SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

General Education and Training Certificate: Food and Beverage Handling Processes 
58026  General Education and Training Certificate: Food and Beverage Handling Processes 
SGB Food 
FOODBEV - Food and Beverages Manufacturing Industry Sector Education and Training Authority  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 06 - Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology  Manufacturing and Assembly 
Undefined  128  Level 1  NQF Level 01  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


This qualification will contribute to increasing levels of personal and product safety and will develop a common integrated and co-ordinated approach to the handling of food and related products. A person acquiring this qualification will be able to have an understanding of personal and product safety, life skills that will allow them to be responsible citizens, which in turn, will provide benefits to the society and economy of South Africa and knowledge and skills in the handling of food and related products. The learner is sensitised to the specific culture, opportunities and demands relating to food handling. The skills, knowledge, values and understanding demonstrated within this qualification are essential for a positive impact on social and economic transformation and upliftment within the democratic South African society. Learners will be able to:
  • Carry out familiar food and beverage handling processes.
  • Receive and pass information.
  • Offer a clear choice of routine responses.
  • Perform clearly defined tasks.
  • Apply basic skills.
  • Work as a member of a team.
  • Work under direct supervision with some responsibility and accountability.


    This qualification specifies the knowledge, skills and values required to access food and beverages processing and other food related qualifications in the Further Education and Training Band. It serves as an entry-level qualification for the food and beverage manufacturing qualifications in the Further Education and Training Band. This qualification allow learners to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills for career advancement and advancement to higher qualifications in food and beverage manufacturing supervision, food and beverage quality control and assurance, food and beverage manufacturing management, food and beverage manufacturing supervision and food and beverage process artisan.

    This qualification is for learners who:
  • Were unable to complete their schooling.
  • Have worked in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Environment for many years, but have no formal or recognised qualifications in their area of work.
  • Wish to extend their knowledge and understanding of the Food and Beverage Manufacturing environment.
  • Can be empowered to sustain themselves economically within the food industry in basic handling of food and related products to improve the quality of their lives.

    The intention of this qualification is to:
  • Promote the development of functional knowledge and competencies that are required in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing environment.
  • Develop the potential of employees in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing environment.
  • Provide opportunities for career pathways and life-long learning for learners who work in the Food and Beverage Manufacturing environment.

    This qualification specifies:
  • Fundamental skills in communication and mathematical literacy.
  • Core skills in personal and product safety related to the learner's specific work context.
  • Life skills that will allow them to be a responsible citizen which will provide benefits to the society and economy of South Africa.
  • Basic knowledge and skills in the handling of food and related products.

    The qualification will allow for transformation in the field of food and beverage processing where learner's will receive a formal qualification in the basic handling of food and related products. 

    It is assumed that learners are already competent in Communication and Numeracy at ABET Level 3.

    Recognition of Prior Learning

    This qualification may be achieved in part or completely through the recognition of prior learning, which includes formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

    Access to the Qualification

    Open access. 


    Learners intending to achieve the General Education and Training Certificate in Food Handling Process (128 credits), need to do the 44 credits as part of the Fundamental learning component and the 38 Core credits. The rest of the credits (46 credits) are to be obtained from the Elective area totalling to at least 128 credits, or any other Elective relating to the purpose of the qualification.
  • Fundamental: 44 credits.
  • Core: 38 credits.
  • Elective: 46 credits.
  • Total: 128 credits. 

    Qualifying learners can:

    1. Communicate and demonstrate problem solving within a food and beverage-handling environment.
    2. Maintain personal and product safety in a food and beverage manufacturing environment.
    3. Demonstrate an understanding of life skills within a food and beverage handling context.
    4. Handle food.

    Critical Cross-Field Outcomes

    All unit standards include the assessment of relevant Critical Cross-Field Outcomes via the assessment criteria. These Critical Cross-Field Outcomes should be at the core of all education and training and provide a means of performing tasks in a learning, work or everyday situation. Critical Cross-Field Outcomes are developed through the engaging of knowledge and activities in a specific context and they cannot be directly assessed. Rather assessment is carried out indirectly via the performance of tasks.

    The following Critical Cross-Field Outcomes have been addressed in the qualification and specified as per the unit standards.
  • Identifying and solving problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made.
  • Working effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, or community.
  • Organising and managing oneself and one's activities responsibly and effectively.
  • Collecting, analysing, organising and critically evaluating information.
  • Communicating effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written persuasion.
  • Using science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and health of others.
  • Demonstrating an understanding of the world as a set of related systems by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation. 

