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Further Education and Training Certificate: Youth Development 
57428  Further Education and Training Certificate: Youth Development 
SGB Development 
ETDP SETA - Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority  OQSF - Occupational Qualifications Sub-framework 
Further Ed and Training Cert  Field 05 - Education, Training and Development  Adult Learning 
Undefined  146  Level 4  NQF Level 04  Regular-Unit Stds Based 
Passed the End Date -
Status was "Reregistered" 
SAQA 9999/99  2018-07-01  2023-06-30 
2026-06-30   2029-06-30  

In all of the tables in this document, both the pre-2009 NQF Level and the NQF Level is shown. In the text (purpose statements, qualification rules, etc), any references to NQF Levels are to the pre-2009 levels unless specifically stated otherwise.  

This qualification does not replace any other qualification and is not replaced by any other qualification. 


The purpose of the qualification is to prepare practitioners who are responsible for the development of young adults in initiatives designed to develop the youth and to integrate them into the working economy and society. Youth development practitioners/workers must be competent regarding professional conduct, protocol, networking, process facilitation, coaching and mentoring, lay-counselling, facilitating learning, managing projects, facilitating entry into the labour market, research, communication and various other areas of specialisation. They have a role in facilitating the learning of and supporting the youth during the work experience that they undertake in communities, government and various organisations.

This FETC offers competent development workers the opportunity to have their learning achievements formally recognised through a qualification registered on the NQF. This recognition will facilitate access to, and mobility and progression within youth and general development practice education, training and career paths. By setting a minimum standard for education and training, quality is ensured. Qualified learners have improved education, training and employment opportunities and can facilitate such opportunities for others.

Qualified learners are able to engage with young people and ensure their participation in all phases of development interventions, and work with them to ensure sustainability and ownership. They can facilitate the mainstreaming of young people. They understand the history of youth development, youth development structures, policies and legislation to take advantage of opportunities created, and the definition of youth development. They can identify and describe the indicators and outcomes of youth development interventions, and can facilitate access to economic, development, career, and other opportunities for young people. They understand the physical and socio-economic needs of, and challenges and opportunities for young people, and promote citizenship. Qualified learners avoid political, gender, race, religion, etc. bias when facilitating access to opportunities, respect others and are service-oriented and value-driven. They are flexible, to deal with diversity, and can work independently, both as leaders and as part of a team.

Qualified learners are capable of:
  • Developing and empowering themselves for youth development practice.
  • Assessing specific community needs and responses for youth development interventions.
  • Building and maintaining relationships with all relevant stakeholders for various purposes of youth development.
  • Facilitating the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitating processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Contributing effectively to national youth development initiatives.
  • Implementing youth development projects for sustainability.


    The youth development sector requires this qualification to ensure that qualified learners are able to facilitate enabling processes for youth development. The qualification is set to provide much needed recognition for youth development workers, and to ensure that youth development work is recognised as a profession.

    Qualified learners can be employed in local government (e.g. youth desks), most other government departments (e.g. Department of Social Development, Health, Trade and Industry, etc.), national youth service programmes (e.g. as team leaders), youth assessment centres and multi-purpose community centres, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), Faith-Based Organisations (FBOs) and Church-based Organisations (CBOs), training providers focusing on youth development and businesses, impacting especially on the Small, Micro, and Medium Enterprise sector.

    This qualification is aimed at entry-level youth development workers. The profile of these target learners vary considerably, and can include those who have qualifications in other fields but no experience in the youth development sector or those who have experience in the youth development sector but no qualification or recognition of their competencies. Some learners have already achieved qualifications in other fields at this level or even at higher levels. The achievement of this qualification through Recognition of Prior Learning will provide access for qualified learners to Higher Education. Qualified learners can progress to higher levels of learning regarding youth development practice or development practice in general.

    The impact of youth development initiatives on South African society and the economy is significant. For example, quality youth development work can impact positively on scarce skills experienced by the youth, such as literacy and language competence, technical competence to ensure sustainability, financial and economic literacy, entrepreneurship, self-sufficiency, income and livelihood generation, citizenship, leadership and activism. Youth development work impacts on the youth, which in turn impacts on communities, for example, project participation, and young people becoming active in all spheres of South African society (e.g. economic, political, etc.). Youth development work ensures that the voice of the youth is heard, and empowered youth become an important community resource and can ensure the mobilisation of community resources. 

    Learners are assumed to be competent in:
  • Communication at NQF Level 3.
  • Mathematic literacy at NQF Level 3.
  • Life skills at NQF Level 3.

    Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

    This qualification can be achieved wholly, or in part, through recognition of prior learning. Evidence can be presented in a variety of forms, including previous international or local qualifications, reports, testimonials, mentoring, functions performed, portfolios, work records and performance records. As such, evidence should be judged according to the general principles of assessment described in the notes to assessors below. Learners who have met the requirements of any Unit Standard that forms part of this qualification may apply for recognition of prior learning to the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance body (ETQA). The applicant must be assessed against the specific outcomes and with the assessment criteria for the relevant Unit Standards. A qualification will be awarded should a learner demonstrate that the exit level outcomes of the qualification have been attained.

    Access to the qualification
  • Access to the qualification is open. 


    The Qualification consists of a Fundamental, a Core and an Elective Component.

    To be awarded the Qualification, learners are required to obtain a minimum of 146 credits as detailed below.

    Fundamental component:

    The Fundamental Component consists of Unit Standards in:
  • Mathematical Literacy at NQF Level 4 to the value of 16 credits.
  • Communication at NQF Level 4 in a First South African Language to the value of 20 credits.
  • Communication in a Second South African Language at NQF Level 3 to the value of 20 credits.

    It is compulsory therefore for learners to do Communication in two different South African languages, one at NQF Level 4 and the other at Level 3.

    All Unit Standards in the Fundamental Component are compulsory.

    Core component:
  • The Core Component consists of Unit Standards to the value of 80 credits all of which are compulsory.

    Elective component:

    The Elective Component consists of Unit Standards in a number of specializations each with its own set of Unit Standards. Learners are to choose a specialization area and Elective Unit Standards at least to the value of 10 credits.

    Entrepreneurship and business (Total 39 credits):
  • 114598: Demonstrate and understanding of an entrepreneurial profile, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 13940: Demonstrate knowledge and application of ethical conduct in a business environment, NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 114600: Apply innovative thinking to the development of a small business, NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 13948: Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 115209: Participate in the development of a strategic plan for fundraising, NQF Level 4, 12 credits.
  • 10134: Participate in the estimation and preparation of cost budgets for an element of work and monitor and control actual cost against budget, NQF Level 4, 6 credits.
  • 7827: Source information about self-employment opportunities, NQF Level 4, 3 credits.

    Local Economic Development and Government (Total 25 credits):
  • 110478: Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of a range of research methodologies to undertake local economic development research, NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 110475: Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of the basic economic concepts central to local economic development, NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 110502: Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of the roles, function and responsibilities of the main stakeholders and role players in local economic development, NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 150093: Demonstrate insight into democracy as a form of governance and its implications for a diverse society, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.
  • 110501: Identify and explain the application of a range of concepts and tools for local economic development, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.
  • 110497: Identify and explain the purpose of integrated development planning (IDP), NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 110479: Outline the environment of local economic development in South Africa, Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 110472: Outline the environment of local government, Level 4, 6 credits.
  • 110484: Participate in local economic development related meetings and facilitate the necessary flow of local economic development information, Level 4, 6 credits.

    Environment (Total 79 credits):
  • 115593: Apply facilitation processes to deal with an environmental risk in a local community, NQF Level 4, 10 credits.
  • 114513: Contribute to the preservation of heritage objects/sites/resources, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 114520: Develop heritage education learning programmes, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 114526: Develop products for heritage tourism purposes, NQF Level 4, 16 credits.
  • 115591: Explain and apply environmental legal principles, rights, duties and responsibilities to a specific work context , Level 4, 6 credits.
  • 115598: Explain and apply environmental safety principles and mechanisms in relation to community issues, Level 4, 12 credits.
  • 115596: Explain and apply principles and practices of social participation in society and environment interactions, Level 4, 10 credits.
  • 114522: Facilitate community awareness and participation in preserving heritage resources, NQF Level 4, 10 credits.
  • 114512: Participate in sustainable heritage practices, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.

    Education, Training and Development (Total 118 credits):
  • 114947: Design ways in which individuals in a community can contribute towards creating a caring environment for people who are vulnerable, NQF Level 3, 3 credits.
  • 110503: Describe and explain socio-economic development theories in the South African context, NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 117865: Assist and support learners to manage their learning experiences, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 114478: Conduct basic lay counselling in a structured environment, NQF Level 4, 15 credits.
  • 117870: Conduct targeted training and development using given methodologies, NQF Level 4, 10 credits.
  • 110055: Facilitate learning in development practice, NQF Level 4, 14 credits.
  • 12544: Facilitate the preparation and presentation of evidence for assessment, NQF Level 4, 4 credits.
  • 7387: Fulfil administrative requirements of a learning group, NQF Level 4, 6 credits.
  • 13947: Motivate a team, NQF Level 4, 6 credits.
  • 14549: Network locally, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 117844: Present, analyse and interpret information on conflict situations, NQF Level 5, 15 credits.
  • 114012: Provide a caring environment for youth in conflict with the law, NQF Level 4, 6 credits.
  • 110054: Select and use learning support materials in development practice, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.
  • 110052: Understand and apply theories and principles of transformative development practice, NQF Level 4, 12 credits.
  • 117178: Work as part of a team, under supervision, with children and youth at risk, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.

