SAQA All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.

National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation 
96402  National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation 
SGB Civil Engineering Construction 
The individual Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary for each Learning Programme recorded against this qualification is shown in the table at the end of this report.  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
National Certificate  Field 12 - Physical Planning and Construction  Civil Engineering Construction 
Undefined  122  Level 2  NQF Level 02  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 06120/18  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2024-06-30   2027-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


This Qualification is for any individual who is, or wishes to be, involved as a hot water system installer in the plumbing sector. The individual will perform this activity under the supervision and guidance of a qualified plumber. The Qualification contains all the competencies, skills and values required by a learner who may wish to work towards becoming a fully qualified plumber by completing the plumbing qualification is at NQF Level 4. This Qualification could be deemed to be an entry level qualification into the plumbing field.

The core component of the National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation at NQF Level 2 contains a range of competencies that help the learner install a hot water system and perform many of the activities performed by a plumber, albeit at a lower level. The core component consists of competencies in:
  • Mounting and connecting a solar heating/hot water system.
  • Installing and testing cold and hot water supply system.
  • Applying basic plumbing principles.
  • Applying basic first aid.
  • Applying health and safety rules and regulations.
  • Using scaffolding and harnesses.
  • Reading and interpreting construction drawings and specifications.
  • Using and maintaining hand and power tools and equipment.

    The Elective component allows for the acquisition of entrepreneurial competencies or deepening of understanding of aspects in trades within the construction environment.

    Learners working towards this Qualification will find that the acquisition of competencies in the Unit Standards, which make up the Qualification, will add value to their conceptual understanding of the field and their work performance. This Qualification is intended to enhance the provision of service - specifically the installation of hot water systems - within the plumbing sector.

    The Qualification will facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within, education and training for learners who:
  • Were previously disadvantaged.
  • Have worked in this field for many years, but have no formal Qualification and would like to achieve this Qualification through the process of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and/or formal study.
  • Wish to extend their range of skills and knowledge and hence their competencies in quality management systems environment.

    The intention of this Qualification is to:
  • Promote the development of knowledge, skills and values that are required for service excellence within the plumbing field.
  • Release the potential of people.
  • Provide opportunities for people to explore different activities within the plumbing sector.


    There is an immense demand for hot water system installers throughout the country. This demand has been fuelled by two factors. Firstly, as the state extends electricity supply to areas which had no power before; more homes are beginning to install hot water systems to make their lives easier. Secondly, and more critically, Eskom, South Africa's giant power utility, has been unable to keep pace with the power demands of the economy due to a variety of reasons. The year 2008 was witness to the phenomenon of load-shedding that created chaos and the cost to the economy has been incalculable.

    A possible immediate solution is to encourage households to install solar heating systems that will dramatically reduce the demand on the country's power supply. This entails the training of hot water system installers as a matter of urgency. While Eskom's drive is towards the installation of solar heating appliances, the installation of hot water systems generally will continue at a pace. Hence, the need for this Qualification.

    It is accepted that a plumber who has acquired the plumbing qualification entitled FETC: Plumbing and completed the Unit Standard entitled "Install and maintain solar water heating systems" (ID 244499) will be able to plan, install, test and maintain a hot water system, both electrical and solar. This NQF Level 2 Qualification, however, is directed to an individual who will focus solely on the installation of the hot water system under the supervision of a qualified plumber and does not include on site assessment, planning and maintenance of the system.

    It will be in the interest of the country as a whole to ultimately have qualified hot water system installers who are trained according to this Qualification in order to improve productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.

    Currently there are no national Qualifications for these learners at this level. Learners tend to enter the field by acquiring work experience with a plumbing company. The plumbing qualification at NQF Level 4 is not easily accessible by many learners who have not had the opportunity of obtaining a relevant Level 3 qualification in order to access it.

    The National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation at NQF Level 2 is the first national Qualification in this sector. The National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation at NQF Level 2 supports the objectives of the NQF in that it gives the learner access to a registered Qualification. It will ensure that the quality of education and training in the plumbing is enhanced and of a world-class standard. The Qualification will allow learners not only to develop their knowledge and skills in the plumbing field but will also enable them to benchmark their competence against international standards. 