  • Written and oral communication skills are used taking into account social and cultural diversity.
  • Mathematical principles and skills are demonstrated and applied according to the relevant context.
  • Scientific principles are explained and applied within the food and beverage handling context.

  • The applicable principles related to personal hygiene and health are explained, described and applied within food and beverage manufacturing context.
  • Personal safety practices in the workplace are explained, described and applied at all times.
  • Food manufacturing equipment and surfaces are cleaned and sanitised according to standard practices within the food and beverage environment.

  • Factors contributing to healthy living are explained and described with examples.
  • Time and self management skills are explained and applied as they relate to the context of food handling.
  • Concepts of workplace diversity are explained and described within the food and beverage working environment.

  • Food raw materials are prepared in accordance with workplace requirements.
  • Food Products temperature is measured and readings are evaluated in accordance with the requirements.
  • Basic economic principles relating to the manufacturing of food are explained and applied in the food handling environment.

    Integrated Assessment

    The applied competence (practical, foundational and reflexive competencies) of this qualification will be achieved if a candidate is able to produce a range of safe, quality food products in the context of the learners work environment.

    The identifying and solving of problems, team work, organising one-self, the using of applied science, the implication of actions and reactions in the world as a set of related systems, must be assessed during any combination of practical, foundational and reflexive competencies assessment methods and tools to determine the whole person development and integration of applied knowledge and skills.

    Applicable assessment tool(s) to establish the foundational, reflective and embedded knowledge to problem solving and application of the world as a set of related systems within the processing environment. A detailed portfolio of evidence is required to proof the practical, applied and foundational competencies of the learner.

    Assessors and moderators should develop and conduct their own integrated assessment by making use of a range of formative and summative assessment methods. Assessors should assess and give credit for the evidence of learning that has already been acquired through formal, informal and non-formal learning and work experience.

    Unit standards in the qualification must be used to assess specific and critical cross-field outcomes. During integrated assessments the assessor should make use of formative and summative assessment methods and should assess combinations of practical, applied, foundational and reflexive competencies. 

    It is important to develop a qualification that is internationally comparable as a number of products manufactured in South Africa are also manufactured in other countries around the world. This includes developed and developing countries. The developed qualification should underpin the objectives of the National Qualifications Framework, especially with regard to transformation and for economic and social development. In selecting countries for international comparison it is important to consider countries where the economic context in which the qualification is to be used, is similar to the South African context. Ideally, this qualification should be compared to qualifications from a country with a developed economy and as well as with a developing country with an emerging economy in order to include contexts that have similarities to the South African situation.

    The following websites were searched for qualifications that relate to the food and beverages processing qualification:
  • Senior Secondary Certificate of Education on Food Processing.
  • See information below.

    New Zealand

    The following qualifications were identified on that could relate to this qualification:

    Qualification: National Certificate in Food and Related Products Processing (Level 1), Level: 1, 50 credits.

  • This qualification is a first in a series of four National Certificates in Food and Related Products Processing. They can each provide skill recognition at different points on a progressive pathway that leads towards any one or all four of the certificates.
  • This qualification is awarded to people who, working under supervision, have demonstrated competence in a range of basic skill practices required by the food and related products processing industry. These practices include standards operational requirements found in most food and related product processing sites, worksite safety and fundamentals of literacy, numeracy, and interpersonal communications.

    Qualification: National Certificate in Food and Related Products Processing (Level 2), Level: 2, 60 credits.

  • This is the second of a series of the four National Certificates. It provides skill recognition at different levels on a progressive skill pathway.
  • This qualification is awarded to learners who, working under supervision, have demonstrated competence in a range of basic skill practices required by the food and related products processing industry. These practices include standard operational requirements found in most food and related product processing sites, worksite safety and fundamentals of literacy, numeracy, and interpersonal communications.

    Qualification: National Certificate in Food and Products Processing (Level 3), Level: 3, 120 credits.

  • This is the third of a series of four. It is intended as an intermediate on-the-job qualification for learners working in processing operations, packaging, storage, and distribution of food and related product information.
  • Learners credited with this qualification have good practical skills and are developing sound theoretical knowledge and understanding of food processing and related operations.