    Health (Total 42 credits):
  • 15096: Demonstrate an understanding of stress in order to apply strategies to achieve optimal stress levels in personal and work situations, NQF Level 5, 5 credits.
  • 117188: Apply personal development strategies and skills to enhance effective service delivery in child and youth development NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 117189: Describe the use of relationships for developmental and therapeutic ends in child and youth care work (117189), NQF Level 4, 8 credits.
  • 114491: Educate and work closely with the community with regard to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immune Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), NQF Level 4, 10 credits.
  • Identify and apply strategies to deal with risk behavior to promote psychological health and wellness (114483), NQF Level 4, 6 credits.
  • 117506: Implement Health Promotion in the community, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.

    Other (Total 139 credits):
  • 13953: Apply the principles of situational leadership to a business unit, NQF Level 4, 5 credits.
  • 14045: Apply Transformational Leadership by Interacting with Key Stakeholders, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.
  • 114543: Conceptualise performance texts and performances, NQF Level 4, 8 credits.
  • 114548: Create original performances, NQF Level 4, 12 credits.
  • 117895: Demonstrate how society and socially constructed roles impact on gender attitudes and behaviours and contribute to women's oppression, NQF Level 3, 8 credits.
  • 114552: Design aspects for performances, NQF Level 4, 10 credits.
  • 115129: Develop craft production processes and schedules, NQF Level 4, 10 credits.
  • 115139: Develop innovative craft products, NQF Level 4, 15 credits.
  • 114549: Direct performances, NQF Level 4, 12 credits.
  • 13926: Lead an activity for community sport recreation and fitness, NQF Level 4, 16 credits.
  • 115127: Make marketable craft product ranges, NQF Level 4, 15 credits.
  • 115135: Market and retail craft products/range, NQF Level 4, 10 credits.
  • 114554: Perform arts administration functions, NQF Level 4, 10 credits. 

    1. Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Development includes self awareness and own economic and social development, as individual, and development as individual as part of development processes, within the South African national context.

    2. Assess specific community needs and develop processes for youth development interventions.

    3. Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development purposes.
  • This includes entry into communities, collaboration, buy-in, support, etc., relationships include strategic partnerships, networks, youth development resources, etc.

    4. Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Development includes identifying and linking opportunities for individuals and communities, and includes social and economic development of individuals, development as individuals in relation to communities, within the South African national context.

    5. Facilitate youth processes for various purposes.
  • Processes include learning, meetings, workshops, advocacy, awareness, gathering information, etc.

    6. Contribute effectively to national youth development initiatives.
  • Initiatives include legislation, policies, programmes, etc.

    7. Implement youth development projects for sustainability. 

  • Quality of information gathered about development options is appropriate for specific contexts.
  • Own integral development plan is based on analysis of self, community and society strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities and community and society issues that impact on own development, in relation to specified performance requirements, and feasibility within own context.
    Range: Issues can include HIV and AIDS, appropriate technologies for youth development, etc.
  • Action taken is relevant to address own development needs and plans, timely.
  • Evaluation of effectiveness of action taken and review of plan are against planned development and performance requirements, and takes place as regular as required in specific contexts.
    Range: Evaluation can include feedback from others.
  • Own work is contextualised as part of development process within specific environments and own background.
    Range: Environments include local, national, etc.,contextualisation can include interacting with economic environments to explain to communities prioritisation because of limited resources.

  • Community and society issues are identified in term of their potential impact on specific youth development practice and community needs.
  • Participatory processes to address the needs of communities and groups are justified in terms of agreed youth development practice requirements.
    Range: Youth development practice requirements include sensitivity to specific communities, credibility within such communities, etc.
  • Appropriate development processes undertaken are assessed for addressing identified youth development needs.

  • Relationships are selected for relevance and are critical to the achievement of specific purposes of own and youth development.
    Range: Purposes can include networking with stakeholders, for example, to mobilise resources, negotiating for youth access and support, accessing information, marketing, motivating others, communicating decisions, etc.
  • Activities meet requirements of agreed codes of conduct and ethics and relationships are maintained according to agreed requirements.
  • Communication is relevant for specific parties, of required frequency and meets protocol requirements.
    Range: Parties include young people, colleagues, and other relevant stakeholders such as businesses, communities and government.