    Learners wishing to study towards this Qualification are assumed to have:
  • Mathematical literacy at NQF Level 1.
  • Communication at to NQF Level 1.

    Recognition of Prior Learning:

    The structure of this Unit Standard-based Qualification makes the recognition of prior learning (RPL) possible, if the learner is able to demonstrate competence in the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes implicit in this Qualification.

    Learners who already work in the plumbing sector and who believe that they possess the competencies to enable them to meet all of the outcomes listed in the Unit Standards will be able to present themselves for assessment against the Unit Standards of their choice. A range of assessment tools and techniques should be used which have been jointly decided upon by the learner and the assessor. Such procedures, and the assessment of individual cases, are subject to moderation by independent assessors. The same principles that apply to assessment of this Qualification also apply to recognition of prior learning.

    Once found competent, these learners will be certified as competent and credited accordingly. Recognition of Prior Learning can also be conducted for these learners at Qualification level, by means of Integrated Assessment.

    RPL will allow for accelerated access to further learning and gaining of credits towards the Qualification. All RPL ought to be carried out by the provider in agreement with the relevant ETQA or another ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding in place with the relevant ETQA.

    RPL is particularly important, as there are people in the profession with a variety of Qualifications of differing quality and scope. It is important that an RPL process be available to assist in making sense of existing Qualifications, and helping to standardise Qualifications towards a common standard. 


    A minimum of 122 credits are required to complete the Qualification which is made up of the following components:
  • Fundamental: 36 credits.
  • Core: 69 credits.
  • Electives: 17 credits.
  • Total: 122 credits.

    Motivation for the number of credits assigned to the Fundamental, Core and Elective Components:

    Fundamental Component:

    There are 36 credits allocated to this component at the level of the Qualification. These constitute Communication and Mathematical Literacy skills. All the Unit Standards designated as Fundamental are compulsory.

    Core Component:

    69 credits have been allocated to Unit Standards designated as Core for the purpose of this Qualification. These Unit Standards provide the generic knowledge and skills related to Quality Management in general, issues that have been highlighted in the Purpose Statement.

    All the Unit Standards indicated as Core are compulsory.

    Elective Component:

    Electives that add up to a minimum of 17 credits.

    These Elective Unit Standards provide opportunities for the holistic development of the learner and allow for maximum flexibility and multi-skilling to enable the learners to achieve a Qualification that is relevant to the context in which they work. 

    1. Explain and apply knowledge of health and safety as it pertains to installation of a hot water system.

    2. Apply knowledge of scaffolding and fall arrest for the installation of a hot water system.

    3. Explain basic plumbing principles and construction drawings to enable installation of hot water system.

    4. Install a solar water heating/hot water system.

    Critical Cross-Field Outcomes:

    Identify and solve problems in which responses display that responsible decisions using critical and creative thinking have been made when:
  • Interpreting roof layout drawings and building drawings.
  • Selecting and using appropriate tools and equipment.
  • Identifying and pro-actively correcting issues of non-availability of resources and materials.
  • Identifying potential hazards and dealing with them.
  • Following procedures for the identification of emergencies.
  • Identifying and solving problems during the application and maintaining of safety in an electrical environment.
  • Erecting and dismantling a system scaffold with ladder access taking into consideration physical conditions.
  • Solving problems related to the installation, use and performance of basic rescues for fall arrest systems.

    Work effectively with others as a member of a team, group, organisation, community to:
  • Install the solar water heating/hot water system.
  • Ensure the safety of all personnel during installation and follow procedures that apply to illness or injury in the work area.
  • Ensure that plumbing principles are correctly applied in the performance of plumbing task.
  • Work in unison with co-workers and other trades on site.
  • Communicate and receive advice from client.
  • Follow procedures for reporting and recording to the relevant authority.
  • Erect and dismantle a system scaffold with ladder access.
  • Implement fall protection plans.

    Organise and manage oneself and one's activities responsively and effectively when:
  • Reading and interpreting roof layout and building drawings.
  • Identifying, selecting, maintaining and storing appropriate tools and equipment.
  • Installing the solar water heating/ hot water system.
  • Ensuring the safety of all personnel during installation of both the water supply system and the hot water system in accordance with building industry regulations.
  • Determining pipe sizes in preparation for the installation of water supply systems.
  • Follow procedures that apply to illness or injury in the work area.
  • Follow procedures for reporting and recording are demonstrated.
  • Reporting of unsafe conditions.
  • Installing and using fall arrest systems.