    Parallels with the GETC: The GETC: Food handling processes relates to the National Certificate in Food and Related Products Processing (Level 1) offered in New Zealand as the GETC is also for learners who are working under supervision, should demonstrate competence in a range of basic skill practices required by the food and related products processing industry. These practices include standard operational requirements found in most food and related product processing sites, worksite safety and fundamentals of literacy, numeracy, and interpersonal communications.


    The following websites were searched for qualifications in Australia:

    There are three Senior Certificates within the School Sector, i.e. Senior Certificates I, II and III. The following certificates are offered as part of the vocational education and training sector - Certificate I, II, III and IV, diploma and advanced diploma. The Senior Certificate I is at the same level as the GETC: Food Handling Processes. A comparison on what the qualifications set out to achieve is done in the table below.
  • Qualification: Senior Certificates I, II, and III.

    Purpose, content and duration
  • These qualifications are at state/territory level. The requirements of the qualifications are set by statutory bodies which are responsible for the development and accreditation of courses of study, assessment and quality assurance of the qualification.
  • Studies range from traditional academic disciplines in order to prepare students for university entrance to more vocational and semi-vocational courses to prepare the learner to enter the world of work. The balance between the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills, and between academic disciplines and applied and work related courses vary depending on the needs of the learner and the work environment. The outcomes include both specific and subject specific knowledge and skills.

    GETC: Food Handling Processes
  • This qualification will contribute to increasing levels of personal and product safety and will develop a common integrated and co-ordinated approach to the handling of food and related products.
  • This qualification is based on the needs of the industry. (therefore preparing the learner for the world of work)
  • The GETC is for learners who are working under supervision, and who should demonstrate competence in a range of basic skill practices required by the food and related products processing industry.
  • The duration of this qualification is more or less one year of full time study.
  • Qualification: Certificate I, Certificate II.

    Purpose, content and duration
  • Qualifications are based on nationally endorsed competency standards where they exist or on competency standards developed by the relevant industry. The qualification certifies achievement of learning outcomes generally identified as sets of competencies for levels of the workplace performance reflected in the qualification. The focus in the vocational qualifications is on the capacity to enter a specific work environment.
  • The Certificate I prepares a learner to perform a defined range of activities, which may be routine and predictable.
  • The duration is normally two years of full-time study.
  • The Certificate II prepares the learner to perform a range of varied activities or knowledge application where there is a clearly defined range of contexts in which the choice of actions required is usually clear and there is limited complexity in the range of options applied. Performance involves known routines and procedures.
  • The duration is normally according to the pathway taken and factors related to the particular industry or work area. Nominal duration statements appear in training programmes.
  • Qualification: Certificate III.

    Purpose, content and duration
  • The Certificate III covers selecting, adapting and transferring of skills and knowledge to new environments or a variety of environments. Performance involves a defined range of skilled operations, usually within a range of broader related activities involving known routines, methods and procedures where some discretion and judgement is required.
  • The duration is normally according to the pathway taken and factors related to the particular industry or work area. Nominal duration statements appear in training programmes.
  • Qualification: Certificate IV.

    Purpose, content and duration
  • The Certificate IV covers a broad range of varied activities or application in a wider variety of context which are complex and non-routine. Performance involves a broad range of skilled applications including requirements to evaluate and analyse current practice and to develop new criteria and products.
  • The duration is normally according to the pathway taken and factors related to the particular industry or work area. Nominal duration statements appear in training programmes.

  • The GETC: Food handling processes compares with the qualifications offered in the above countries. Qualifying learners would work under supervision, and would be able to demonstrate competence in a range of basic skill practices required by the food and related products processing industry. These practices include standard operational requirements found in most food and related product processing sites, worksite safety and fundamentals of literacy, numeracy, and interpersonal communications.
  • The GETC in Food and Beverage Handling Processes compares with international food and beverage handling practices and therefore has to be registered on the NQF. 

    This qualification will enable the qualifying learners to progress to further learning in food and beverages processing in the Further Education and Training Band.

    This qualification articulates vertical with the following qualifications:
  • 50307: National Certificate: Bread and Flour confectionery Baking: NQF Level 2, ID: 50307.
  • 20657: National Certificate: Food and Beverage Processing: NQF Level 2, ID: 20657.
  • 20207: National Certificate: Raw milk and cream handling and storing: NQF Level 2, ID: 20207.

    There is some horizantal articulation with the following NQF Level 1 qualifications, especially with regards to the fundamental learning components:
  • General Education and Training Certificate: Animal production, ID: 48970.
  • General Education and Training Certificate: Hygiene and Cleaning, ID: 20173.
  • General Education and Training Certificate: Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Activities, ID: 23253. 

  • Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this Qualification must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA.
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this Qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA.
  • Assessment and moderation of assessment will be overseen by the relevant ETQA according to the ETQAs policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation; in terms of agreements reached around assessment and moderation between ETQAs (including professional bodies); and in terms of the moderation guideline detailed immediately below.
  • Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments at exit points of the qualification, unless ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described both in individual unit standards, exit level outcomes as well as the integrated competence described in the qualification.
  • Anyone wishing to be assessed against this Qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    The following criteria should be applied by the relevant ETQA:
  • Registration as an assessor with the relevant ETQA.
  • Relevant qualification in the field of food and beverage processing, at least one level higher than this qualification.
  • A minimum of 6 -12 months field experience after he/she has completed the qualification. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 


    Core  120410  Clean and sanitise food manufacturing equipment and surfaces manually  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  14659  Demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute towards healthy living  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  14656  Demonstrate an understanding of sexuality and sexually transmitted infections including HIV/AIDS  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  14664  Demonstrate knowledge of diversity within different relationships in the South African society  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  243345  Handle food materials in a food production process  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  120404  Maintain personal hygiene, health and presentation in a food handling environment  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  120398  Measure the temperature of food products and evaluate the readings  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  12513  Plan and manage time in the workplace  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  15091  Plan to manage one`s time  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  120402  Demonstrate an understanding of introductory principles of chemistry and physics  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  14084  Demonstrate an understanding of and use the numbering system  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119373  Describe and represent objects in terms of shape, space and measurement  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119368  Describe, interpret and represent mathematical patterns, functions and algebra in different contexts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119635  Engage in a range of speaking/signing and listening interactions for a variety of purposes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119364  Evaluate and solve data handling and probability problems within given contexts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119641  Identify and respond to selected literary texts  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119640  Read/view and respond to a range of text types  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119362  Work with numbers; operations with numbers and relationships between numbers  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Fundamental  119636  Write/Sign for a variety of different purposes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  9112  Bulk pack dry food products in bags  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  120412  Demonstrate an understanding of dairy terminology, equipment and systems  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  12574  Demonstrate an understanding of different wine cultivars  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  14111  Demonstrate an understanding of how scientific skills and knowledge could contribute to sustainable use of resources  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  11717  Demonstrate knowledge of dairy terminology and equipment in a home scale maas or sour milk manufacturing environment  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  13171  Describe and show how the NQF can help me to plan a learning and career pathway  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  9357  Develop and use keyboard skills to enter text  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  12585  Harvest ripe grapes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  13162  Identify and describe inputs, outputs, stages and quality indicators of the manufacturing, assembly or engineering process  Level 1  NQF Level 01  10 
    Elective  13174  Identify and discuss inappropriate behaviours in the workplace  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  10692  Manage and handle pan operations manually in a plant bakery  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  11714  Manufacture maas or sour milk in a home scale dairy manufacturing environment  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  116932  Operate a personal computer system  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  9111  Pack a food product under vacuum  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  9110  Paint and wax cheese  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  114888  Perform cleaning functions within a Wholesale and Retail outlet  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  15092  Plan and manage personal finances  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  243343  Produce a range of chemically aerated flour confectionery products in a micro baking environment  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  243344  Produce a range of yeast fermented products in a micro baking environment.  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  13157  Read, interpret and understand information on a payslip  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  120401  Take a representative food sample  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  14096  Understand and apply technological knowledge and skills in Processes  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  14098  Understand and use energy in technological product and systems  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  13172  Understand the employer/employee relationship  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  114897  Administer deliveries  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  114908  Apply food safety practices in a wholesale and retail outlet  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  120403  Apply good manufacturing practices as part of a food safety system  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  14359  Behave in a professional manner in a business environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  120405  Clean and sanitise a fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) processing system using an automated cleaning-in-place (CIP) system  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  114891  Count stock for a stock-take  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  14342  Manage time and work processes within a business environment  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  8766  Mix or blend food raw materials for processing using automated equipment  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  242781  Pack manually  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  123272  Prepare glassware and media for analytical procedures in a laboratory  Level 2  NQF Level 02 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Alabaster Training Centre (Pty) LTD 
    2. Innovative Shared Services 
    3. Intercept Consulting and Training Solutions 
    4. Nomagwanishe Investments cc 
    5. Operational Process Improvements (Pty) Ltd 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.