  • Facilitation of participation and ownership by young people is appropriate for specific contexts and integrated development activities are conducted in consultation with and are relevant to young people.
  • Development activities are organised according to given requirements.
    Range: Requirements can include needs, logistics, resources, timing etc.
  • Referral and links to resources and structures are relevant for identified needs.
  • Participation of young people is evaluated in terms of their contribution to specific components of society including the economy.

  • Group dynamics are managed according to development principles and relevant for specified purposes of group interactions.
  • Existing resources advocated and new resources identified meet specific resource needs.
  • Young people and other role players are advised about livelihood opportunities and risks for the purpose of empowerment and interacting with economic environments to see opportunities.
  • Decision making processes are facilitated taking into account all relevant options.

  • Relevant existing legislation, policies and programmes are described in terms of specific youth development paradigms, implications for specific communities, and relevance to youth development.
    Range: Youth development paradigms include theories, models, approaches, ethics and strategies.
  • Legislative requirements are adhered to.
  • Input into organisational, local, community and youth policy development meet specified requirements of such processes.

  • Projects concepts and plans are assessed for feasibility for specific contexts and against identified youth development needs.
  • Project implementation adheres to concept and plan requirements.
  • Projects are continuously evaluated against specific criteria for sustainability in accordance with plan.
  • Assessment of reporting is accurate and feedback to the stakeholders meet specified requirements.

    Integrated assessment

    The assessment criteria in the unit standards are performance-based, assessing applied competence, rather than only underpinning knowledge, or only skills. The critical cross-field outcomes are also achieved in the unit standards. In addition to the competence assessed to achieve the unit standards, learners must demonstrate that they can achieve the outcomes in an integrated manner, dealing effectively with different and random demands related to occupational and learning contexts, to qualify, and assessment approaches used should be appropriate for assessing applied competence. Integrated assessment is meaningful if there are clear relationships between the purpose statement, exit level outcomes and integrated assessment of this qualification.

    Learners who qualify must be able to integrate concepts, ideas and behaviours across unit standards to achieve the purpose of the qualification. Evidence (as specified in the associated assessment criteria) is required that the learner is able to achieve the exit level outcomes of the qualification as a whole and in an integrated way, and thus its purpose, at the time of the award of the qualification.

    Evidence of integration may be presented by learners when being assessed against the unit standards, and separate assessment for integration may not be necessary. Workplace experience can be recognised when assessing towards this qualification. Integrated assessment should include observable performance as well as the quality of thinking behind such performance. Formative assessment can be employed during learning towards the unit standards and during integration to achieve exit level outcomes, to ensure that integration takes place when summative assessment is employed. 

    The majority of youth development work internationally takes place in Africa, Asia, Central America and the Caribbean, the South Pacific and South America. Other countries involved in youth development work in these regions include the United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and China. Norway, Denmark and Finland have a Vocational Qualification in Youth and Leisure Instruction at a level above this South African qualification.

    According to a recent report regarding youth development work training in the European Union (Training and Education of Youth Workers in Europe, A snapshot - October 2005, by Louise Atkin, Karin Douglas and Maggie Farrell), programmes are mostly taught by universities, at diploma or degree level. Nonetheless, a European Confederation of Youth Clubs working group recommended that six themes be included in all entry-level European youth work training programmes, all of which are also addressed in the core component of this South African qualification, the role and purpose of youth work, methods of youth work, communication skills, human rights and tolerance in youth work, setting up a youth project, and understanding the key issues facing young people.

    The New Zealand framework does not contain a qualification at the equivalent level of this South African qualification. However, the qualification at a level above this qualification requires equivalent notional hours at the same level as the South African qualification. The unit standards compare well, with equitable estimated notional hours, as follows:

    Diploma in Youth Work (equivalent level unit standards only)
  • Deal with violence in a social service workplace, SA Qualification: Not included.
  • Implement a self care plan for social service work, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Explain legal structures and laws for social service practice, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Analyse ethics for social service work, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Facilitate groups in social service work, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Prepare and write social service reports, SA Qualification: Fundamental.
  • Facilitate conflict resolution in social service work, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Facilitate social service meetings or hui, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Co-ordinate hui on and off marae for social service purposes, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Assist social service users to access social services in the community, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of human development and health for youth work, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Establish and maintain a working relationship with tangata whenua as a youth worker, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Establish role in the community as a youth worker, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Provide information for specific needs in a youth work setting, SA Qualification: Core.