    Collect, analyse, organise and critically evaluate information to:
  • Prepare for and install hot water system.
  • Interpret information contained in drawings.
  • Set out work areas from provided control positions and levels in accordance with instructions and drawings.
  • Use reporting and recording procedures.

    Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in the modes of oral and/or written presentation to:
  • use the equipment according to manufacturer's instructions.
  • Issue clear verbal instructions to team members.
  • Listen to feedback received from team members.
  • Report problem situations to the client.
  • Limit damage to persons or property in the case of an emergency.
  • Report injuries involving individuals promptly to the relevant persons.
  • Inspect and assemble fall arrest equipment and systems.

    Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility towards the environment and the health of others by:
  • Using the appropriate tools and equipment according to manufacturer's instructions. 

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 1:
  • Basic first aid techniques are applied to alleviate pain and assistance is requested to treat serious cases.
  • Potential hazards in the work area are identified and attended to.
  • Damage to persons or property in the case of an emergency is limited through identification of the type of emergencies and responding appropriately.
  • Procedures that apply to illness or injury in the work area are applied and a report is prepared to the relevant authority.
  • Safety signs, regulations and procedures related to a working environment are adhered to prevent injury.
  • Appropriate safety procedures are followed before, during and after job processes.
  • Safety anomalies are reported and recorded in accordance with worksite procedures.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 2:
  • A system scaffold with ladder access is erected and dismantled according to standard procedure.
  • A trestle scaffold is erected and dismantled according to procedure and specifications.
  • An extension ladder is erected and dismantled and a step ladder is used according to procedure.
  • Basic knowledge of the limitations of a limited range of fall arrest equipment and regulations is demonstrated.
  • Fall arrest equipment is inspected, assembled and stored.
  • Fall arrest equipment is used according to procedure.
  • Pre-installed vertical and horizontal life-lines are used and explained to reduce risks during rescue.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 3:
  • Pressure and flow principles are applied to ensure that plumbing work performed is in accordance with building regulations requirements.
  • Basic pipe sizing is applied to plumbing applications/operations to ensure correct fitting.
  • System components and materials are described so that they are used according to manufacturer's instructions.
  • The role of drawings is explained in relation to project specifications, contract documentation, quantities and construction.
  • Drawings are identified in terms of type and application for a construction process.
  • Symbols and abbreviations are interpreted in terms of their functions and meanings.

    Associated Assessment Criteria for Exit Level Outcome 4:
  • Install and test cold and hot water supply systems according to purpose and instructions.
  • The theory regarding solar water heating/hot water systems is explained in terms of the advantages/disadvantages, dangers and in terms of the aspects/dynamics pertaining to the various solar water heating combinations.
  • Knowledge of roof trusses is explained and applied in order to complete installation of hot water system.
  • Solar water heating/hot water system is installed according to manufacturer's specifications and the appropriate South African National Standards (SANS).
  • National Building Regulations and safety legislation are explained and adhered to in order to ensure compliance and safety during the installation.
  • All safety measures including the use of protective clothing and the safe handling ot tools are applied in accordance with installation requirements.

    Integrated Assessment:

    The importance of integrated assessment is to confirm that the learner is able to demonstrate applied competence (practical, foundational and reflexive) and ensure that the purpose of this Qualification is achieved. Both formative and summative assessment methods and strategies are used to ensure that the Exit Level Outcomes and the purpose of the Qualification are achieved through the achievement of the Unit Standards. Learning, teaching and assessment are inextricably linked.

    Learning and assessment should be integrated and assessment practices must be fair, transparent, valid and reliable. A variety of assessment strategies and approaches must be used. This could include tests, assignments, projects, demonstrations and/or any applicable method. The learner must demonstrate evidence of analytical thinking, problem solving, and integration of theory and practice as deemed appropriate at this level.

    Formative assessment is an on-going process which is used to assess the efficacy of the teaching and learning process. It is used to plan appropriate learning experiences to meet the learner's needs. Formative assessments can include a mix of simulated and actual (real) clinical practice or authentic settings. Feedback from assessment informs both teaching and learning. If the learner has met the assessment criteria of the Unit Standards then s/he has achieved the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification.

