulties were experienced for comparison with qualifications or training in SADC and other African countries, as material is not available. Although the USA is also considered as an area of best practice, relevant qualifications could not be sourced.


    From the concluded comparison it is clear that the National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Operations NQF Level 2 aligns well with international trends in terms of the included fundamental and core components and also compares well with tendencies observed in the elective component of the qualification.

    Merchandising, stock control, communication and a good foundational understanding of the wholesale and retailing environment is clearly aligned with international trends as per the qualifications utilised for comparisons.

    What provides uniqueness is the additional focus on skills and competencies associated with areas of specialisation, which although specific, remains generic enough in approach to make provision for application across product ranges and situations in the diverse Wholesale and Retail industry in the South African context. 

    The qualification provides the following articulation opportunities:

    Horizontal Articulation:

    The qualification articulates horizontally with the following qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework:
  • The National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Distribution, Level 2, 49280.
  • The National Certificate: Retail Shop Floor Practices, Level 2, 48763.
  • The National Certificate: New Venture Creation, Level 2, 49648.
  • The National Certificate: Business Administration, Level 2, 23833.
  • The National Certificate: Contact Centre Support, Level 2, 21793.

    Vertical Articulation:

    Vertical Articulation is possible with the following qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework:
  • The National Certificate: Wholesale and Retail Sales Practice, Level 3, 48764.
  • The National Certificate: Business Administration Services, Level 3, 23737. 

    Anyone assessing a learner, or moderating the assessment of a learner, against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor or moderator with the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance body (ETQA), or with an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the relevant ETQA.

    Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be registered and accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA, or with an ETQA that has an MOU with the relevant ETQA, in which event programme approval will be obtained from the relevant ETQA.

    Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation of that ETQA, in terms of agreements reached around assessment and moderation between various ETQAs (including professional bodies), and in terms of the moderation guideline detailed immediately below.

    Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at all exit points of the Qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described in the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification.

    The options as listed above provide the opportunity to ensure that assessment and moderation can be transparent, affordable, valid, reliable and non-discriminatory.

    For an applicant to register as an assessor or moderator of this Qualification the applicant needs:
  • To be registered as an assessor.
  • To be in possession of a relevant qualification at NQF Level 3 or above or relevant experience in the sector. 


    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 

    This qualification replaces the following qualifications:
  • 13718: National Certificate: Retail and Wholesale Processes, NQF Level 2, 160 credits
  • 48763: National Certificate: Retail Shop Floor Practices, NQF Level 2, 122 credits 

    Core  117887  Complete basic business calculations  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  114895  Define the core concepts of the wholesale and retail environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Core  114903  Interact with customers  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  119463  Access and use information from texts  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9009  Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7480  Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9008  Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  119454  Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  119460  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7469  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9007  Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  119456  Write/present for a defined context  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114897  Administer deliveries  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  114908  Apply food safety practices in a wholesale and retail outlet  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  10358  Apply in-bound Contact Centre Operations within a commercial environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  14359  Behave in a professional manner in a business environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  10354  Contribute to a diverse working environment in a Contact Centre  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114891  Count stock for a stock-take  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  243671  Deliver stock to stores  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  119666  Determine financial requirements of a new venture  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  335914  Explain the legal structures and requirements for a wholesale and retail business  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  254594  Handle help desk queries  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Elective  243673  Identify the role of the fast moving consumer goods merchandiser in the wholesale and retail industry  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114910  Implement food-handling practices in wholesale and retail outlet  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114904  Implement promotional instructions  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  10349  Input data received onto appropriate computer packages within a Contact Centre  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Elective  114912  Maintain a safe and secure wholesale and retail environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  114899  Maintain the customer's account  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  119674  Manage finances for a new venture  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  14342  Manage time and work processes within a business environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114906  Mark merchandise and maintain displays  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  10353  Meet performance standards within a Contact Centre  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114919  Offer a credit facility  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114902  Operate a computer in a Wholesale/Retail outlet  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114893  Pack customer purchases at point of sales  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114890  Perform office functions in a wholesale and retail outlet  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  117899  Pick stock in a distribution centre/warehouse  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Elective  117900  Plan self development  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  114894  Process payment at a Point of Sales (POS)  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  13885  Provide information to customers in a Contact Centre  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Elective  114889  Record transactions  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  243676  Source and collect products for resale  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Elective  243712  Address customer queries in a wholesale environment  Level 3  NQF Level 03  10 
    Elective  13883  Apply out-bound Contact Centre Operations within a commercial environment  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  114892  Dispatch stock  Level 3  NQF Level 03  10 
    Elective  243678  Grant credit to customers  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  115878  Load and deliver stock  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  243672  Maintain the stockroom  Level 3  NQF Level 03  10 
    Elective  119960  Merchandise chillers and freezers in a retail store  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  114898  Minimise defaulting customer accounts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  114887  Prepare a vehicle for deliveries  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  13932  Prepare and process documents for financial and banking processes  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  114896  Receive stock  Level 3  NQF Level 03  12 
    Elective  243679  Recommend orders for clients in a fast moving consumer goods environment  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  114911  Resolve customer queries / complaints  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  114900  Sell products to customers in a Wholesale and Retail outlet  Level 3  NQF Level 03  12 
    Elective  243680  Take orders from customers  Level 3  NQF Level 03  12 
    Elective  243681  Uplift stock for return  Level 3  NQF Level 03 

    When qualifications are replaced, some (but not all) of their learning programmes are moved to the replacement qualifications. If a learning programme appears to be missing from here, please check the replaced qualification.

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    2. Visual Excellence Trading 508 (Pty) Ltd 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.