    In the United States of America (USA), the National Collaboration for Youth specifies the core, entry-level youth development worker competencies in the USA as follows, compared to the South African qualification exit level outcomes:

    National Collaboration for Youth (USA)
  • Understands and applies basic child and adolescent development principles.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Understands ages and stages of child development.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Applies fundamentals of positive youth development.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • All (integrated).
  • Takes into consideration trends and issues that affect children and youth.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Contribute effectively to national youth development initiatives.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Communicates and develops positive relationships with youth.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Listens, in a non-judgmental way.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Uses the language of respect.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Exhibits concern for the well being of others and interest in the feelings and experiences of others

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Adapts, facilitates and evaluates age appropriate activities with and for the group

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Contribute effectively to national youth development initiatives.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Relates to and engages the group

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Initiates, sustains and nurtures group interactions and relationships through completion of an ongoing project or activity

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.

    Teaches and models effective problem solving and conflict negotiation.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Guides group behaviour in an age-appropriate manner.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Respects and honours cultural and human diversity

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Exhibits an awareness of commonalities and differences (such as gender, race, age, culture, ethnicity, class, religion, disability) among youth of diverse backgrounds and shows respect for those of different talents, abilities, sexual orientation and faith.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Builds on diversity among and between individuals to strengthen the program community, and the community at large.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Serves as a role model for the principles of inclusion and tolerance.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Involves and empowers youth.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Actively consults and involves youth to encourage youth to contribute to programs and to the communities in which they live.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Organizes and facilitates youth leadership development activities.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Identifies potential risk factors (in a program environment) and takes measures to reduce those risks.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.

    Identifies basic risk and protective factors in youth development.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.

    Designs and monitors emotionally and physically safe program environments interactions, and activities for youth and intervenes when safety demands it.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Identifies potential issues (and possible signs and symptoms) with youth that require intervention or referral (e.g., suicidal tendencies, substance abuse, child abuse, violent tendencies, eating disorders, obesity, sexually transmitted diseases).

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • All (integrated).
  • Cares for, involves and works with families and community.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Understands and cares about youth and their families.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.

    Actively engages family members in program and community initiatives.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Understands the greater community context in which youth and families live.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Contribute effectively to national youth development initiatives.
  • Communicates effectively with youth and their families - one-to-one communications as well as in group settings.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • All (fundamental).
  • Works as part of a team and shows professionalism.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Articulates a personal "vision" of youth development work (to co-workers, volunteers, and participants) and expresses current and potential contributions to that vision.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Adheres to ethical conduct and professionalism at all times (confidentiality, honouring appropriate boundaries).

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • All (integrated).
  • Acts in a timely, appropriate and responsible manner.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • All (integrated).

    Is accountable, through work in teams and independently by accepting and delegating responsibility.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.
  • Displays commitment to the mission of the agency.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • All (integrated).
  • Demonstrates the attributes and qualities of a positive role model.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Models, demonstrates and teaches positive values like caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.

    Incorporates wellness practices into personal lifestyle.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Practices stress management and stress reduction.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Develop and empower self for youth development practice.
  • Interacts with and relates to youth in ways that support asset building.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Build and maintain relationships with all relevant stakeholders for youth development.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.

    Challenges and develops values and attitudes of youth in a supportive manner.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Assess specific community needs and development processes responses for youth development interventions.
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.

    Designs program activities, structure and collaborations that show evidence of asset building.

    SA Exit Level Outcomes
  • Facilitate the development of young people to realise their potential.
  • Facilitate processes for various youth development purposes.
  • Contribute effectively to national youth development initiatives.
  • Implement youth development projects for sustainability.

    A certificate offered by the USA-based YouthNet in collaboration with the Metropolitan Community Colleges compares to this South African qualification as follows:

    Youth Development Worker Certificate (USA)
  • Introduction to human services, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Self exploration, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Field experience in a social service, mental health, juvenile treatment, community based or other community service agency, SA Qualification: Core and Elective.
  • Strategies useful in learning to work with different client populations, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Establishing necessary relationships, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Principles of Youth Work, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Theory and practice of youth development, SA Qualification: Core.

    On the Australian framework, an equivalent certificate compares as follows with this South African qualification:

    Certificate IV in Youth Work

  • Work effectively with young people, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Provide care and protection to young people, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Support young people to address their circumstances, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Provide appropriate services for young people, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Apply a community development framework, SA Qualification: Core and Elective.
  • Utilise specialist communication skills to build strong relationships, SA Qualification: Fundamental and Core.
  • Work within a legal and ethical framework, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Facilitate co-operative behaviour, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Respond holistically to client issues, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers, SA Qualification: Core.
  • Participate in workplace safety procedures, SA Qualification: Core(integrated).