    Summative assessment is concerned with the judgement of the learning in relation to the Unit Standards and consequently of the Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification. Such judgement must include integrated assessment(s) which test the learners' ability to integrate the larger body of knowledge, skills and attitudes, which are represented by the Unit Standards and the Exit Level Outcomes. Summative assessment can take the form of oral, written and practical examinations as agreed to by the relevant ETQA.

    Integrated assessment must be designed to achieve the following:
  • An integration of the achievement of the Exit Level Outcomes in a way that reflects a comprehensive approach to learning and shows that the purpose of the Qualification has been achieved.
  • Judgement of learner performance to provide evidence of applied competence or capability. 

    The main competencies of this Qualification are as follows:
  • Apply plumbing principles as they pertain to the installation of a hot water system.
  • Install and test cold and hot water supply systems.
  • Mount and connecting solar water heating systems.

    The following countries were considered:
  • The United States - a leader in solar heating systems.
  • Canada - also a leader in solar heating systems.
  • United Kingdom - a leader in solar heating systems.
  • Denmark - even more advanced than United Kingdom in this aspect.
  • Lithuania.
  • Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Israel and Kuwait were also investigated because these are very hot countries and the use of solar energy would significantly reduce dependence on electricity and other sources of energy.
  • India - is a rising technological giant.
  • Taiwan - is a significant producer of solar heating products but information on training and qualifications is not available.
  • China - this country is a huge market for solar heating systems.
  • Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.
  • Uganda.
  • Ghana.
  • Nigeria.
  • Botswana and Zimbabwe.

    United States:

    The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) conducts the NABCEP Solar Thermal Installer Certification examination, which is obtained in several ways. training in Requirements/Education. Eight minimum entry requirement tracks are accepted, which are primarily based on experience which includes the installation of Solar Thermal Systems. NABCEP has identified a detailed Task Analysis for Solar Water and Pool Heating Systems Installation. It is important to note that these tasks are applicable to the installation contractor - not to the system designer. This task list assumes the installation contractor starts with an approved solar system design package, complete with major components, manufacturer installation manual, system schematics, and assembly and troubleshooting instructions.

    Fundamentally, these tasks assume that the installer begins with adequate documentation for the system design and equipment, including manuals for major components, electrical and mechanical drawings, and instructions. Each student will be expected to have basic plumbing, electrical, and roofing skills. (Specifically, knowledge of basic plumbing tasks such as soldering pipe joints, gluing pipe joints, sealing fittings, testing for plumbing leaks, etc. In regards to electrical, the installer should be familiar with basic electrical concepts and terms and with the operation of a multimeter. Also included is the ability to connect wiring, create weather sealed connections, etc. Regarding roofing knowledge, the installer should be familiar with basic roof materials, terminologies as well as flashing and sealing methods. The tasks are detailed under the following heading:
  • Working safely with solar hot water and pool heating systems.
  • Identifying systems and their components.
  • Adapting a system design.
  • Conducting a site assessment.
  • Installing solar collectors.
  • Installing water heater and storage tanks.
  • Installing piping, pipe insulation and connecting system piping.
  • Installing mechanical/plumbing equipment and other components.
  • Installing electrical control systems.
  • Installing operation and identification tags and labels.
  • Performing a system checkout.
  • Maintaining and troubleshooting a solar thermal system.

    NABCEP also provides training and education options for certification purposes.

    The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) is a national leader in providing high quality education and training programs for consumers, businesses, and renewable energy system installers. They offer workshops and courses recognised by the Wisconsin Department of Commerce as continuing education for licensed professionals. The following two courses have relevance:

  • Solar Domestic Hot Water Installation:
    > 14 hours of credit.
  • Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems:
    > 7 hours of credit.

    Learn how to use the sun's energy for domestic uses: Showers, sinks, clothes washer. These systems are easy to install and often pay for themselves in energy savings in just a few years. This class provides an overview of a variety of system types. This class will include an examination of an on-site solar hot water heating system.

    The College of Extended and International Education of the University of California (Dominguez Hills) offers the following course entitled: Fundamentals of Solar Hot Water Heating.