  • Support young people in crisis OR Respond to critical situations, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Process and maintain workplace information, SA Qualification: Fundamental.
  • Orientation to the alcohol and other drugs work, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Identify and respond to children and young people at risk of harm, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Assess and respond to individuals at risk of self-harm or suicide, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Recognise and respond to domestic and family violence, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Orientation to mental health work, SA Qualification: Elective.
  • Provide support services to clients, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Work with other services, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Maintain an effective work environment, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Work effectively with the families of young people, SA Qualification: Core (integrated).
  • Apply basic First Aid AND/OR Apply advanced First Aid, SA Qualification: Learning assumed to be in place.
  • Maintain First Aid equipment and resources, SA Qualification: Not included.
  • Undertake case management OR Establish and monitor a case plan, SA Qualification: Elective.

    The South African qualification is one of very few qualifications at this level for youth development worker training internationally. It compares well with those few that exist. 

    Vertical articulation is possible with the following NQF Level 5 qualifications:
  • Higher Education and Training Certificate: Development Practice, ID: 23095.
  • National Diploma: Development Practice, ID: 49710.
  • National Certificate: Management, ID: 24493.
  • Higher Certificate: Occupationally Directed Education Training and Development Practices, ID: 48873.
  • National Diploma: Occupationally Directed Education, Training and Development Practices, ID: 50333.
  • National Certificate: Local Economic Development, ID: 36438.
  • National Diploma: ABET Practice, ID: 20159.

    Horizontal articulation is possible with the following NQF Level 4 qualifications:
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Project Management, ID: 50080.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate (FETC): Community Facilitation in Society and Environment Interactions, ID: 48884.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Development Practice, ID: 23094.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Management, ID: 23656.
  • National Certificate: Occupationally Directed Education Training and Development Practices, ID: 48870.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Fundraising, ID: 48854.
  • National Certificate: Local Economic Development, ID: 36436.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Heritage Practice, ID: 48812.
  • National Certificate in ABET Practice, ID: 20838.
  • National Certificate: Local Employment and Skills Development Practices, ID: 23976.
  • National Certificate: Corrections Science, ID: 24197.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Child and Youth Care Work, ID: 49093.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Community Health Work, ID: 49131.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Performing Arts, ID: 48808.
  • Further Education and Training Certificate: Craft Enterprise, ID:48809. 

    Moderation of assessment and accreditation of providers shall be at the discretion of a relevant ETQA. The ETQA is responsible for moderation of learner achievements of learners who meet the requirements of this qualification. Particular moderation and accreditation requirements are:
  • Any institution offering learning that will enable the achievement of this qualification must be accredited as a provider with the relevant ETQA. Providers offering learning towards achievement of any of the unit standards that make up this qualification must also be accredited by the relevant ETQA.
  • The ETQA will oversee assessment and moderation of assessment according to their policies and guidelines for assessment and moderation, or in terms of agreements reached around assessment and moderation between the relevant ETQA and other ETQAs and in terms of the moderation guideline detailed here.
  • Moderation must include both internal and external moderation of assessments for the qualification, unless the relevant ETQA policies specify otherwise. Moderation should also encompass achievement of the competence described in Unit Standards as well as the integrated competence described in the qualification.
  • Internal moderation of assessment must take place at the point of assessment with external moderation provided by a relevant ETQA according to the moderation guidelines and the agreed ETQA procedures.
  • Anyone wishing to be assessed against this qualification may apply to be assessed by any assessment agency, assessor or provider institution that is accredited by the relevant ETQA. 

    Assessment of learner achievements takes place at providers accredited by the relevant ETQA (RSA, 1998b) for the provision of programs that result in the outcomes specified for this qualification. Anyone assessing a learner or moderating the assessment of a learner against this qualification must be registered as an assessor with the relevant ETQA. Assessors registered with the relevant ETQA must carry out the assessment of learners for the qualification and any of the Unit Standards that make up this qualification.

    To register as an assessor, the following are required:
  • A relevant qualification/s, practical training completed, and/or experience gained in the relevant field at an NQF level above the level of this qualification
  • Registration as an assessor with the relevant ETQA or an ETQA that has a Memorandum of Understanding with the relevant ETQA.