    This online course concentrates on the basics of installing code compliant solar hot water systems. This course will be useful for people who currently work in or plan to be employed in the solar hot water industry. Student technicians will learn practical design criteria, installation guidelines, safety issues, maintenance, and legal considerations of solar hot water heating systems. The course extends for 60 hours over 3 months.

    The Florida Solar Energy Center offers a three day course which covers the essentials of residential solar system design, installation, troubleshooting and operation procedures for residential water and pool heating. This workshop is targeted to contractors, building officials, decision makers, government organizations, practitioners who install solar water heating systems and interested parties. This course includes an installation demonstration of a residential solar water heating system. Emphasis will be placed on system applications, design, sizing, and installation requirements.

    Specific objectives of this course include developing the participant's ability to:
  • Determine site selection, system applications, characteristics and considerations of the various system types.
  • Describe the function of system components, collector and system certification.
  • Determine available system sizing, installation, flashing and sealing methods.
  • Understand the FSEC and SRCC installation guidelines.
  • Demonstrate installation of residential solar water and pool heating system components.
  • Evaluate, troubleshoot, and maintain solar water heating systems.
  • Monitoring of both residential and commercial systems.

    Penn Foster Career School offers a distance-education course in plumbing. The learner acquires the skills one needs to become a professional Plumber.

    Hands-on plumber training includes the competencies included in this Qualification:
  • Interpret construction drawings and specifications.
  • Assemble, install, test, and maintain plumbing systems.
  • Repair and maintain water heating systems.
  • Install and troubleshoot the plumbing for dishwashers and other appliances.

    ProTrain Online offers a course entitled Fundamentals of Solar Hot Water Heating:

    This online course concentrates on the basics of installing code compliant solar hot water systems. This course will be useful for people who currently work in or plan to be employed in the solar hot water industry. Student technicians will learn practical design criteria, installation guidelines, safety issues, maintenance, and legal considerations of solar hot water heating systems. 60 hours. Instructor mentored. The duration of the course is six weeks.

    The essential training objective of this course is to provide the solar hot water installer/technician/contractor with fundamental technical knowledge on solar assisted heating in order that the technician may acquire and advance in design, installation and servicing responsibilities as the market for solar assisted water heating progresses.

    Upon completion of the course, the student technician should be able to:
  • Recognize the various types of residential solar hot water heating systems and components currently in use.
  • Demonstrate safe working practices.
  • Distinguish between solar system freeze protection options.
  • Properly design and size residential solar hot water heating systems.
  • Assist in the planning and installation of solar collectors and components.
  • Understand the types of codes and standards that apply to the proper installation of solar heating systems.
  • Understand the types of permits, warranties, and the customer relations required for completion of the overall solar project.
  • Assist in the servicing of common solar assisted heating problems.
  • Improve the quality of installations.

    Outline of the course:
  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Solar Hot Water Heating Systems.
  • Lesson 2: Solar Heating of Domestic Hot Water.
  • Lesson 3: Solar Hot Water Heating Components.
  • Lesson 4: Capturing the Sun.
  • Lesson 5: Planning & Sizing Solar Hot Water Heating Systems.
  • Lesson 6: Working Safely with Solar Hot Water.
  • Lesson 7: Installing Solar Hot Water Systems.
  • Lesson 8: Solar Space Heating Basics.
  • Lesson 9: Service & Maintenance.
  • Lesson 10: Legal Responsibilities & Building Codes.

    The United Kingdom:

    There are many institutions that offer training in plumbing, which includes the installation of hot and cold water systems and the installation of solar water heating systems.

    MET-UK is the UK's leading construction training and work placement provider. They "work backwards" by designing courses with employers and changing industry regulations in mind.

    MET-UK offers the Solar Domestic Hot Water Heating Systems Course.

    Suitability: The course is aimed at existing Plumbers/Gas Engineers wanting to take advantage of the expanding solar market and is made up of a mix of practical and theory training at MET-UK's Centre of Excellence.

    Course Content:

    BPEC (Level 3) Solar Domestic Hot Water Heating Systems:
  • Introduction to solar heating.
  • Hot water storage and key installation issues.
  • Plumbing layout and design of solar water heating systems.
  • Control and power requirements.
  • Solar collectors.
  • Preparing to install a solar heating system.
  • Fitting solar collectors.
  • System commissioning and handover to client.