    Assessors should keep the following general principles in mind when designing and conducting assessments:
  • Focus the initial assessment activities on gathering evidence in terms of the main outcomes expressed in the titles of the Unit Standards to ensure assessment is integrated rather than fragmented. The learner must be declared competent in terms of the qualification purpose and exit level outcomes.
  • Where assessment across Unit Standard titles or at Unit Standard title level is unmanageable, then focus assessment around each specific outcome, or groups of specific outcomes. Take special note of the need for integrated assessment.
  • Make sure evidence is gathered across the entire range, wherever it applies.

    In particular, assessors should assess that the learner demonstrates an ability to consider a range of options by:
  • Measuring the quality of the observed practical performance as well as the theory and underpinning knowledge.
  • Using methods that are varied to allow the learner to display thinking and decision making in the demonstration of practical performance.
  • Maintaining a balance between practical performance and theoretical assessment methods to ensure each is measured in accordance with the level of the qualification.
  • Taking into account that the relationship between practical and theoretical components is not fixed, but varies according to the type and level of qualification.

    All assessments should be conducted in line with the following well-documented principles:
  • Appropriate: The method of assessment is suited to the performance being assessed.
  • Fair: The method of assessment does not present any barriers to achievements, which are not related to the evidence.
  • Manage: The methods used make for easily arranged cost-effective assessments that do not unduly interfere with learning.
  • Integrate into work or learning: Evidence collection is integrated into the work or learning process where this is appropriate and feasible.
  • Valid: The assessment focuses on the requirements laid down in the standards; i.e. the assessment is fit for purpose.
  • Direct: The activities in the assessment mirror the conditions of actual performance as close as possible.
  • Authentic: The assessor is satisfied that the work being assessed is attributable to the learner being assessed.
  • Sufficient: The evidence collected establishes that all criteria have been met and that performance to the required Standard can be repeated consistently.
  • Systematic: Planning and recording is sufficiently rigorous to ensure that assessment is fair.
  • Open: Learners can contribute to the planning and accumulation of evidence. Learners for assessment understand the assessment process and the criteria that apply.
  • Consistent: The same assessor would make the same judgement again in similar circumstances. The judgement made is similar than the judgement that would be made by other assessors. 

    As per the SAQA Board decision/s at that time, this qualification was Reregistered in 2012; 2015. 