    The institution called City and Guilds offers the Plumbing Technical Certificate (6129):
  • Introduction.
  • Key Plumbing Principles.
  • Cold Water Systems.
  • Central Heating Systems.
  • Above ground discharge systems.
  • Effective working relationships.
  • System maintenance and de-commissioning.
  • Health and Safety.
  • Common Plumbing processes.
  • Hot water systems.
  • Electricity.
  • Sheet lead work.
  • Environmental awareness.
  • Bathroom planning and system design.

    The organisation called the Construction Training Services offers a course called the City & Guilds Level 2 Certificate in Basic Plumbing Studies.

    The qualification structure is as follows:
  • Safety in Plumbing Activities.
  • Key Plumbing Principles.
  • Common Plumbing Processes.
  • Cold Water Systems.
  • Domestic Hot Water Systems.
  • Sanitation Systems.
  • Central Heating Systems (Pipework Only).
  • Electrical Supply and Earth Continuity.
  • Sheet Lead Weathering.
  • Environmental Awareness in Plumbing.
  • Effective Working Relationships in the Plumbing Industry.
  • Basic Plumbing Studies Core Underpinning Knowledge (Question Paper).
  • Basic Plumbing Studies Practical Tasks.

    IT Power Ltd is addressing problems regarding a shortage of knowledgeable and suitably qualified installers to carry out these installations. Their idea is to devise a course of recognised and auditable quality, providing theoretical and practical training to potential installers of solar water heating systems. A key problem is that solar water heating is not a major component of nationally recognised vocational qualifications. Courses that do exist have varying content and adopt different teaching approaches. By devising a course through a recognised certification scheme in the plumbing and heating industry, a consistency in subjects taught is ensured.

    Moreover, by striking a careful balance between theory and practice, installers are given the experience vital for the proper installation of these systems. The course is being devised with the option for accreditation through ISPQ Europe. This organisation is involved in the development of standards for the installation of renewable energy systems.


    PCDI Canada, which is a respected, worldwide leader in distance education, offers a course in plumbing similar to the one offered by Ashworth High School College in the US. It is comprehensive course that includes much more than just the installation of hot water systems (as in this qualification). The overlap between this Qualification and Ashworth's extends to:
  • Selecting, using, and maintaining the right tools.
  • Health and safety.
  • Handling ladders, scaffolds, ropes, and hoisting devices.
  • Installing pipes.
  • Installing hot water systems.

    RETScreen International Clean Energy Decision Support Centre of Canada also provides web-based training in solar heating. Included in their training are examples from Lesotho and Botswana. While some of their training is at the level of this Qualification much of it is at a higher level.


    UAB Viessmann organizes regular (two times per month) courses for solar heating installers and planners. Target groups of the courses are heating engineers, installers, energy planners and developers, and energy consulting personnel. It is one-day course, which included theoretical and practical lectures. The content of the lectures is as follows:

    Theoretical part:
  • Solar radiation energy (renewable energy sources and potential of solar energy in Lithuania).
  • Methods of solar energy usage (passive and active).
  • Type of solar heating systems and construction.
  • Installation possibilities of solar heating systems, practical examples.
  • Technological principles of solar heating systems operation (hydraulic schemes, hot water production).
  • Accessories of solar heating system and installation.
  • Requirements and guidance of solar heating system design and installation (selection of solar heating system, required heating surface, bleeder, calculation of tube diameters and circulation pump etc).

    Practical part:
  • Demonstration example of solar heating system and explanation of the operating principles.
  • Failures identification and removal.

    Target students include solar installers, plumbers, heating engineers, housing and building developers and other energy companies. Each trainee is expected to have plumbing and basic electrical skills before starting a course in the installation and layout of heat pump systems. For plumbing, these skills include cutting pipe, soldering pipe joints, gluing pipe joints, lagging, sealing fittings, testing for leaks and installation of heating systems. In regard to electrical aspects, the installer should be familiar with basic electrical concepts and terms.


    SOLARGE is a European co-operation project - supported by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme of the European Union - to open up markets for large collective solar thermal systems for multi-family buildings, hotels, public and social buildings. Its main office is in Denmark. SOLARGE offers training and assistance to installers of solar thermal systems. Training material for educational measures has been produced within the SOLARGE project. As follows there is an overview of the slides that have been produced within SOLARGE.

    The following training information is available - just the information relevant to this Qualification has been chosen:
  • SOLARGE course on CSTS 01 Introduction:
    > Chapter 1: Introduction.
  • SOLARGE course on CSTS 2 Basics:
    > Chapter 2: Basics.
  • SOLARGE course on CSTS 06 Collector Field:
    > Chapter 6: Collector Field.
  • SOLARGE course on CSTS07 - Further Components:
    > Chapter 7: Further Components.
  • SOLARGE course on CSTS 08 Mounting and Initial Operation:
    > Chapter 8: Mounting and Initial Operation.

    Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Israel and Kuwait were also investigated because these are very hot countries and the use of solar energy would significantly reduce dependence on electricity and other sources of energy. However, not much information on training in solar collector installation is available even though Israel leads in the per capita usage of solar water heating systems. Companies that sell solar thermal products conduct their own in-house training.

    India is a rising technological giant and the country is making significant attempts to use solar energy. In some areas no new buildings may be built unless solar collectors are installed. Again, not much information on training could be obtained.

    Taiwan is a significant producer of solar heating products but information on training and qualifications is not available.


    This country is a huge market for solar heating systems. While information on qualifications and training programmes is limited the Standards for Solar Water Heaters Orientation Workshop was held several years ago. The workshop was organized by the Chinese Standard Research Center and supported by the SETC UNDP/GEF Project. The workshop was devised by a project working group (consisting of China National Institute of Standardization, Beijing Solar Energy Research Institute, Profession Committee of the Exploitation of Solar Energy of Chinese Society for Energy Sources of the Countryside) set up to ensure effective implementation of activities in this arena. According to the presentations made by experts at the workshop, a rough list was made of the standards needed to be developed:
  • Technical specifications for the design, installation, checking and accepting for solar water heating system.
  • Technical specifications for flat type solar water heaters.
  • Testing method for the performance of flat type solar water heaters.
  • Testing method for the reliable and enduring ability of vacuum tube solar water heaters.
  • Testing method for the performance of vacuum tube solar water heaters.
  • Technical specifications for vacuum tube solar water heaters.
  • Testing method for quality and safety requirements of the component (mainly water tank) of solar water heaters.

    The Mediterranean Renewable Energy Centre (MEDREC) operates in Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco in many projects, including the utilization of solar thermal energy. However, no information on training of solar heating installers is available.


    Through the United Nations Development Programme, three projects were initiated to install solar water heaters in poor areas of El Menia. Not much is available about training programmes per se but there was some capacity building for community members regarding the installation and maintenance of solar heaters.


    The Denmark-based Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy is a non-profit, independent, organization that provides research, development of technology, training and information for the manufacture, industrial innovation and implementation of renewable energy technologies and energy savings in Denmark and throughout the world. Nordic Folkecenter conducts various types of training in Uganda and one of their courses is a "Training Workshop on Solar Water Heating systems". The duration of the course is one week and it is for foreign immigrants in Denmark, including Ugandans. The nature of the training is not specified.

    Ghana, Nigeria, Botswana and Zimbabwe were also considered but the information on qualifications and training is not available. Training is carried out by international companies whose products are sold in these countries.


    While there are many training programmes or short courses in the countries investigated, no country offers the kind of extended training envisaged by this Qualification. This Qualification not only addresses the installation of solar water systems but the installation of cold and hot water systems. In addition, the Qualification addresses a number of related aspects like health and safety, use of access equipment and harnesses and basic first aid. 

    Horizontal Articulation:
  • ID 61689: National Certificate: Community Water, Health and Sanitation Promotion at NQF Level 2.
  • ID 49410: National Certificate: Construction at NQF Level 2.
  • ID 24273: National Certificate: Community house building at NQF Level 2.

    Vertical Articulation:
  • ID 24295: National Certificate: Timber Roof Erecting at NQF Level 3.
  • ID 60190: National Certificate: Water and Wastewater Process Control at NQF Level 3.
  • ID 60155: National Certificate: Water and Wastewater Reticulation Services at NQF Level 3. 