    Core  120385  Apply a range of project management tools and techniques  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  115587  Collect and present community needs information  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  110057  Conduct a self-evaluation of own progress and development  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  110056  Conduct advocacy campaigns and workshops in development practice  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Core  113965  Demonstrate and apply knowledge of role and responsibility of national government in South Africa  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  119662  Describe the relevance of human rights and democratic practices in South African society  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  230447  Describe youth development paradigms  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  120382  Plan, organise and support project meetings and workshops  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  120379  Work as a project team member  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Core  15238  Devise and apply strategies to establish and maintain relationships  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Core  117871  Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  10 
    Core  117874  Guide learners about their learning, assessment and recognition opportunities  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5 
    Fundamental  119472  Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  119457  Interpret and use information from texts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  119467  Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  119465  Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Fundamental  9015  Apply knowledge of statistics and probability to critically interrogate and effectively communicate findings on life related problems  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  119462  Engage in sustained oral/signed communication and evaluate spoken/signed texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  119461  Make and motivate judgements on selected literary texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  119469  Read/view, analyse and respond to a variety of texts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  9016  Represent analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  7468  Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business, national and international issues  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Fundamental  12153  Use the writing process to compose texts required in the business environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  117895  Demonstrate how society and socially constructed roles impact on gender attitudes and behaviours and contribute to women's oppression  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  114947  Design ways in which individuals in a community can contribute towards creating a caring environment for people who are vulnerable  Level 3  NQF Level 03 
    Elective  115593  Apply facilitation processes to deal with an environmental risk in a local community  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  114600  Apply innovative thinking to the development of a small business  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  117188  Apply personal development strategies and skills to enhance effective service delivery in child and youth development  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13953  Apply the principles of situational leadership to a business unit  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14045  Apply Transformational Leadership by Interacting with Key Stakeholders  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  117865  Assist and support learners to manage their learning experiences  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114543  Conceptualise performance texts and performances  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114478  Conduct basic lay counselling in a structured environment  Level 4  NQF Level 04  15 
    Elective  117870  Conduct targeted training and development using given methodologies  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  114513  Contribute to the preservation of heritage objects/sites/resources  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114548  Create original performances  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  110478  Demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of a range of research methodologies to undertake local economic development research  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114598  Demonstrate an understanding of an entrepreneurial profile  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110475  Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and understanding of the basic economic concepts central to local economic development  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110502  Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of the roles, function and responsibilities of the main stakeholders and role players in local economic development  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110503  Describe and explain socio-economic development theories in the South African context  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  117189  Describe the use of relationships for developmental and therapeutic ends in child and youth care work  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114552  Design aspects for performances  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  115129  Develop craft production processes and schedules  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  114520  Develop heritage education learning programmes  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  115139  Develop innovative craft products  Level 4  NQF Level 04  15 
    Elective  114526  Develop products for heritage tourism purposes  Level 4  NQF Level 04  16 
    Elective  114549  Direct performances  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  114491  Educate and work closely with the community with regard to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including Human Immune Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  115591  Explain and apply environmental legal principles, rights, duties and responsibilities to a specific work context  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  115598  Explain and apply environmental safety principles and mechanisms in relation to community issues  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  115596  Explain and apply principles and practices of social participation in society and environment interactions  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  114522  Facilitate community awareness and participation in preserving heritage resources  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  110055  Facilitate learning in development practice  Level 4  NQF Level 04  14 
    Elective  12544  Facilitate the preparation and presentation of evidence for assessment  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  7387  Fulfil administrative requirements of a learning group  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114483  Identify and apply strategies to deal with risk behaviour to promote psychological health and wellness  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110501  Identify and explain the application of a range of concepts and tools for local economic development  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110497  Identify and explain the purpose of integrated development planning (IDP)  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  117506  Implement Health Promotion in the community  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  115127  Make marketable craft product ranges  Level 4  NQF Level 04  15 
    Elective  115135  Market and retail craft products / range  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  13947  Motivate a team  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  13948  Negotiate an agreement or deal in an authentic work situation  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  14549  Network locally  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110479  Outline the environment of local economic development in South Africa  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110472  Outline the environment of local government  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110484  Participate in local economic development related meetings and facilitate the necessary flow of local economic development information  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114512  Participate in sustainable heritage practices  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  115209  Participate in the development of a strategic plan for fundraising  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  120375  Participate in the estimation and preparation of cost budget for a project or sub project and monitor and control actual cost against budget  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  114554  Perform arts administration functions  Level 4  NQF Level 04  10 
    Elective  114012  Provide a caring environment for youth in conflict with the law  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110054  Select and use learning support materials in development practice  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  7827  Source information about self-employment opportunities  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  110052  Understand and apply theories and principles of transformative development practice  Level 4  NQF Level 04  12 
    Elective  117178  Work as part of a team, under supervision, with children and youth at risk  Level 4  NQF Level 04 
    Elective  117844  Present, analyse and interpret information on conflict situations  Level 5  Level TBA: Pre-2009 was L5  15 


    This information shows the current accreditations (i.e. those not past their accreditation end dates), and is the most complete record available to SAQA as of today. Some Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionaries have a lag in their recording systems for provider accreditation, in turn leading to a lag in notifying SAQA of all the providers that they have accredited to offer qualifications and unit standards, as well as any extensions to accreditation end dates. The relevant Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary should be notified if a record appears to be missing from here.
    1. Afrika Tikkun NCC 
    2. Amaqamu Project Management and Consulting 
    3. B T Group of Companies Pty Ltd 
    4. Breakeven 59(PTY) Ltd 
    6. Dintshang Trading 
    7. Edu-Prof Training Centre 
    10. KDS Centre for Skills Development and Training Pty Ltd 
    11. Kitso Bokamoso Training Solution 
    12. Leronsa Trading Enterprise 
    13. Loago Business Consulting 
    15. Nsovo Learning Academy 
    16. Ntevho-Ketso Training and Recruitement Consultancy cc 
    17. NTI College 
    18. Ntsangalala Business Enterprise 
    19. Petra institute of Development (PTY) Ltd 
    20. Professional Development and Training Institute (Pty) Ltd 
    21. Reflections Development Institute 
    22. Resonance Institute of Learning 
    23. Retshetse Training Project 
    24. Sebenzisanane Human Capital 
    25. Southern African Youth Movement 
    26. STA Performance International 
    27. T Mabuya & Associates (Pty) Ltd 
    28. Tembe Service Providers 
    29. Thabelanang t/a Thabelanang Trading Enterprise 
    31. The Skills Launchpad 
    32. Thuto-Botshabelo Training and Projects (Pty) Ltd 
    33. TMG Quality Services 
    34. Train 2 Teach (PTY) Ltd 
    36. Ulwazi Training & Development 
    37. Vaiti Staffing and Training Solutions cc 

    All qualifications and part qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework are public property. Thus the only payment that can be made for them is for service and reproduction. It is illegal to sell this material for profit. If the material is reproduced or quoted, the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) should be acknowledged as the source.