  • This Qualification and its Unit Standards will be internally assessed and externally moderated by a moderator registered by the relevant accredited ETQA or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant accredited ETQA. Providers should establish or refine existing moderation procedures and systems at their institutions with a view to aligning them with the requirements of the relevant ETQA.
  • The learner's performance/results should be moderated by one or more external moderators. Moderators should report not only on the standard of achievement but also on the validity and reliability of the assessment strategies, design and criteria in relation to the Unit Standards and the purpose and Exit Level Outcomes of the Qualification.
  • Moderators must be competent at the level of the Qualification and registered with the relevant accredited ETQA to ensure that the standard is consistent. Moderators must also be registered as assessors with the relevant ETQA. A relevant accredited ETQA will monitor and quality assure moderation and assessment according to the guidelines in the Qualification.
  • Providers must be accredited to provide this Qualification with the relevant ETQA or ETQA that has a Memorandum of understanding in place with the relevant ETQA. 

  • Assessors must be registered as assessors with a relevant accredited ETQA. Providers must also be accredited as providers with a relevant accredited ETQA. Providers will primarily use their own qualified staff as assessors but may, if they wish make use of tutors and/or outside accredited assessors or assessment agencies provided that the provider monitors the process.
  • Internal and external assessors must have an appropriate Qualification at least one level above the level of the Qualification or appropriate experience in plumbing. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 


    Core  229998  Explain and perform fall arrest techniques when working at height  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Core  9964  Apply health and safety to a work area  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  262786  Apply plumbing principles as they pertain to the installation of a hot water system  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  262765  Install and test water supply systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02  22 
    Core  262784  Mount solar water heating system  Level 2  NQF Level 02  20 
    Core  120496  Provide risk-based primary emergency care/first aid in the workplace  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  14054  Read and interpret construction drawings and specifications  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Core  261664  Erect, use and dismantle access equipment for construction work  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  119463  Access and use information from texts  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9009  Apply basic knowledge of statistics and probability to influence the use of data and procedures in order to investigate life related problems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7480  Demonstrate understanding of rational and irrational numbers and number systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9008  Identify, describe, compare, classify, explore shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional shapes in different contexts  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  119454  Maintain and adapt oral/signed communication  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  119460  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  7469  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal and community life  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  9007  Work with a range of patterns and functions and solve problems  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Fundamental  119456  Write/present for a defined context  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  10007  Identify, analyse and select business opportunities  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  12878  Use and maintain Power Hand Tools on a construction Site  Level 1  NQF Level 01 
    Elective  9976  Apply basic business concepts  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  14556  Apply productivity principles on a construction site  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  9986  Apply quality principles on a construction site  Level 2  NQF Level 02  12 
    Elective  9982  Comply with legal requirements for a construction contract  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  246463  Demonstrate knowledge of water cycle, water and wastewater systems and processes  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  119059  Install and maintain a below ground drainage system  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  262765  Install and test water supply systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02  22 
    Elective  119077  Install control valves  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  119057  Install, test and maintain above ground drainage systems  Level 2  NQF Level 02  10 
    Elective  14336  Maintain records on a constuction site  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  119672  Manage marketing and selling processes of a new venture  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  119670  Produce a business plan for a new venture  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  12463  Understand and deal with HIV/AIDS  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  119075  Understand and describe basic plumbing principles  Level 2  NQF Level 02 
    Elective  263245  Erect, use and dismantle access scaffolding  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  262592  Guide the lifting and positioning of loads  Level 3  NQF Level 03 

    LP ID Learning Programme Title Originator Pre-2009
    NQF Level
    NQF Level Min Credits Learning Prog End Date Quality
    NQF Sub-Framework
    65858  National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation  Generic Provider - Field 12  Level 2  NQF Level 02  122     CETA  OQSF 
    96404  National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation  Generic Provider - Field 12  Not Applicable  NQF Level 02  122     EWSETA  OQSF 

    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    LP ID Learning Programme Title Accredited Provider
    65858  National Certificate: Hot Water System Installation  1. Africa International Training Facilities T/A AITF (BREDELL) (TP)
    2. Better Best Agri Development
    4. PCD College cc
    5. Schoolboy Training Centre
    6. Tjeka Training Matters Pty Ltd
    7. Training Force (Pty) Ltd  

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.